Guardian Of The End

Chapter 111 Welcome To The Student Life

'Great, next thing I know, the principal of the academy turns out to be a ladyboy.' Jason sighed.

However, he didn't feel shocked by the revelation. Jason had gotten used to being shocked by a lot of things so tiny things as finding another vessel didn't shock him.

"Oh also, I am the vessel to the Guardian of Dardono." Izzy added while looking at Amber and Jason.

'Now thats surprising…' Jason hadn't expected Izzy to casually reveal that she was a vessel.

[ Not just any vessel. When someone refers to a guardian by the name of their realm, it means that he or she is the strongest guardian present on that realm. Otherwise, this woman would've used the name of her guardian directly. ] Hestia reminded him.

[ Also, she feels kinda weird to me… ]

'Noted.' Jason sighed. It was sometimes annoying and tiring to have two voices inside your head.

"Today, you are going to spend your time roaming around the academy and getting to know what thing is where." Izzy explained before she pointed towards the exit. "Let's go the reception first."

While the other groups still remained inside the arena, Izzy led the children back to the reception.

As soon as the receptionist saw her and the children with her, he hurriedly pulled out five forms and handed it to her.

"Have a good day…" he said in a shaky voice.

"Same to you." Izzy didn't seem to notice the way his body was shaking or if she did notice it, she didn't show it.

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The man nodded before he stood up from his chair and entered a room situated at the back of the reception. He came back with five sets of keys and handed them to Izzy.

"Thank you for your time." Izzy thanked the man before gesturing the children to follow her again.

She guided them towards the Eastern section of the academy where the first year dormitories were situated.

"The dormitories are divided on the basis of classes instead of years. You will find students from higher grades also living near you as well." Izzy explained.

They arrived at the entrance of the Z class dormitories soon which were guarded with a magical barrier.

A gray mist was present outside the entrance to he dormitories which made Jason anxious. He was definitely going to develop a fear of mist.

Izzy finally handed the keys to the children.

"Smear some of your blood on the key." She ordered.

The children nodded and used different ways to do this. None of them flinched since they had experienced worse things than a small cut.

Jason's blood stood out the most since he was the only one having black blood. The keys started to glow once they had been smeared with the blood.

"This key is now bound to you. Its also the only thing that will allow you to enter the dormitories. If you lose it, simply try to think of it and it will reappear in your hand." Izzy informed before pointing towards the entrance.

"I will give you a tour oft he dormitories before allowing taking you around the academy."

The group walked right through the barrier. The area on the other side wasn't exactly what Jason had been expecting.

Six doors were present on the other side of the barrier with the hallway ending about hundred meters away.

'Unless they used magic in building these rooms, I find it hard to believe that they managed to make dormitories in such little space.'

[ Its obvious that they used magic to make this. ]

Jason noticed that each door had a number etched on it, except for the one situated closest to the entrance.

The one situated on the far end of the hallway had the number '1' etched on it. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this as the dormitory for first years.

The only problem was that the door didn't have a keyhole or a doorknob.

"Just touch the door with your key." Izzy said from behind.

Jason being the most curious one, went first. He touched the tip of the key to the door.

'Oh no…' the sensation that took over his body was a familiar one.

His body faded away in an instant as Jason teleported away. The sudden teleportation was more violent than any of the ones Jason had experienced before.

It felt as though someone had entirely reworked his body from the core.

[ Host, just don't feel dizzy because once you get dizzy, nothing good happens. ]

'As if I don't know that…' Jason replied.

He managed to steady himself before looking around the place where he was standing.

'This seems like a mess hall,' Jason observed. His gaze traveled around the place before locating five doors situated all around the place.

Two doors were situated on the far left while the other three doors were situated in the far right.

All the doors had the names of the students etched on them. Jason had bee expecting a male and female division yet the rooms on the left had his and Amber's name etched there.

Jason frowned slightly but he didn't have time to check the rooms personally. The others arrived one after the other.

"This is your mess or dining hall," Izzy informed. "Also, your keys are the only thing that allows you to enter your rooms."

Jason eyed the piece of metal in his hand with a frown. A lot of thing depended on this key.

"Anyways, welcome to the student life. Let's continue the tour."

Jason suddenly had mixed feelings about being in he academy. He had temporarily forgotten that being in an academy meant that he was a student again.

For someone who was a student in his past life, this wasn't a very likable scenario.

'Hopefully, the goods thing present in the academy make it up for this.' Jason sighed as the tour continued.

They roamed around the rest of the academy while Jason put in the details in the system's map.

The new first years returned to their dormitory later on. Cooked food had been set on the dining table in the mess hall.

All of them were tired by the events of the day that they ate their food and immediately retreated to their own rooms despite the time being 3 pm.

'System, keep a check on my surroundings.' Jason ordered before he crashed down on the bed.

He slept like the dead for some reason and when he woke up, it was already morning.

Jason's student life was about to start again.

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