Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 196: A small house on the Great Ice Field, Part 2 [Savory, Oregano, Fennel, Christie, Laurier]

Chapter 196: A small house on the Great Ice Field, Part 2 [Savory, Oregano, Fennel, Christie, Laurier]

The living room of an old log house with the sweet and sour smell of fruit pie. Five elf beauties of three clans line up in front of me in a naked apron, showing off their boobs and asses a little embarrassingly to my nasty gaze. This is a paradise on the ground. No, I have a lot of other people, but at least the world is so wonderful that I tremble with euphoria.

“It’s wonderful to be alive”

“What do you say all of a sudden, Smithson-san?”

I’m not sure either. Blonde loli black baggy apron, Laurier. Blonde side pony, energetic late teen white apron, Savory. A dark brown experienced knot, pink frilly apron, neat and clean Fennel. Silver exotic double braid ring, green apron, new wife type Oregano. And wearing a floral apron with a devilish sex appeal is Christie who shoots at me with the atmosphere of a saint. All are beauties who aren’t inferior to each other.

“Who should I have sex with?”

They appeal to me with a flushed face even to my worst mutter.

“Smithson-sama, take me first

“……I’m your dessert”

“What’s that, Laurier?”

“The killing phrase of a new human wife”

“Humans are funny……”

“Of course, don’t hesitate to hold me, right?”

“Christie-sama, what is it certainly?”

After having sex together at the hot springs, it seems that it has become the basis to ecchi collectively and I desperately invite them to see if their aggressiveness and the fact that they are a little old and small are the shrinkage. Christie’s contrast is very pleasing to the eyes. I want to watch their exchanges forever, but if that stops, I have no children.

“First of all, Savory”

“Ehehe, I did it?”

So, the first nominate is Savory. She rushed to me, put her hands on my neck without fear anymore and kissed me as a greeting, therefore I’m holding her ass with both hands without hesitation.


“Oh……Savory, you look like love birds”

“Laurier, you say something that is naturally poisonous……”

“Don’t worry, it’s just jealousy”

Ignoring the outfield for the time being, I rubbed Savory’s butt with my fingers, who is intermittently pecking my lips .

“Yaa……m, my butt hole……”

“I’ll make you unsatisfied if we don’t have sex with my fingers stuck in it”

“……Animal trainer, you have a naughty face……?”

Tickled, embarrassed, happy. I press my lips against such a cute smiling Savory, and I lift Savory with my hands that grab her butt and let her sit on the sofa at hand.


“But today is the day to remember my dick for now”

I open her crotch and avoid the apron sideways. Breathe into the genitals of an elf girl who has blossomed nastily.


Savory screams as it tickles. Her blonde pony sways softly.

“Savory is so lewd. It smells naughty already”

“Yaa……that’s because animal trainer makes me expect it……?”

“Aaah, really love birds……”


“Yeah, it’s ironic so don’t worry”

I don’t care about the outfielder’s voice. I don’t care, but I think Laurier is an interesting girl.

“Look, I’ll open it……”


Gently touch Savory’s labia and open it. Thick honey juice overflowed. Savory has no resistance at all with the expected face. She may be honest.

“Savory, I’ll put my dick in here now. It’s the first seeding. You might get pregnant because the thickest fluid flows in”

“Y, Yes……”

“Will you give birth if you get pregnant?”

“……E, Emm……I wish to give birth……?”

Savory answers with a drunken face. Laurier is saying something again, but I can’t hear it anymore.

“Then let’s get pregnant with a peace of mind”

“Kyaa……a, naaaaa……?”

I lean on Savory. Lightly align and halfway into Savory’s vagina, which has only experienced deflowering, then impulsively reach for her cherry-like nipples peeking through the gaps in Savory’s white apron and touch her palm-sized small boobs. I start moving my hips while kneading them.

“Savory……Savory, can you hear it, the sound of your pussy……”

“Ya, Yaaaa……don’t say it……?”

“Your pussy, likes it……?”

“……That’s what I thought……?”

“Isn’t it so?”

They begin to immerse themselves in each other’s pleasures, and there is little meaning in the conversation.

“Savory, it feels good!?”

“Animal trainer……put it out, inside, in my belly many times?”

However, we love each other who are engrossed in the pleasures we give and confirm them with almost impulsive feelings from each other. Hugging each other, entangling one’s feet around the waist, rubbing her boobs and giving each other a lot of devouring kisses. In the end, I hugged her thin waist and Savory put her legs tight behind my waist.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


“Hu, nnnnn??”

While kissing, I ejaculate in the back of the vagina. Dokun, Dokun, Dokun and Savory trembles with my ejaculation. I put her back on the seat of the sofa, pushed my hips up and swallowed all my ejaculation in her womb.

“Pu, haa……”

“Haa……haa……haa……ah, thank you, look at me……?”

“I, It……feels good……”

For some reason, I tried to send a compliment to Savory, who thanked me.

“……Then, now, directly……?”

Savory strengthens the strength of her legs. I’m happy with her who is weak but her lower body is greedy and she wants to start the next round. However, Laurier from the left and Oregano from the right pull my arms before assembling to the white apron that has begun to distort.

“No good……”

“Well, it’s only after everyone has done it that Savory can do it again”

“I, I understand, I understand”

It is regrettable, but I stand up from the top of Savory.

It’s a pity that the next round on the sofa after removing Savory starts now, so I changed my mind right away.

“Hyaa, animal trainer……like this, aaa……?”

I poke Oregano on the kitchen counter from behind. She wore the apron with much effort, but when I attacked from the back like this, she was almost naked and she didn’t mean to hide anything. I like it. You can commit by flipping through useless defenses from the front or you can enjoy Oregano′s appearance from behind. Naked aprons are fun to play with from anywhere. Of course, I don’t forget to play with her boobs through the gaps.

“Aha, aaa……that’s just the right……the left too……?”

“Oregano is really naughty”


Oregano demands that both boobs are played evenly, although I can only play with them one by one because I cover and sway her hips. And, this child is a considerable favorite person because the waist is shaken by herself.

“Did you look like an adult and think about my dick while eating?”

“……O, Obedient, such……I……”

Oregano pushes her hips up and gazes at me through the circle with a chilling look.

“……I’ve been thinking about our promise……?”

Promise. It is likely to be the promise at the time of parting in the hot spring. As I violently go back and forth between her vagina, I am delighted with the lewd words.

“From the time I saw your face, all I had in mind was having sex with you……!?”

“……Yes……er, erotic animal trainer……I wonder if you came to look for me to train me……I thought about it and I couldn’t get it out of my head anymore……?”

“Lewd girl, you will also become pregnant……!!”

“……Ye, Yes, lewd, lewd me……punish me……?”

I can’t help but be happy that the blood is already on my head and both of us are naughty. Ejaculate in the womb by hitting the waist with momentum.



The vagina which tightens is shaken by force and semen is shot to the depths while going back and forth.

“……aha, like this……I’ve been seeded……?”

“Haa……haa……is it unpleasant Oregano……?”

“……Now that I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant in the kitchen. I’m a little embarrassed……?”

“……I think it’s more awful to be conceived in the hot springs that everyone is watching”


I pull out my dick from Oregano that smiles happily. The mix of semen and joy juice falls on the floor. And when I turned around, the remaining three people were waiting in a hurry.

“Smithson-san, me next……”

“I’m ready”

“I, I’m also a dessert, so please enjoy it……?”

I take off my jacket that I was still wearing. Savory on the sofa, Oregano in the kitchen. If so.

“……It’s a waste to commit in bed anymore”

With a head dominated by worldly feelings, Christie and Fennel are held in both arms.


“N, Now, two people at once?”

“That’s right. It’s okay”

“Y, Yes”

“Greedy animal trainer……?”

……If I think about it, Fennel has a threesome again following the deflowering? But I didn’t feel like quitting the play that came to my mind.

“Both of you lay down on the table”



Arrange the older duo on the table.

There is still a fruit pie on the table.

“Fennel, let me eat a piece of the pie by mouth”


“So Christie……”

I face Christie. From the sensual spine to the hips, hip line, butt hole and hairless labia under the eyes, the buttock is patted and my mouth sticks out to Fennel.

“Let me eat you”

“……You′re greedy?”

Fennel eats the pie as she is told and feeds me. Then, I licked the fruit juice that spilled from my mouth and hung on the back of Christie.

“Christy, I’ll commit you”

“Eh……n, aaa……!?”

Riding on the entertainment, I insert my penis into Christie from behind as it is. Compared to the other girls who just lost their virginities, Christie’s ripe vagina has plenty of room to swallow my dick effortlessly. And when it swallows my son, it doesn’t let go. I felt the strength of her instincts as a woman, and a hot fold was waiting for me.

“Haa, aaa……? It’s hot……Smithson-san, this……?”

Christie bends her throat and writhes. Fennel with a mischievous face sits sideways on the table, eats the pie and brings her lips closer to me, who trembles with the pleasures of Christie’s flesh.

“N, Ngu”

I eat Christie with my lower body and a pie with my upper mouth. It was such a sake pond meat forest plan, but Christie’s vagina is more greedy than expected and Christie herself is trying to devour my dick by raising her elbows and shaking her whole body.

“……Haa, haaa……after all, it’s okay……Smithson-san……Smithson-san?”

“Wai, Christie, time out……gu, uu!!”

“Nn……nmuu……y, you can’t run away, greedy animal trainer?”

Perhaps she saw herself inferior to Christie, therefore Fennel put down the pie, caught my neck, kissed me and wouldn’t let go. With this, I can’t even pull back and escape. Eaten above and below.

“N, Nuu……wait, Christie……!!”

“No, not good……let me squid, Smithson-san……I’m sorry, I can’t stop……?”

At last, I was squeezed by Christie who got up.

“Uh, guuu……!?”

While being kissed for a long time by Fennel, I made a strong vaginal cum shot to Christie.

“……Haa, Haa……a, emm, I’m sorry……its so comfortable……”


Fennel is pleased with the success of the operation. For Christie, it’s not a strategy, it’s just that she’s crazy about it.

“Fennel. Lay down”

“Like a dog?”

“Yes, doggy”


Fennel who felt that I was sick lays down on the table obediently. Is it a successful provocation? Let’s get on it properly.

Seen from above, I lean on the naked Fennel, which is barely exposed and insert my dick.

“N, aa……?”

“It’s a house full of nasty elves”

“D, Do you hate it……?”

“It’s the best”

I hate myself for answering honestly.

“E, Emm, I too……pie, mouth-to-mouth……?”

Perhaps because of the satisfaction of the climax, Christie, who was a little popped, asks that from herself.

“You made me regret it, so it’s a punishment”


“Lie down over there”

“N, No……!?”

I place Christie on Fennel’s back. Christie’s impatient profile in front of me. I put my dick in Fennel’s vagina and I pressed the fruit sauce inside the pie against Christie’s long ears.

“Wh, What are you doing?”

“You are my snack. I will eat your ears as a punishment”

“N, N, Noo……hyaaaa!?”

Putting her ears in my mouth from the side, I suck while making a noise and lick the fruit sauce. Sweet and sour taste. Then, Christie tries to shake me off……but when it’s sucked up, she trembles unnaturally and pokes her hand.

“S, Stop……I, I don’t want you to suck my ears……”

“No. Once again.



Christie falls on the back of Fennel. ……Is it because of the elf’s racial pride that the ears are defiled? Maybe she is not used to having her ears blamed. And I think she is more sensitive than others.

“Suck again”

“No, stop, really……this is blinding……”

“Smithson-sama, don’t forget about me, who’s putting it in properly……”

“Ah, I know”

I hug the fluffy Christie, suck on her ears as much as I want and hit my hips against Fennel’s butt.

“Hiaaaa……a, auuuu……”

“A, a, aa……? Smithson-sama, our animal trainer……?”

Christie is tossed around splendidly and Fennel happily sits down. The feeling of liking two beautiful women is irresistible. I wanted to have this kind of sex from the beginning, but Fennel.

“I felt an extra defeat because of your mischief. I won’t give you a vaginal cum shot as a punishment”

“T, That’s……a, again, I′m going to ask for it again…..?”

“Creampie is after Laurier”

“……Awful……you want to train me so much to be a naughty girl……?”

“I want to do that”

I hate being honest regardless of context. But in fact, if such a pretty girl is going to be good for me, I can’t help but nod, as a man.

“……I, I′m looking forward……to ecchi later?”

Fennel, who shakes her hips, is looking forward to overtime instead of being angry at being impatient. Perhaps because unlike other girls, she tried to make only 3P without committing, she may have adapted to that and found fun in “H time continues” itself. That’s it.

“Let’s go, Fennel……!!!!”

“Ha, naa!!”

I spilled semen on Fennel’s back……or rather on Christie’s face.

“N, aa……?”

Or rather, she was covered with semen from her ears to her cheeks. ……She might get angry later.

Finally, I push the remaining Laurier against the front door and commit her.

“Ah, nn, nn……an, animal trainer……why, here……?”

“The front door is the first place in the battle rate of the naked apron”

“……Well, if you ask me……maybe it will happen……”

I don’t know much about it. In erotic picture scrolls, you will be picked up at the front door → immediately, it is a standard.

“……I’m not an animal trainer’s new wife, but……maybe, I don’t know……”

Laurier smiles thinly as she presses her arm against the front door and gets fucked by me with her half toes floating.

“If you’re happy with this, I’ll always do it……”

“If you say that, you’ll come to visit often”

I whisper in a low voice while shaking Laurier. Laurier said it was good.

“That’s why……I’m here again……I’m longing for you……?”

A strangely foolish confession of a whimsical and slightly ironic mysterious girl. While listening to it, I ejaculate in the back of her.

“Nnnnn……a, aaa……?”

“Good grief……don’t say that to a man while making him feel so good. I can’t refuse it”


Even after the ejaculation is over, I kiss Laurier’s cheeks while squeezing the young vagina as if it was undeveloped.



“Tell me, conceive or give birth to my kid”

“……Do you like being told that?”

Weird guy.


Laurier looked back at me and looked sleepy, but with expecting eyes.

“I’ve stopped growing like this……I’m glad to see a woman who makes me conceive her……”

“……That Laurier. Is that because some people are extremely ferocious spells?”

“I will only tell animal trainer……I want to give birth to a child of the person I like”


Isn’t it going to be ferocious? I.

“……Become pregnant with my child. If I’m in Polka, I’ll commit you for another fifty years”

“Yeah. ……I’m happy”

Oh, I’m irresponsible.


The old house where the elf girls live is full of female bodies that lay down like corpses. I smell sexually everywhere because I seeded as much as I like around the house. And.

“If you’re done with Laurier?”

A completely revived Savory smiles while having semen dripping down from her crotch.

“Will you make another round, right?”

Fennel smiles while taking off her apron.

“I, I’ll make dinner. ……By the way, is it okay to make a child?”

While Oregano heads to the kitchen with a naked apron, she turns her expected eyes and expected ass over here.

“……I, If you don’t blame my ears again……you can do as you like”

The nasty cherry blossom clan chief shyly turns her eyes while hiding her mouth with her fingers.

“You guys have great adaptability”

“Training was good, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. The ability which is not different from the rumor……?”

“What are you going to do for dinner? I like garlic and root vegetables”

“That……I’ll help you. If you leave it to a younger child, it’s related to the honor of my ex-husband”

…………After all, it was the next morning that I returned to the Baron’s mansion.

“Where did you go, Andy-san? Abandoning Peter-kun′s babysitting”

“Well, it’s dwarf style that makes children cry as much as they want. ……But I wanted you to say a word”

“Seriously sorry. I’m really sorry”

“……You can’t apologize with all your might”

“By the way, isn’t there something wrong……?”

Let’s really say where to go next time. To get help. ……I thought it would be kept as it is. Especially for Christie.


When I looked sideways at her who came back with me, she was in a very good mood. She is shiny.

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