Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 349: Trinity Blue

Chapter 349: Trinity Blue

I sent Neia, now mature, to her room and went to bed by myself with Maia in bed, the next day.

“Then, do you want to go back to the fort?”

“Eh, aren’t we going to wait for Great Knight Chief Buster’s supplies? I mean, we’ll have everything in two or three days, so there’s no need to move so hastily”

“It won’t take more than half a day to get back home”

“Ahaha. Naris-chan just has a hard time leaving her luxurious bed”

“Hey, that’s ridiculous……”

“You can stay here if you want. The day after tomorrow, I will come and pick you up along with your belongings”

“I’m not from Celesta and you want me to stay here all by myself in the Celesta mansion!? How can you do such an awkward thing!”

Well, the intention of leaving in a hurry is to avoid encountering Rainer Exeliza as much as possible. It’s not a good idea with the current group. If they were to fight, it would be tough even for Maia to keep up with a Neia class fight. If Dianne or Laila is there……no, even 100-man commander Becker or Sharon would be good. If you dare to face it, I would like to have a talented person of the Great Sword Saint Class or higher.

“Well no……I’m not sure if I should retrieve that blue bird general from”

“Eh, isn’t that kind of thing at the discretion of 10-man captain Smithson?”

“I’m not good at meddling with the general class. If you do it on your own, you will be scolded, won’t you?”

Naris and Tetes disagreed with each other.

“But 100-man commander Becker said, 『Dianne and Hilda can fix it』. There are very few birdmen over here, so they can’t catch a beak healer, can they?”

“That’s true, but……”

“I think it’s not good to move on your own initiative when it comes to people who aren’t very good at it”

The two were reluctant to do anything about it. Maia quietly adds support there.

“……When that bird comes to the fort, it’s hard to do anything naughty during that time. Becker and that masturbation brother would probably be happy if we were naughty at the fort, but I don’t know who else.”

“That’s right”

“No, I don’t know if I’d agree with you instantly there, Tetes-chan. It’s kind of like 『Not only that』!”

I think it’s worse if you guys are reluctant to help people for that kind of reason.

“And, since that chicken is chicken, I don’t like the idea of him casually coming to visit us once he finds out about our fort”

……Indeed. It’s true, if you think about it, that’s the kind of person who can come and go without hesitation with those feathers.

“Th, That’s not the case. It’s not a matter for 10-man captain Smithson to decide what to do with the general and it’s not too late even after asking 100-man commander Becker or Dianne at the fort. That’s right. If you feel like coming, you can come right away”

“……That’s true, too”

I don’t think I’ve been fooled by Tetes and Naris’s selfishness, but I’m sure I’m just a messenger. Is it true that you shouldn’t force yourself to do various things?

“Then, do you go home once? At least I have to send Neia home”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“Well, we’re right on schedule”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After persuading them, Maia, who is indifferent and Neia, who was glancing at my face without joining the conversation, are urged to prepare for withdrawal. ……After all, the kiss must have been effective and Neia was blushing when our eyes met. She’s so innocent.

Maia´s take off in Rennesto goes off without a hitch.

“Is there any sign of other dragons or anything?”

“I don’t know. Even among dragons, it’s hard to find them if they’re really hiding……”

“I see”

Maybe we are relying a little too much on the dragons’ senses.

“It’s possible that dragons aren’t the means of transportation and even if they are, there’s no guarantee they’ll stay in Rennesto indefinitely”

Tetes chide me for my haste. ……Well, that’s true, too.

“……I don’t think he’d try to set us up”


“I don’t see the point of it. ……I originally assumed he could get in and out of Kalwin and here and the fact that he swam me until now means……if he didn’t make contact with me intentionally. At least there is no benefit in doing anything to me now. I think they intend to let me continue to find Kalwin”

“……I wonder what the purpose is?”

“……The purpose would be the same as mine, on the surface. 『Outside』 exists and I’m going to teach the public about it. What the purpose is beyond that, though, I can’t yet predict”

Neia’s tone had returned to that of yesterday’s agitated one, but with an imposing sense of mission as a hero. She was not the upset person of yesterday, but a hero with an imposing mission.

“I can’t go back now, either. ……I guess that’s why he showed up, because I wanted to take advantage of the timing. If it had been too early, I would have given up trying to connect Kalwin with the outside world and would have prioritized finding him and identifying a way to return”

“Indeed. ……I don’t understand why he dared to show up”

“It may just be that it was time for him to show his face”

Is there a meaning to everything, or is it 「Just something humans do」? We return to the fort, only speculating on our chance encounter with the mysterious man.


When we returned to the fort, we found that there were other guests in addition to the members who had been waiting for us.

‘Hey there”

“……Juline? And Aunt Michela”


Two naked beauties were in the garden in plain sight. They waved at her with their very feminine curves bouncing around, not seeming at all bothered by the fact that 100-man commander Becker and Lantz were immediately nose to nose with them. After landing carefully, Maia quickly returned to her human body and rushed over to them.

“What’s the matter, you two……I, I know you’ve been told by Laila-sama and the others”


“Laila and Dianne have to meet with the elves to negotiate a loan, so……we just came to check the place first”

“This is Smithson-sama’s castle……a bit cramped, but it looks safe”

The two nodded to each other as they looked around the fort.

“Laila-sama, Dianne and I did our best”

Maia was proud of herself.

“Everyone else did a good job, too. Especially the two ogre men”

I’ll follow up on that. I have to give them credit for their efforts, even if they don’t have the construction skills of dragons or Dianne’s planning ability.

“We hope you will use us too when you expand at some point”

“We’ll be happy to help you……and of course, at night?”

Juline and Michela approach me naturally and kiss my cheeks alternately.

“They look like two high-class prostitutes on call”

Anzeros, who was watching, sighs. Isn’t it bad to say that you shouldn’t say it to a dragon?


And Maia didn’t understand the meaning. ……Didn’t Fazer teach her? I think he’d be biased that way.

“A woman who takes money and does naughty things for money”

Luna sneaked up to her and told her. Maia tilted her head.

“Ecchi things like paying money……?”

“A man said that there are times when he wants to be erotic even if he pays for it. ……Anyone can do it if she has a vagina, so if she wants to get out of my colony and support herself, everyone has no property. Most of them will have to do it”

“Hmm. I don’t understand……”

……So sex is less serious for dragons, right? The idea of 「Buying and selling sex for money」 is not very clear to begin with, is it?

“Well……in this case, it’s a mistress, but it’s also different from a female slave”

Tetes laughed bitterly.

“Yaa, I think it’s a bit much to have a mistress who comes to visit you naked……”

Naris puts in a tsukkomi sparingly. She thinks she’s off the mark as a tsukkomi, but I’m sure she won’t have a sharp edge if she digs into it, so that’s fine.

Regarding the matter of providing some clothing for Juline and Michela. James Lantz’s response.

“To be honest, the cloth we can provide now is hardly clothing! In fact, it would be rude to clothe a dragon in such rags!”

Botz Goto’s defense.

“Who would be inconvenienced if they didn’t wear clothes in the first place! No, in this nudity-free fortress, no one is inconvenienced! So why should we force them to!?”

Ernie Boyd’s whispered rebuttal to that.

“I’m in trouble. I’m the one who has to do the eye contact and all that”

Sieg Becker ignored him.

“They basically live naked. They don’t have any particular requests for clothing. The manager of the military supplies at base is Captain Dianne, so it should be at the discretion of the captain. So there is a lack of legal basis for giving them clothes”

“……No, I don’t……have any”

The Masturbation Brothers and Becker, were so desperate to argue against the idea that it was impossible to provide them with the clothes.

“If it’s clothes that you can hide, even from my personal belongings……”

“If you can afford two or three pieces of clothing, I have some of my own……”

Aurora & Sharon raise their hands, but three lewd and bloodshot eyes look back.

The elven princesses were frightened by the spirit with which they were putting themselves into the ideal situation of 「Unlimited nudity」.

“10-man captain Aurora. Did you hear what I said? They are not asking for it. I think the beauty of Celesta is that we respect each other’s culture”

“Sharon-san, think about this for a minute. Fashion is important, isn’t it? I think it’s painful to bend one’s sense of beauty, no matter how much it is for the sake of conformity with other races”

“Even if we don’t force them to lend us their clothes, there is no harm to them and no harm to us. Why are you forcing our common sense on them?”

“Eh……e, emm”

“Th, That’s right……”

The princesses have folded. The remaining……Luna, Hilda, Apple and Anzeros.

“……You can take your clothes off if you want”

“Hmmm, well, I guess it’s up to her”

“That……if Andy-san is fine with it……”

“……Well, I’ll take it off too if Andy wants me to”

These guys were also indifferent or undressed.


“Juline, please join me!”

“Here you go?”

“Me, too! For me, too!”

“Maia and Lord, another round, please!”

That evening, a rather unintelligible scene unfolded at dinner, a beautiful, nude dragon mother and her daughter pouring drinks for the members of the group who were sitting in a circle around the table.

“Isn’t there anything that boys are afraid of, such as having a dragon take it into consideration?”

“Well, well, you’d better get used to it, Naris-chan”

“I’ll never get used to it!? I mean, if I get used to this, I’ll lose as a human being!?”

“You’re not an elf, Naris”

“Let’s be broad-minded about this, shall we!?”

Naris and Tetes are having their usual comic banter and I’m getting drunk on Michela’s pours.

“Hey, Michela”

“What is it?”

“Can I touch your tits?”

“Of course you can”


I stroked Michela’s tits as if I was putting my hands on them from below in a very natural way and lightly squeezed and pinched her nipples sweetly.

“Hu, nn……”

“Sm, Smithson-san……I, too, can do what I want……?”

“Oh, Sharon. I’m going to touch your ass”


Sexually harassing Michela and Sharon, who sat on either side of me, alternately. No, I’m not sure if it’s harassment or not.

“……I’m going to wet myself”

And Maia, perhaps feeling a sense of rivalry, suddenly takes off her clothes. The Masturbation Brothers and 100-man commander Becker get excited and the dinner table becomes more and more chaotic. And then.


Maia let out a well audible sigh. I’m just saying that I’m amazed. ……Yeah, of course I’m appalled by this. Sorry. Alcohol is delicious.

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