Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 288: Tetes’s Counterattack 2 [Tetes]

Chapter 288: Tetes’s Counterattack 2 [Tetes]

Tetes was the smallest of the Renfangas group. While Almeida is relatively tall and Naris and Sharon are not that tall, Tetes is about the same height as Anzeros, or even slightly smaller. Since the sword she uses is a two-handed sword, the impression is not that she is noticeably small, but when I stand alone at a close distance, her small size is strangely impressive.

“……Wh, What the hell? I’m not doing anything interesting”

“That’s quite a greeting. Well, I can’t help it”

Tetes held up a bottle of liquor lightly in her hand. It’s a very expensive drink. Although it depends on the country, general grade liquor is distributed in pottery and barrels and glass bottles make you feel the case by themselves.

“You surely liked alcohol, didn’t you? This is a gift from a senior knight when I showed up at the knight’s quarters earlier……since it’s a gift, why don’t you drink it?”

“Is it okay? Naris would be happy to receive it”

“Because I also go around one bottle at a time for Naris-chan and Al-chan”

……I’m not sure if it’s distributed to female knights in a booming manner. It shouldn’t be such a cheap drink, but since it’s Gauntlet Knights, which is said to be particularly profitable, the economic idea may be quite different from mine.

“……Then, come in”

It’s not that I’m blinded by alcohol, but at least now I have no reason to turn Tetes away. If anything happens, Laila and Maia will fly and Tetes won’t do anything wrong with me twice.

The guest rooms of Celesta’s mansion are spacious. It is indeed a former noble house.

“It’s too wide for two people to drink, isn’t it?”

“It’s fine as long as it’s spacious. Can you drink alcohol?”

“……I wonder why that senior gave me this”

“Can’t you drink!”

The age at which drinking is allowed in some places varies a lot. Generally, 20 years old is the basic, but depending on the location, it is good from 17 to 18 years old, and since fruit liquor does not go into alcohol, even children are OK, and the standards are different.

“Well, I think it’s okay for 10-man captain Smithson to drink. Nobody is in trouble if I don’t drink”

“That’s right……no, if I get drunk unilaterally, it will be a lot of erotic development, so it’s better to call someone”

Only Tetes is not good. She’s Lord Buster’s sister. Sharon is a Gold Arm’s younger sister, but she’s been doing it for decades……no, if she’s not good enough, she’s had more than a hundred years of life experience. The good face that it is the decision of the person himself passes. However, if I touch Tetes, who is only 16 years old, I can’t escape. It is normal recognition that 15 and 16 is still a child. No matter how clever Tetes is, I’m a bad guy no matter how Lord Buster looks at it when I mischief his big-headed younger sister who was devoted to martial arts and studying. ……Well, at the cat beast colony, I tried my best to go to the end, but it’s official, so it’s okay. Reasonably, intelligently. No, I’m not that smart. At the very least, I have to avoid international problems with alcohol.

“Yes, yes. That’s what I’m talking about”


“10-man captain Smithson is uncommonly strong with women, isn’t he?”

“Eh, no……I, I don’t think so”

I was just about to pull the cork out of the liquor bottle with my fingers when I almost dropped the precious drink in my haste. Tetes supports me, then picks up the cork and pulls it out. A rich aroma wafted out. It’s not fruity. Is it whiskey?

“Again. It’s not very convincing to say that someone who can order nearly twenty of the finest women to get naked together and make them do it isn’t strong with women”

“Oh, wh, where did you get that from?”

“Naris-chan is pretty simple, isn’t she?”


Well I said it was free to tell, but Naris was really too simple.

“……Is there any special reason?”


“You’ve studied under such a master, or you have a skill that pleases him?”

“No, there is not. ……If I had to say, I’m not the cause. I’m just a dirty, greedy bastard”

“……10-man captain Smithson……isn’t it?”

“Well, there are a lot of reasons, but……it’s a long story from the beginning”

“……I’m listening. Please don’t drink alcohol yet”

“Yeah. Well, I can’t get drunk yet either”

Be rational, be intelligent. Especially when dealing with this girl.

“……So, to summarize, it was Apple who first started calling herself a female slave, and……female slaves tend to be half-elves and other people with unstable circumstances”

“I think……they wanted to be able to be with someone they felt safe with anyway. More than half, if not all, of the would-be slaves”

“……That kind of makes sense”

Tetes nodded with serious eyes. ……My personal story over the last two years is nothing short of ridiculous when I tell it again. Each and every event is at the level of……a possibility, but not a possibility. I’ve been in love with Apple and Selenium, I’ve tamed Laila, I’ve made a connection with Dianne due to a discrepancy in the customs of my hometown, I’ve passed through a trusting relationship based on hometown fondness and the ensuing crisis, I’ve developed an uncontrollable love for Anzeros and so on and so forth. But the timing was exceptionally good, and I was able to have it all in a chain of events. A mere rearguard, the son of a country blacksmith, was supported by many forces and before I knew it, I was even being called a hero by some. This is a trend that normally seems like a joke.

“Believe it or not, that’s the way it is”

“……No, if you ask me……there’s definitely a nod to that. ……There are certainly a lot of people who aren’t very stable……no, it’s a group that’s irregular in every sense of the word and that’s why irregular people are sent to it and attracted to it”

“……Well, I’ll leave the interpretation to you”

I poured myself a glass of wine. The mansion here was equipped with a glass cup, so I tried using it. It’s not easy to find these items even in the royal capital where the glass industry is relatively well developed. ……It’s much prettier than ceramic or wooden cups and the clear amber color of the best ones looks much more beautiful. I like this. I’d like to learn how to work with glass someday.

“……More or less, I’m convinced”

“Is that so. Well, I guess that’s it for tonight”

If Tetes leaves the room, I can drink in peace and collapse in peace. It’s a good idea to invite Laila or Dianne over for a drink.

“No, it’s just something I wanted to know, but that’s not the point”


……I thought she came here to hear this kind of talk in person.

“So, 10-man captain Smithson has a very strong relationship with women as a result, right?”

“Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes. I understand the reason for the time being”

“So it’s not that I’m particularly good with women, it’s just that I was a bit of a pervert and the women complement me in a good way, you know?”

“But you’ve experienced an unusual number of women, haven’t you?”


The 100-person cut is still suspicious, but the number of people that can be reached is……only the number of people has experienced it. With this alone, I may be able to compete with the royal aristocrats.

“……I am”

Tetes poured water from a jug into a cup (which I wouldn’t drink, but prepared just in case) and slightly moistened her lips.

“Naris-chan told me sometime ago that……I have no experience with men”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“……We, Well, that’s normal for a 16 year old”

Considering the fact that I lost my virginity the year before last, I guess that’s nothing to be concerned about. No, it doesn’t matter if Tetes, who is a human girl and is pretty and quite talented, should be a virgin for another decade. ……No, I wonder if she is ten years younger. When I was a fucking kid sucked by Apple, I was born or not. I feel a little bit like I’m a very old man.

“I’ve been told that the human race doesn’t depend much on bloodline for either magic or sword talent……but I showed the same talent as Lord Buster and was expected to do so. I’ve been immersed in my studies since I was a child and it was my duty to live up to the expectations of those around me and I never thought about love until I reached this age”

“No, No, that’s nothing special”

Tetes seems to be worried about it, but that’s how it is with children of craftsmen and aspiring swordsmen. Being a full-fledged person is the highest priority and it’s not unusual to notice the color after becoming an adult.

“……So, I don’t know. The reason why you want to be so dependent on a man is……that you want to be loved by him even if you have to wear a collar, even if you are one of dozens, even if you can only tell him what to do with your lower half. ……What does that mean?”

“I’ll annotate that such people are really special, okay?”

I mean, there are usually none. I know a lot of girls like that around me, but I also know that in general they are all women with really special tastes.

“……But at least 10-man captain Smithson is able to deal with all of those people and still maintain a relationship with them, right? Some of them you only see once every few months”

“…… Well, let’s just talk about the results”

The girl that you see once every few months is probably Breakcore, but I think that fellow’s mind is just particularly accustomed to that kind of time lapse.

“……Can you tell me about that, please?”

“……Tetes, that”

“If you’re worried about Lord Buster, I won’t tell him. I’m not asking you to take responsibility and I’m not asking you to do it for free. ……I can only bring you this much alcohol, but”

“I don’t think sex is any fun unless you like each other a certain way”

“But no matter how much I know that fact……I don’t know what I like……I don’t know what I want to do, so I can’t help it!”

“I think it’s not something you should rush to find out. It’s distorted, you”

I sipped my drink a little. I’ve never liked the opposite sex. I’ve never even wanted to have sex. That’s sad, but at Tetes’s age, it’s still not that big of a deal. I think so, but Tetes was serious.

“‘If you’re talking about twisted, isn’t 10-man captain Smithson much more twisted!?”

“‘I don’t mind. I know I’m twisted and I’m prepared to live with it until I die”

I’ve had relationships with a lot of different girls and I don’t intend to narrow it down. A lot of girls need me and I can’t get rid of them. Only a lot of strange girls who would tolerate it. It’s a twisted condition and I plan to live with it. But Tetes doesn’t need to be so twisted. It’s just that some of our sensibilities haven’t caught up with the rest of our maturity, and time will tell. They are not to be messed with because of their position, the age difference is real between adults and children and the rules of the species are the same. It’s because of this that I can be rational, even though I think she’s cute.

“My Selenium and Apple were not blessed with a partner who cared for them. Luna didn’t have a man in her life and the two dragons needed someone unique to accept their standards. The rest of the world was like that, if not quite as extreme. But you’re not in such a strange situation. If you wait, you’ll find a good man eventually and you’ll marry without any problems”


Tetes was at a loss for words. She stammered for a while, then sat back down on the sofa. And then there was a break.

“……10-man captain Smithson……I’m sure you’re not as lustful towards girls as you claim to be”

“What, are you unhappy?”

“I thought you were more of a passionate person. ……You are more logical than I thought. I think a lot about what’s best for me and for them”

“……Is that bad?

“I wouldn’t say it’s bad. ……I just think you’re a boring person”


“Speaking of compassion, it sounds good, but it’s a close waist, isn’t it? If you don’t have a good excuse for yourself before anyone else, you won’t even consider the option”

“……That may be true, I suppose. But that’s what being an adult is all about……”

“Naris-chan says 『Like』……『You can be embraced』that kind of negative thing?”


I’m not sure why I was so nervous, but I was furious. It might have been a bad idea to add a little bit of alcohol. It was a strange thing for me to be sanded down by the lovely, pure sensibility of Naris’s words.


“Because that’s what 10-man captain Smithson’s theoretical armament is, isn’t it? There is no emotion in it, is there? If that’s what it means to be an adult, then……after all”

Tess took a beat.

“My predecessor and my mother……I wonder if they made me because of such profits and losses……”

With a strangely thoughtful voice, with a smile as if pasted. I finally snapped at Tetes for saying such a thing. Thinking it’s no good.

“People are seriously thinking about braking……good, I’ll tell you if you say so! That’s why there is no man who won’t burn if you’re tempted to teach a cute girl something naughty!”

I pushed Tetes down on the couch. Hold down her petite body, give a forcible kiss, tear off the clothes and think about committing without reason……stop my hand. Well then, I’m sure I’ll leave it to my desires and I’ll teach Tetes sex, but I’m not going to solve anything else. It’s just scary if a man leaves it to sexual desire to recognize Tetes……for the time being, all I have to do is tell her what the relationship between men and women, including sex, is.

“……Pu, haa……you’re done……with kissing?”

“Don’t be so tough. You’re a virgin”

“Don’t look down on me”

I get up on top of Tetes, unbuckle my belt and take out my cock. Tetes’s face tenses slightly. If she thought it would go inside her, she would have been a little scared. Then I lifted her skirt……and took a six-nine position.

“What……fo, foreplay……?”

“You know it well, right?”

I say so with a slight sneer in my voice.

“If you want me to teach you about dicks, you’re going to have to suck hard. ……I’m going to let you have this one”

“Eh……n, that place……!?”

“What. You at least know where to use it for sex”

“Th, That is……I know, but……”

I was licking Tetes’s cunt from the top of her underwear. I thought she might be a little wet since we had been discussing sex, but she didn’t smell like it. It seems to be a fact that she can’t think of sexuality as overlapping with herself.

“Ya, underwear……don’t do that……please take it off”

“What, you want me to show your pussy to me? You’re a real slut”

“……Y, You have a different personality, 10-man captain Smithson……”

I was a little nervous. Well, there is a part that inspires me to 「Make」, so it’s not a mistake. ……As I said, I took off Tetes’s underwear and exposed her lower body.

“Oh, it’s growing”

“Wh……What are you talking about!”

“A lot of my female slaves don’t have hair”

“……A, Ah, that’s what you mean……”

It seems that she was surprised to think that she was told that 「She had pubic hair even though she was a kid」. ……The elves are hairless, so it’s only Laila and Luna who are all grown up properly among my female slaves. Jeanne and Maia should grow more when the time comes, but the current situation is that if you look closely, they will grow.

“It’s a little bit……fresh”

“Eh, ya, hiaa……!?”

I hang my hardened penis on Tetes’s face, bury my face in Tetes’s lower body and start cunnilingus. ……I’ve seen and experienced a lot of pussy itself, but I’m proud that cunnilingus technique isn’t very rich. Perhaps because there is a danger that the turn will be delayed if it takes time, by the time everyone gets to the point, they are often getting wet with a nasty imagination, or playing with it to get it wet. Actually, if you don’t talk so quickly, it’s difficult to turn a large number of people in a limited time, so I’m very grateful, but I’m troubled because there is no connection with such technique. However, it still seems to be comfortable as it is, thrusting my head into the gap of Tetes’s fresh thigh, licking her labia with my mouth in her innocent crotch, smearing saliva and kissing her clitoris repeatedly. Tetes screamed in a funny way.

“Hiuaaa! Ya, Yaa……u, a……auhh……aiaaaa!?”

“Nkuu……isn’t it a good reaction for the plain looking phrase?”

“U, Uuu……after all, 10-man captain Smithson is really good at this……”

“I don’t know if I’m good or bad, I’ve never compared my skills with anyone else”

Blame again. It is a more obscene experience than I expected to thoroughly harass a girl under the age of 10 with the consent of the girl. Then I waved my cock in Tetes’s face as she danced in pleasure. The feelings of Tetes, who is immersed in her inexperienced pleasure, but has become a huge weapon and the penis is grabbing in front of her. ……I’m more excited than I need to be because of this, but to be clear, it smells like an old man, yeah.

“Th, That……I, something mean……”

I’m not sure if she thought that the shaking of ,y cock was a sign or not, but Tetes asked me timidly.


I could have pushed her harder and told her to suck it, which would have felt better, but I dared not. I could afford it. Tetes just said, 「Teach me how to be naughty」. And while I think she’s cute, I’m not sure I want to fuck her.

So in other words, there is a way out there.

She knows about relationships, but she doesn’t have a real understanding of love and sexual desire. She can learn to see a man as a person with whom she can do something pleasurable. That doesn’t mean I have to get her virginity. I’m a man and I’m going to teach her how to enjoy herself. After that, if I want, I can satisfy myself by giving her the order to do a blow job or a hand job, or if she seems reluctant to do so, I can tell Laila or Maia about the situation and let them suck my dick in front of her instead. All I have to do is make Tetes cum like this.

“Now, Tetes……feel honest, it doesn’t seem to be necessary to say”

“Huaaa, a, ahiii……a, uaaa……!?”

“I share this kind of good feeling with Naris, Sharon and my female slaves. It feels so good……above, if you’re not careful, you can get pregnant”


“You can get pregnant, have a baby……and continue to feel good like this. That’s the relationship between men and women……so there are a lot of people who are a little far from that kind of happiness, but I happen to be super lewd that I never get tired of even if I have sex and there are situations around me that can protect such a relationship……it’s not normal, but that’s how a woman wears a collar”

“Ha, a, aaa……le, let’s take a break……”

“You haven’t cum yet”

“B, But if I go any further……I’m going to get weird……”


I sucked on her clit. It’s not just the psychological connection between the elements, but the response itself is really good and Tetes can’t withstand it.

“……Ka, aaa……!!”

Tetes bounced her hips and cummed. And then, after a few seconds of relaxation and breathing……I start licking Tetes´s pussy again.

“Eh, aa……al, already good, enough……”

“I’m not done yet”

I’m not going to actually fuck her. But in order to make her come more and more and to teach her about sexual desire, I resume using my tongue. Tetes was confused for a while, but eventually she gave up and left herself……no.

“N, hamuu……”


To my surprise, she put her mouth on my cock, which was dangling in front of her.

“H, Hey”

“……Ev, Even 10-man captain Smithson is enthusiastically sucking on the part where I pee……”

Oh, calm down. It’s not a surprise that she asked me to teach her about sex. It’s not surprising.

“We……Well, I hope you don’t set your teeth on it”

I pretended to be cool and left her to my cock and I went back to cunnilingus. I can’t actually see it because of my position, but I can feel Tetes kissing my dick, hesitating to take it in her mouth, confused and then flicking it with her tongue as she tries to suck on it. ……N, Noo. It’s cute.

“……Strange taste……”

“If semen comes out, it will have a strange taste. Oh, and Hilda-san’s technique is now producing a tremendous amount, so be careful. If you’re not careful, you’ll drown”

“……Dr, Drowning……!?”

“If I’m an ordinary man, it would be fine if you could get a cup of fingertips like this, but now I’m out of the jug. It’s hard to drink even if it’s normal, but if you put it in your mouth, it’s not good……na”

“……Wh, Why is that……”

“It seems that it feels good to be ejaculated so much that it flows backward in the pussy. In addition, the amount of ejaculation is so large that it is sure to enter the uterus and make it easier to get pregnant”


Tetes was speechless. She can’t imagine such a bizarre technique when she hasn’t even had regular sex yet.

“Well, you should be crazy. If you feel good, I’ll do it”

“……Ku, nn”


Whether she heeded the slightly threatening advice or not, Tetes began sucking my cock again. Ch, Cheeky. ……I’m a little more serious about sucking her cunt. In a quiet room on a couch, Tetes and I licked each other’s genitals in a kind of stubborn way. It was a strange situation, but I was excited by the strange cuteness and freshness of Tetes who desperately licked it and I can not withstand the childish blowjob. ……I might ask someone for that kind of training one of these days, I thought, as I pulled my cock out of Tetes’s mouth with the last bit of reason. If a girl, who has never even swallowed, had her mouth be filled with sperm hell, she would be in danger of suffocating. ……Then, ejaculation begins with the concentration and amount that presses on the inside of the urethra and a large amount of semen is sprinkled on Tetes’s face.

“Kya, buu……a, aguu……!?”

“Ku……th, that’s semen……if you put it in your stomach, it usually flows back……”

“M, My face is so……sticky……”

“You can wipe it off. I’ll keep licking your cunt”

“Eh, hyaaa……!!”

I was so frustrated that I attacked Tetes’s pussy as hard as I could. I’m still ejaculating a little bit, but I try to force Tetes to cum again. It seems that Tetes tried to endure, but as expected, her experience is different. I succeed in driving her into an orgasm immediately.


Bikun, Bikun and Tetes culminated. ……Is it okay around here? It’s time to make excuses. Thinking so, I woke up.

……A sixteen year old girl with her face covered in semen up to her hair and her pussy soaked in her rolled up skirt is shaking with climax. She is now a girl who should silently let you do it if you silently put your penis on her.

The demon is about to strike. No, No. What am I going to do now that I’ve established a fact? I shake off the conflict. That’s it. To this point.

“I feel refreshed. ……Didn’t that feel good?”

“A, u……”

“This is an option when dating a guy. I think most men would like to go further than this rather smoothly if they are as cute as Tetes”


Tetes takes a deep breath for a while and wipes the semen that scatters around her eyes with her sleeves.

“……10-man captain Smithson is……no more?”

“I’ve got plenty of partners……”

“……I don’t need that kind of backward theorizing. Don’t you want to fuck me like this……?”

With a semen-covered face, Tetes tries to look into my heart with serious eyes without fixing her skirt.

“You’re being greedy, Tetes”

I’m just trying to hold on. For a moment I’m tempted to give in, but Tetes is reckless and still a child. I’m sure she’s obsessed with some goal and using her body to achieve it would be a bad idea.

“If you want to give birth to my child, I’ll conceive you, but it doesn’t look like you’re prepared to say that”


Tetes didn’t answer immediately. It’s not hard to see why. She’s probably weighing that against her desire to shed her virginity and understand the carnal entanglements of a relationship.

“……Sure, I don’t really feel like having a child yet……I don’t know how 10-man captain Smithson……feel the desire as a woman……”

“Stop it. The time will come when you can understand it without rushing”

“……But I want to know where this is going now”


Tetes took off her clothes in a hurry. The proportions are suitable for a petite impression and although it is not a petty thing, it is by no means abundant, but the well-proportioned naked body makes you feel the awkwardness and blooming of inexperienced nature among young girls.

“Don’t take it off”

“If you put it out like this, it will get dirty again”

“I’m not doing it again! Once a man has had one shot, he cools off for a while!”

It’s called sage mode. I actually don’t have that calm time, or rather, I’m one of those guys who can barely keep the tension down, but now I’m forcing myself to put my mind at rest, so I’ll use that as an excuse.

“I’m not scared”

Tetes pulls me back to the couch. Turns her hips to me and spreads her pussy.

“……Like this, do it. ……Don’t you think it’s rude for a girl to end up here when she knows there’s more to come?”

“You know the logic behind that, don’t you……”


I sigh.

“A young woman with a lot of superficial knowledge about sex”


“I’ll tell you what, if you’re a womanizer who’s used to dealing with women and you’re comfortable with them……is pretty much the worst way to lose your virginity”

“Th, Then who……”

“It’s a bad place for you to pass on the responsibility while opening up such a thing”

With a snap, hit the ass. And suddenly I thrust my finger into the ass hole.


“If the girl I fell in love with was abandoning her virginity for that reason……I don’t want to imagine it. So, as long as you don’t know what you´re doing and you´re asking me out in a bad way, I´m not going to take your virginity”


“Today is intercrural sex”

“In, Intercrural sex……?”

“I’m going to put my cock between your pussy and your thighs and make it feel good. Then I can ejaculate as much as I want……well, next time, I’ll stick my dick in your asshole”


“That’s right. I’m going to play with your virginity and everything else with my cock. ……If you still want to know about my cock, I’m going to take your virginity at the end. You want to know something erotic, don’t you? This is also erotic. Think about it while you’re being used as a sex tool by a pervert. Why can’t I have a better first time?”


“Come on, tighten your thighs! I’m gonna squeeze your tits!”

“Th, That……because Knight Chief Sharon and Aurora-san……aren’t that different……”

“Don’t look at yourself in the same line as the woman I wanted to fuck. You’re cute, but you’re not going to be pregnant if you don’t want to be a female slave and you’re not going to be ecchi with me. It’s not the same. I’m not fucking a woman for service. I’m fucking them because I want to”


You can see a slight sulk in her profile. This girl who is aggressive, passive and unbalanced. To be honest, she is fascinating. But she can’t be used in a good way. Whether it’s some kind of conspiracy or a sincere emotional problem, I can’t let her do what she wants without hiding her true feelings. Let’s rush. I’m still waiting for the first time that I want to have. One day, if……the time comes for me to stick my dick in that vagina, it will be when I「Decide」 to be more serious. Until then, I’ll play with her. I’m just going to make her as erotic as I want it to be. I’m not going to let her stand alongside those sluts with half-hearted determination. I stroked Tetes’s unblemished body and let out a breath of alcohol as I roughly dug my cock between her buttocks.

“Th, This……this is this, something……feelings, well, I have……”

“You can feel it all you want. I’m only using your crotch to ejaculate”

“……You’re not like that……hu, hurts……do, don’t pinch my nipples like that……!?”

“Because it’s okay, stick out your ass and I’ll do it. I’m going to shoot my cum all over your crotch……!”

Play with her as much as I like, the daughter of the Marquis family in a neighboring country, a genius swordfighter and a mage. I’m going to start ejaculating underneath her slim waist.

“Ah, kyaa……li, like this……!?”

Byururu, Byuru, Byururuu…… Going out with sperm hell wets the sofa sticky. I was satisfied with the amount of Tetes who were stunned by stroking it roughly. ……I regretted a moment later that it was hard to clean up afterwards.


“……Next is the butt……and then finally here……”

“…… I’m telling you to reconsider who you give your virginity to in the meantime”

“That’s why I don’t understand those feelings”

Tetes complained as she put her clothes back on. And then she blushed a little.

“……The next one will have to wait a bit. I’ve heard……that butt can be dangerous if you’re not prepared”

She hasn’t learned her lesson. I’m sure she’s not going to learn any more.

“……By the way, I’ll extend the asshole period depending on my mood. It’s not just one time”

I’ll try to add more threats.

“……If it makes you feel better, go ahead”

Tetes also puffed up a bit, blushed and said challengingly.

“If you want to have sex in a normal way, please tell me in advance. I’ll use contraceptive magic”


All set. Yeah, she learned from Hilda-san. Has she been thinking about doing this for quite some time?

“Also, the tuition is one bottle of alcohol per lesson”

I half gave up, but pretended to raise the bar even higher……aiming for a little perk.

“It’s a good idea, but as long as you bring what I’ve asked for, don’t complain next time”

……Poke where it hurts.

“……I get it”

Can I preach from now on?

……While facing each other with a little dissatisfied face that I expected. Thus Tetes and I had a strange contract.

“By the way, what kind of relationship do you honestly have with Naris-chan?”

“……Didnt you know?”

“I want to know the true nakedness. It seems that she is not a female slave”

She’s just been used as a plaything and I’m not sure why her eyes are shining more when she talks about it.

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