Greek Mythology: I open a treasure chest at Olympus

Chapter 85: Gods, please listen to me

Chapter 85: Gods, please listen to me

Chapter 85: Gods, please listen to me

The ocean gods looked at the palace entrance at the same time.

Only to see that outside the tall palace door, somehow spread with gold-like brilliant divine light, sacred and warm, slowly irradiated into the large temple.

In the dazzling golden light, quietly came a golden-haired, handsome, and elegant white-robed young man.

He had a long and well-proportioned body, like the most exquisite sculpture of handsome cheeks, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, each as the God of craftsmen Hephaestus precisely carved works of art.

Especially the pair of golden eyes, but also contained as if to penetrate the hearts of the entire keen, but also with indescribable wisdom and free.

Just a gently hooked-up smile, let the temple in the many beautiful goddesses in the heart of the field of sweetness.

It was like tasting the sweetest milk in the world.

“Your Majesty, Apollo, the vice ruler of the divine court, has come to the ocean to assist you against the rebellion by order of the King of Gods.”

As soon as he walked into the hall, Apollo said calmly to Poseidon.

At this point, the gods of the ocean in the hall then realized the identity of the visitor.

“So it is the God of light Apollo, the vice ruler of the divine court, the most dazzling star of Olympus; no wonder he is so handsome and extraordinary.”

“I heard that he was also born in the ocean, only later returned to Olympus, not long after becoming one the most illustrious twelve Main Gods. He also has a sister, the cold and lonely Goddess of the hunt Artemis, who is also a very good goddess.”

“Typhon rebellion, Olympus fell, His Majesty was defeated, and he was the God of light to save the day, defeated Typhon, which rebuilt Olympus.”

Wow, the God of light is really powerful, the most dazzling star of Olympus. If I can marry him, my life will be worth him.”

“Cut, they already have a wife. Aphrodite is the most beautiful among the goddess, the embodiment of love and beauty. Can you compare with others?”

“Then it’s not bad to be a lover. I want to have a child for him.”

Numerous gods secretly discuss non-stop, especially the many goddesses who were rare and reserved and had side-eye.

This made the tall giant, Antaeus, in the center of the temple, with jealousy in his eyes.

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Originally he was the center of all eyes converging here. You, a small man from outside, also dared to steal my thunder?

He was about to get angry.

But see the most majestic and imposing Father God Poseidon above, actually holding a trident, stood up, face showing the honor of the expression.

“Apollo, you can come to the ocean to help me. It is very good.”

Poseidon, full of smiles from the throne down, came to Apollo, patted his shoulder, and said: “We met a good deal.

“We’ve met several times, but we didn’t talk much. I remember the first time when I was at Triton’s banquet; I didn’t even notice that you were my nephew.”

“The Sea Emperor is in charge of one of the divine systems and has many affairs, so, understandably, he could not recognize me at that time.” Apollo held a smile as he gazed around the hall and beyond.

Poseidon pointed to the tallest son in the crowd and said, “He is Antaeus; you remember, I introduced him to the gods at the banquet of Triton.”

Apollo nodded: “Of course, I remember that time when Ares wanted to make things difficult for me; he was you who knocked him out, Emperor of the Sea.”

“Ares, that reckless man, do not mention him.” Poseidon laughed lightly and introduced the gods in the hall to Apollo.

Only then slowly walked back to the throne.

See the Father God so warm hospitality; Antaeus, too, did not dare to flare up but stood quietly in the temple.

At this time, Apollo gazed at Amphitrite next to Poseidon, smiled, and said.

“Goddess Amphitrite, it’s been a long time. I remember when you invited me to Prince Triton’s banquet as a guest, and afterward, even had a good conversation with me, and we had a very good chat.”

Amphitrite said with a smile on her face, “Yes, you were very young at that time, Apollo, but now you have become a great figure in the divine court, I wonder.”

“How come I don’t see my cousin Triton?” Apollo asked.

Amphitrite glanced at Poseidon with a light smile and replied, “He is being taught by some sages in the palace; young people still need to learn more.”

As Apollo chatted with Amphitrite, the gods of the sea in the hall realized that the newly arrived vice ruler of the divine court had a different kind of friendship with the Queen of Sea.

Some of the gods who had given up supporting Amphitrite and Triton suddenly had a different look in their eyes.

Antaeus also noticed it and hurriedly said: “Aunt Amphitrite, have you forgotten that Father God wants you to teach Brother Triton well? Why don’t you go quickly, don’t be here to attract people to question!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Apollo looking at him: “I have just arrived here. May I ask what has happened?”

“What happened is none of your business as an outsider; this is an internal matter of the ocean,” Antaeus shouted.

“Unbridled, I am the vice ruler of the divine court; the ocean is also part of the divine court. How am I not qualified to ask questions?” Apollo stared at him indifferently.

See Apollo angry, above the eyes of Poseidon flashed a different color deep look at the next Amphitrite.

Immediately spoke out to reconcile: “Antaeus, Apollo is the vice ruler of the divine court, is also your cousin, do not be rude to him.”

“Cousin, is he worthy?” I am the child of my father, but my mother is the mother of the earth, and his father, Zeus, is below me in terms of seniority.”

In this statement, even Poseidon’s face went black.

Zeus was his brother, and Antaeus thought he was above Zeus. This was to put him in what place?

“So he is the son of the Earth Mother, really high generation.” Apollo was laughing.

Antaeus said proudly: “Good to know. I am the noblest bloodline of the gods.”

When he was proud of himself, Apollo suddenly said: “I have just learned a little bit about the situation, Prince Antaeus; you think that the goddess Amphitrite is the daughter of Oceanus and may help her father? But when you think about her, on the argument of Oceanus and Pontos, are your brother Prince Antaeus, how I feel you also need to avoid suspicion.”

“You …”

Antaeus’s eyes were wide, stunned, and he gazed at the golden figure in front of him; for a moment, he couldn’t think of words to defend himself.

Only to look at Apollo angrily and suddenly blast out a fist.


Antaeus’ powerful fist, like a falling meteorite, rumbled down on top of Apollo’s head.

But just as his fist reached Apollo’s side, a brilliant flood of light instantly enveloped his body.

A majestic force then lifted his tall body out of the air.


Antaeus fell heavily on the wall of the hall, smashing a huge hole in the majestic wall.

All the gods looked at this scene in shock.

On the upper throne, Poseidon jerked to his feet on the upper throne, his eyes silently gazing at Apollo.

Antaeus’s strength was not weak as his bloodline with the Earth Mother.

Although not yet adult, he already had the peak of the Main Gods.

In particular, he was tall and powerful enough to fight against the Main Gods in close combat.

He just threw a punch, and he was not able to react.

Apollo seemed to foresee everything in advance and made a move before that, and a divine force knocked Antaeus away.

What an unfathomable god!

Poseidon commented in his heart.

Damn, I’m going to punch you into patties.”

Antaeus roared and got up from the wall, waving his fist and about to hit Apollo again.

At this time, Poseidon’s eyes flooded with bitterness, and the trident in his hand pointed down to the ground.

A huge wave of majestic power immediately knocked back Antaeus.

Poseidon coldly said: “Apollo is right; in terms of blood relations, the gods are all connected; if you want to doubt, no one is worthy of trust.”

After this, he gazed at his wife above: “My Sea Queen, you do not avoid suspicion. Stay here for me to give Apollo a good reception.”

At that moment, some gods rushed in and reported: “No, the ocean gods have attacked our inner sea.”

Poseidon frowned and asked, “Who is leading the attack?”

The god responded with a trembling voice: “The Ocean Lord himself, and even his wife and the two Titans.”

“What, they are all here?” Poseidon’s face was astonished.

The alliance between Oceanus and Pontos was not solid, and they were wary of each other.

So often, during the great war, they would reserve part of their power to prevent the allies from backstabbing.

But this time, the Oceanus system was out in full force.

Just when he was shocked, there was another report from outside: “Sea Emperor, it’s not good. Pontos led many gods to kill from the deep sea.”

When these words came out, the whole temple suddenly fell silent.

“How could this happen? Not only is the Oceanus attacking, but Pontos has also launched an attack there.”

“What should we do now? The most we can do is resist the full force of one of them because they were on guard against each other, and neither of them did their best. Now both sides are full of force, and we can’t resist it alone!”

“They have agreed to destroy us in one battle.”

“Sea Emperor, please make a decision quickly.”

Many sea gods looked at Poseidon in panic.

Poseidon also looked a little uncertain.

It wasn’t that he didn’t expect that both sides of Pontos would launch a general attack with full force, but he didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

His preparations here are not yet complete.

Just as he paled, the golden figure on the side spoke up.

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