Guardian Of The End

Chapter 145 A Modernish World

'I am waiting for the moment I get to learn the teleportation spell.'

After an unknown amount of time, Jason finally landed on solid ground. The first thing his eyes observed was his clothing.

'First the goddess of truth was dressed in modern clothes and now I am the one who is dressed in them.' Jason sighed.

He was wearing a plain black jeans with a black hoodie on top. The hood was pulled back and touched the back of his neck.

Upon looking at his surroundings, Jason was surprised to see that he was not the only one who looked modern.

His surroundings were similar to that of a city from Earth.

'Is this place even real?' Jason questioned.

[ Hmm… it has mana in it so its not Earth. The mana, however, feels different from that of Clover. Perhaps we are in some other world? ]

'Well, let's start exploring.'

Jason walked around the streets and was pleased to see that the citizens were wearing the clothing from Earth.

Though he liked the clothes he wore in Clover, the feeling of Earthen clothes was different.

[ Where are we going? ]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'No idea. I am just trying to figure out where we are. If I don't learn anything new, I will just exit the city.'

Jason had imprinted the three things told to him by Veritas. After all, he could only leave the place once he had managed to break through those limits.

Ten minutes later…

'Well, thats the entire city. This is the exit.' Jason thought while standing in front of two big metal doors.

The city was a mix of medieval and modern style. Jason had to admit that it would be the perfect place to reincarnate and live in.

[ So should we head out? ]

'I guess.' Jason was about to move out when a frown appeared on his face.

He squinted hard at a figure who was awkwardly moving right in his direction. The figure looked familiar.

"Orion!" Jason suddenly called out.

The figure lifted his head and looked at Jason with a surprised expression. Orion broke into a sprint before stopping a few meters away from Jason.

"I… thought that I…" Orion panted.

Once he had caught his breath, the duo exchanged their experiences. Jason, of course, didn't mention the fact that he had already experienced the same surroundings before.

According to Orion, he had arrived somewhere in the city about five minutes ago and had immediately made his way to the entrance.

"Others might have appeared in the city as well. Let's go check the back entrance."

"All right. Don't you think these clothes are slightly better looking than the ones we usually wear?" Orion questioned.

He was wearing similar clothes to Jason but instead of a hoodie, he was wearing a leather jacket.

"Indeed," Jason agreed. The two of them started making their way to the entrance.

Orion gawked at a few people passing them. It seemed that he was fascinated by the way things were in the city.

After a few minutes of walking, both of them reached the other end of the city. To their surprise, they found a certain red-head girl arguing with what looked like a policeman.

"Amber, there you are!" Jason suddenly called out. "I have been looking all around the city for you. Do you know how worried auntie and uncle are?"

Both Amber and the policeman looked over and were surprised to see Jason. Fortunately, Amber understood that he was trying to help her and got into character.

"See, I told you that I was looking for someone." Amber pouted.

,m "I am pretty sure you said that you were looking for a dragon but whatever." The policeman sighed. "I don't get paid enough to do this. Scram!"

Amber walked away with Jason before joining Orion. She told her story about how she had appeared near the gate and had gotten into a heated argument with the policeman.

"What were you arguing about?" Jason asked curiously.

"Nothing of importance." Amber shrugged. Being dressed in a pair of black leggings and red leather jacket, she gave off the vibes of a hothead from a webnovel.

[ You are once again making comparisons with fictional characters. ]

'Sometimes I forget that you can listen to my thoughts. Also, why do you care how I think of others?'

[ That's a fair point. ] The system agreed and went silent.

"Let's see if we can find anyone else. We will meet back at that cafe in ten minutes." Jason pointed at a cafe across the street.

After memorizing its name and location, the trio split off. None of them were worried about anything since they were present in a civilized city.

Even if something went wrong, they were strong enough to fight. If worst came to worst, all three of them had their own tricks they could use to escape from a tight spot.

Jason had no luck in finding anyone but Orion and Amber did. The former had managed to find Zeke while the latter had found Mila.

"I guess the five of us are the only ones present here from another world." Jason commented once the five of them had gathered together.

Thought the children found the concept to be rather strange, all of them agreed with Jason. They could sense that the mana in their surroundings and the culture around them was really different that the one they were used to.

"But what if we are on another continent?" Mila asked curiously.

"That is possible I guess but it doesn't matter. We are in an unknown environment and our goal is to…" Jason suddenly paused.

He realized since all of them belonged to big families, there was a chance that all of them would have asked the same question from Veritas.

[ Or the people under her control. ]

"Well, let's just find some place to stay." Jason sighed.

All of them started looking for a place to stay but they soon realized that they were facing a major problem.

None of them had any money…

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