Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 703 - 706: Hot Commodity

Chapter 703: Chapter 706: Hot Commodity

On the first page of the book, I created a poll. Considering it's quite troublesome to notify everyone online, I want to ask if you use Weibo. If the votes for "yes" exceed five hundred, I will set one up. Since there aren't many followers, I can't apply for verification. I prefer using Sina Weibo, but if there are enough votes, I can consider setting up one on Tencent as well. Those who want to stay informed can participate in the poll.

While a perplexing shooting incident was unfolding on the other side of the ocean, Yang Chen in his Zhonghai villa received a message from Soren.

"The hostages are safe. Please advise if there are any further instructions."

Yang Chen glanced at the time on his phone. It had been less than fifteen minutes. It seemed the elite forces of Sam Country, composed of former special forces, were indeed efficient. After all, they knew the terrain well.

He looked down at Luo Cuishan, who had cried herself out and was now sobbing dryly, feeling nothing but disgust. "I've had all your people killed. Anything else you want to say?"

Luo Cuishan raised her head, her venomous gaze fixed on Yang Chen like a snake ready to strike but trapped under a rock, unable to move.

"Consider yourself lucky that I picked an idiot for the job. If you want to kill me, just do it. If I die, you won't have a good life either!"

Luo Cuishan, feeling utterly humiliated—having wet herself in front of Yang Chen—felt she had nothing left to lose. The hatred in her heart only intensified. In the past, that shameless woman had caused her endless heartache, and now she had fallen into the hands of these younger people. She wanted to skin them alive.

Yang Chen remained calm. "Since you put it that way, it seems you have no more tricks up your sleeve. From my perspective, I have no personal grudge against you. However, you are a poisonous woman with a narrow mind, and keeping you around is a hazard to those close to me."

"Enough with the nonsense. If you want to kill me, just do it," Luo Cuishan scoffed.

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Yang Chen shook his head. "Killing you would only bring me trouble. I'm not that foolish."

Luo Cuishan laughed hysterically. "I knew you didn't have the guts! How laughable! You've been bluffing all this time. Do you think I, Luo Cuishan, am some naive child? Let me tell you, Yang Chen, I've seen all sorts of people in politics. I saw through your cowardice long ago!"

"Is that so?" Yang Chen remained unfazed and turned to Xue Minghe. "Do you want to live or die?"

Xue Minghe, who had thought he was doomed, heard a glimmer of hope in Yang Chen's words. Though he had lost everything, unlike before, he now had Wu Yue and the child she was carrying.

Gazing at the unconscious Wu Yue on the floor, his eyes welled up with tears. He wanted to live. Only by living could he protect her and see his child be born. "I want to live! I beg you to spare me!" He knelt before Yang Chen, not out of groveling or deceit, but with genuine and urgent sincerity.

Yang Chen noticed the deep affection in Xue Minghe's eyes as he looked at Wu Yue, and he was slightly moved. "I didn't expect you to bring Wu Yue here with you. It seems you're not just playing around with her."

Xue Minghe nodded vigorously. "At first, I did intend to use her, but then I realized she's the only person who has ever truly cared for me, without expecting anything in return. Only with her do I feel valued and needed. She doesn't care about my past, only whether I'm by her side."

Luo Cuishan sneered. "Hypocrite. You'll say anything to save your life. Do you really think he'll let you go? He might not kill me, but that doesn't mean he won't kill you."

Yang Chen's gaze turned cold, and with a lift of his foot, a burst of energy sent Luo Cuishan flying into the air.


A flower rack and two vases were knocked over and shattered by Luo Cuishan's body.

She hit the wall and fainted.

Xue Minghe was stunned, realizing that Yang Chen could kill him in an instant if he wanted to.

Yang Chen, unfazed, continued, "If I let you live, what will you do? I'm very concerned you might trouble Ruoxi again."

Xue Minghe was stunned, his expression shifting rapidly as if he were grappling with an intense internal conflict. After nearly a minute, he clenched his teeth and shook his head. "I won't! I swear I'll never have any thoughts of revenge for the rest of my life!"

"So sure?" Yang Chen asked.

Xue Minghe looked back at Wu Yue, tears rolling down his cheeks, and laughed through his sobs. "I want to take this silly woman to Sam Country to meet my father and family. I want to wait for our child to be born. I'll find a decent job, work hard, and provide a good life for them. I don't want my child to suffer the same fate as me, to be bullied and imprisoned because of lack of money or status."

"A child?" Yang Chen was taken aback, looking from Wu Yue to Xue Minghe. "Wu Yue is carrying your child?"

Xue Minghe smiled, a mix of happiness and bitterness. "I only found out two days ago. That's why I beg you, please don't kill me. Even if I have to go to prison, I don't want my child to be born without a father."

Yang Chen lowered his head and thought for a moment. "Alright then, do one thing for me, and I'll consider sparing you."

Xue Minghe's eyes lit up with hope. "What is it? I'll do my best!"

Yang Chen pointed to the unconscious Luo Cuishan in the corner. "Strip that woman of all her clothes. I have a surprise for her. But since she wet herself, she reeks, and I don't want to touch her."

Xue Minghe was stunned for a while, not expecting such a "wicked" task. He looked at Luo Cuishan in the corner, then hesitated, glancing at the unconscious Wu Yue by the sofa.

"Don't want to do it?" Yang Chen raised an eyebrow. "This is your chance to stay alive."

Xue Minghe whispered reluctantly, "Can I take Yue upstairs first and then come down to do it?"

"Oh? Why? She's unconscious and can't see anything. Are you afraid she'll get jealous?" Yang Chen asked mockingly.

Xue Minghe shook his head. "Even if she's unconscious and can't see, I can't bring myself to undress another woman in front of her. Of course, if you insist I do it now, I will."

Yang Chen burst into laughter, clapping his hands. "Congratulations, you passed the test."

Xue Minghe was bewildered, not understanding what Yang Chen meant.

"If you had immediately and without hesitation said 'no' to the thought of revenge earlier, I would have killed you on the spot for lack of sincerity. If you had instantly agreed to strip that woman without concern for Wu Yue, I wouldn't have spared you either, because your love would have been insufficient. Now it seems you are truly ready to be a husband and father. Since Ruoxi asked me to spare you, I will. After all, the real culprit is that disgusting old woman," Yang Chen explained.

Xue Minghe, overwhelmed with relief and gratitude, knelt and kowtowed several times, unable to express his thanks adequately.

Yang Chen waved his hand. "There are plenty of cars outside. Take one, and leave with Wu Yue. Don't go back to Yulei or say goodbye; it will only upset Ruoxi, and there's no need for insincere gestures. Get your papers sorted and head back to Sam Country. If you have any difficulties, contact me via the company's email. As for everything else, don't meddle and don't ask questions."

Xue Minghe, still trembling from his narrow escape, continuously thanked Yang Chen while carefully lifting the unconscious Wu Yue and hurrying out.

After Xue Minghe drove away, Yang Chen sighed. Life is unpredictable; he hadn't expected Wu Yue to be carrying Xue Minghe's child. By blood, Wu Yue's child would be his and Lin Ruoxi's direct nephew. Moreover, no one understood better than him the feeling of growing up without a father. Yang Chen couldn't bear to let an innocent child suffer.

Whether he had always been this soft-hearted or had changed after returning to his homeland, or if his ruthlessness was more pronounced when his cultivation couldn't suppress the side effects of the divine light, he didn't regret letting Xue Minghe go.

Looking at the unconscious Luo Cuishan, Yang Chen called out, "Aedlin, come in!"

A curvaceous figure clad in black tight-fitting clothes darted in, looking at Yang Chen with puppy eyes. "Lord Hades, you're not going to make me strip that old woman, are you?"

Aedlin had just arrived and, hearing Yang Chen's instructions outside, didn't dare to come in.

Yang Chen smirked. "She's maintained herself to look like she's in her thirties. In a nightclub, she'd be a hot commodity. Besides, do you expect me to personally handle someone who reeks of urine?"

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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