Guardian Of The End

Chapter 89 The Curses

"So, what happened in the forest?" Issac asked slowly.

"Once I was teleported there, I found myself surrounded by hundreds of unconscious children. If not for my guardian, I would've surely panicked right there," Jason replied in a fake worried tone.

[ If you don't die in the following years, maybe you should consider taking the job of an actor. You will surely become one of the most famous actors out there. ] The system praised as it had seen Jason's acting numerous times.

'I know.' Jason replied with an internal grin before continuing his story.

"Once I had calmed down, I tried to find a way to contact you but that's when Hecate decided to attack me. She was going to make me her slave but I then I felt an enormous amount of energy coming from the surroundings.

The next thing I knew was waking up to see that woman in that condition. I immediately secured her to the tree just in case she attacked me again."

"A smart move," Issac praised.

"I then tried to contact you but never got a response." Jason added as Risa exchanged a look with Issac.

"So you were the one who sent that signal from the forest. Thanks to that, we were able to pin your location and come to your rescue." Risa explained.

"What kind of signal did I send? No rather, how did I even send it?" Jason asked while tilting his face in confusion.

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"I think you tried to contact me the way others do yet instead of sending a verbal message, you sent a signal. There must have been something around the forest that was blocking communication because I did reply to you." Risa added.

'I guess that's why Hecate was sure that no one would come to help me.' Jason thought silently before remembering that the Crystal ceremony was still going on.

"When will the alliance choosing part be held?" Jason inquired as Risa and Issac once again exchanged a look.

'I wish I could understand what they were talking about by understanding their looks.' Jason wished silently as Risa looked at him with an emotionless face.

"You don't have to chose an alliance anymore. You will be entering the Vancouver academy after two months when the new session starts there." Risa slowly explained.

"So I will be going there on first of March?"


The months were named Janary, Feruary, Mach, Aril, Mya, Jun, Juli, Agust, Setember, Octob, Nomember and Decamer,

Someone had clearly taken this naming thing way too casually due to how the names were. But what had shocked Jason the most was the fact that the names sounded way too similar to those from Earth.

It was as though someone had taken the names of the months from Earth, modified them a bit and ended up with twelve similar names.

One might call it lazy or genius depending on who the person. Jason of course found this genius as it had required little to no effort.

"Why do I have to specifically go there though?" Jason asked curiously as both Issac and Risa sighed.

"Its the only place in the entire kingdom which will teach you how to use your guardian powers more efficiently alongside a whole lot of other things. You will also be taught in the best classes." Risa explained.

"We could've taught you that ourselves but…" Issac sighed in disappointment.

"The curse, I know." Jason reassured him before questioning, "why were you cursed in the first place?"

"Well, we weren't the only ones who were cursed. All four families received a different curse as a punishment for trying to overthrow the monarchy." Issac sighed again.

Jason on the other hand looked at both of his grandparents in shock. "You all tried to overthrow the monarchy?!"

"You don't know how bad the conditions were during the previous king's reign. We had to do it and it was only due to our effort that the the kingdom has improved a lot."

"We thought that baring a curse was a small price for that but we were half wrong," Risa clenched her fist. "Each of your families were handed with a curse that would make sure that our future generation wouldn't become as strong as we are."

"The Bloodthorn family has a curse that all of their relationships will fall apart eventually. The Anvilone family has a curse that prevents them from ever being able to learn how to wield a sword.

The Feuer family has curse that makes all members of their family have a fear of water. The Syrward family has a curse that we can't teach anything to our future generation." Issac explained.

"All of these curses oppose things that would've normally made all of our children stronger," Risa added. "The Feuer family mainly consists of strong fire users and a few of water is extremely dangerous for them."

"The Anvilone family has an extremely powerful sword art yet they can't use it due to the curse. The Bloodthorn family has a special attack that requires coordination between several of their family members—

"But they can't have that due to the broken relationships." Jason interrupted as he saw Issac nod his head in acknowledgment.

"That's why all of us stick closer," Risa explained with a sad smile on her face. "That is why Brian hates Issac as he was the one of the three prominent people who had led the attack against the monarchy."

"I see…" Jason mumbled before  remembering that Risa also belonged to the Bloodthorn family. "Then how did your relationship still last that long?"

"Curses don't affect me the same way as others. That was why I was able to teach you a few things," Risa's face suddenly turned sadder. "Yet some of its effects continued ahead."

"That was why Uncle Ray and Aunt Zara left and my parents…" Jason muttered as though he had received enlightenment.

"Yes, the curse is the reason for that alongside our negligence. Anyways, neither you nor Noah are affected by that curse so don't worry. You both also negate the original curse placed on our family." Risa explained.

"Why doesn't it work on us though?" Jason wondered aloud as he knew that he was effected by curses.

"Its due to the fact that both of your mothers belong to other races. That nulls the effects of the curse which allows both of you do anything you want." Issac smiled.

Jason looked at both of them with an admiring look before nodding.

'Not only us but the other three families are cursed as well.' He silently thought.

[ This means that you were just born in one of the most chaos causing families because in the end, there are other cursed families out there too. ] The system reminded him.

'I guess you are right.'

"Jason, go eat some food in the hall below. The alliance choosing ceremony will be held shortly and Nora still has to take part in it." Risa reminded him as Jason's stomach  growled on cue.

"You are right I guess." He muttered before making his way down towards the hall as single thought repeated inside his mind.

'The academy arc is soon about to begin.'

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