Greek Mythology: I open a treasure chest at Olympus

Chapter 63: Blood of the Creator

Chapter 63: Blood of the Creator

Chapter 63: Blood of the Creator

“You want me to carry out punishment?” Zeus looked as if he had heard a joke, his eyes gazing icily at Themis.

But the Goddess of justice, Themis, paid no attention to his gaze, just like her blindfolded eyes.

The blindfold was to be free from any illusion or selfishness, experience all things with a just heart and make the justest disposition.

With a solemn face, the Goddess of justice softly pronounced: “Apollo, you have struck back, disobedient to the King of Gods, so fora thousand years, do not step on Olympus, stay in the mortal temple.”

“Zeus, you are the King of Gods; no one is qualified to punish you. But fate will give you a calamity.”

At the end of Themis’s rule, the gods present frowned.

No one was allowed to set foot on Olympus for a thousand years, and fate grants a calamity?

What kind of punishment was all this?

The Goddess of justice was also making peace.

The gods were all thinking the same thing.

Zeus’ face eased, coldly swept Artemis a glance: “You also, DO not step into Olympus for a thousand years.”

Artemis completely ignored him and only carefully cleaned the wounds on Apollo’s body.

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“Since sister Themis has already made her ruling, let this matter go.” Goddess Rhea smiled.

The gods present all nodded their heads.

It was so good that a great battle that shook the entire world ended this way.

Only Ares tried to show his presence in the crowd, but was caught by Hestia, the Goddess of the stove, and dragged away to who knows where.

Hades and Poseidon looked deeply at Zeus and Apollo, said goodbye to Rhea, and turned back to the ocean and the underworld, respectively.

Zeus’s cold face and Hera flew into the air.

Themis, Hermes, and other gods followed him away.

Athena gave a smile to Apollo and also left with him.

Only Demeter, the Goddess of agriculture, smiled at Apollo. “I thought we’d have time to visit my mother, but here we are.”

Rhea looked lovingly at Apollo and Artemis and sighed, “You children have suffered terribly. It is your entire father’s fault. I must speak to him again later.”

Apollo chuckled and said, “Grandmother god, don’t worry about the affairs of our juniors. Our affairs will always be solved by ourselves.”

Looking at his appearance, Rhea could not help but sigh.

You are also like him. Our brothers and Father God were like this back then, and Zeus and my husband were like this too. This is an unavoidable fate…

The Goddess of honor, face full of profound helplessness.

Demeter interjected: “Mother Goddess, Apollo is not lightly injured, let him rest first. We go back first.

“Rhea nodded and said to Apollo, “When you are well rested, you must come with your sister to your divine grandmother.”

Apollo and Artemis nodded.

Rhea and Demeter flew off into the distance.

When they all left, Apollo looked at their departing back and sighed softly, “It is not our fate, but there is someone who cannot let go of his power; he looks powerful, but in reality, is nothing but a coward who only knows how to stare at his throne.”

“Stop talking, and let me take care of your wound.”

Artemis stroked his somewhat pale face, her clear eyes full of pain and pity.

“Go to my temple.”

Apollo looked toward Delphi in the distance.

“Great God of light, you are the brightest star in the vast sky, the Lord of mercy and discernment. Your light will surely travel in the sky, earth, sea, and in the hearts of all spirits …”

Listening to the familiar maiden’s pious prayer, Apollo’s mouth held a smile, looking at the majestic temple in front of him, as well as the statue with a blurred face.

He asked, “Thekasha, why not carve out my face?”

“There has never been a craftsman in this world who could carve a millionth part of your divine beauty.”

Thekasha replied softly, her bright eyes gazing motionlessly at the figure she had missed for years.

Apollo turned his head to look at Chiron.

He praised, “You have performed valiantly today.”

Chiron smiled and tapped his brow with his right fist: “Thank you for your praise; if you had not taught me the practice of fighting, I would not have been able to hold Helios for so long.”

“You can light up the stars so quickly.” Apollo smiled lightly and said, “I set up the constellation of divine messengers in the temple of light. From now, you are ‘sagittarius’, the head of all the constellations of divine messengers.

He said he took out a pair of golden bows and arrows and handed them to Chiron.

Artemis said in surprise: “Isn’t this your bow and arrows?”

She touched the silver bow on her body. The two sets of bows and arrows were built together.

“It’s just a top-grade divine weapon, long useless to me now.”

“Thank you for your gift,” Chiron took the bow and arrows from Apollo’s hand.

He was the most knowledgeable archer who knew how to use a bow and arrow. He had been improving his fighting skills, but he couldn’t find a bow and arrow that he could use.

Now that he got Apollo’s golden bow, he fell in love with it.

Apollo looked at Thekasha and said softly: “Your bravery today also deserves a reward; I also have the divine weapon for you.”

He took out the golden sword of the sun.

Thekasha’s clear eyes shone brightly, and she excitedly accepted the golden sun sword.

“Thank you for the gift; now the Delphi is your devotee, would you like to meet them and envelop the whole Delphi with your glory?”

Before Thekasha could finish her sentence, she was glared at by Artemis.

In an icy tone, she said, “Clean up the temple and let him rest for a while.”

“This Goddess of hunting is so fierce; she doesn’t look like his sister at all.” Thekasha was shocked and hurriedly walked to the temple with Chiron.

After they left, Artemis’ cold face disappeared, and she said to Apollo in an incomparably gentle tone, “You should rest now and not do anything else.”

Apollo nodded his head.

Soon the temple was packed up.

Artemis stood outside and blocked the temple with divine power to let Apollo rest and recuperate.

Looking at his sister, who insisted on guarding the outside, Apollo’s heart was filled with warmth.

She always wanted to do something for him but forgot to take good care of him.

At this time, Apollo suddenly remembered that he had the chance to open the high-level treasure chest he had gotten from Demeter earlier, slightly covering up the movement with magic.

He took out that treasure chest.

After opening it, a voice sounded in his head: Ding, you have opened a high-level treasure chest, obtaining Divine Origin Crystal*150 and Creator’s Blood*1.

The next moment, a golden drop of blood emitting heat appeared in his palm.

“Blood of the Creator?” Apollo said in surprise.

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