Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 386: The first cat colony spring festival 1

Chapter 386: The first cat colony spring festival 1

I was a welcome addition to the morning cat beast colony.


“I knew it was Master!!”

Perhaps because of the group that returned from Polka the other day, it seems that the name Master has already taken root.

“Even though you’re not my Master……”

“Isn’t it fine, only the girls who want to say it are saying it. If you are forcing girls who don’t want to say it to say it, you are a scumbag”

Grandma Donna dismissed it without much interest and pointed to a house with her cane.

“You can rest there for now. The young girls are going hunting in the labyrinth. If you are going to be promiscuous, you and your girls will have to be fed with something that will make you feel good or else you will end up in a pitiful situation”

“Ho. The owner is not the kind of person who will run out of seed so easily”

“How can you say that about a whole colony? Not all domesticated cat beasts are so obedient”

“Huumm. I’m not going to back down against a few dragons……but I’m certainly not forcing them to do so”

Airi nodded when Laila said that.

“He is the Maia´s lord, not an offering to us. The vigor with which he engages almost without rest is remarkable……but it is also true that there is no way to force him to do more than he wants to do”

“……That’s true”

Lately, I’ve been pretty confident in my lower body abilities, but it’s certainly a pact that prioritizes my intentions so that I don’t ask too much, whether it’s female slaves or dragons. tying things. It’s not like I’m asking for it, but it goes without saying that it helps me a lot in order to have sex smoothly. ……Starting with Laila, Hilda, Christie and even Michela, I have no idea how long they will continue to fuck if they get serious. I’m still being held back.

“Take me and Airi with you on the hunt. Dianne will probably come later, but as long as no one gets hurt”

“I’m grateful for your help. But Nelly’s been in such good shape lately, I don’t think it’s going to happen”

“Hoho. That girl?”

Laila rolls her eyes. In the plaza, the girls who were preparing to hunt began to gather and in the center of it was Nelly, who made Anzeros blow a bubble. She looks at me and bows lightly.

“Then I can be the one to carry the prey”

“Mu? But wouldn’t it be safer and faster for us to hunt directly?”

“Even though the desert labyrinth is wide, it’s not enough to become a dragon. We cant use breath and it is difficult to track our prey if we do not know the terrain. Above all, too much help is of no use to them, Airi. They will continue to live after we are gone”

“……So, even though it’s just one battle, it’s an important experience for the countless hunts that will follow?”

“Yes. At best, you can give them a hand if they get into trouble”

“Huh. Well, thank goodness Laila knows what she’s doing”

Grandma Donna confirms the conversation of the dragons. If the dragons are going to be in charge of hunting monsters forever, there is no point in taking risks. But hunting is part of life and the cat beasts will always need their skills to survive.

“I guess it’s tough……”

“What, isn’t it the same everywhere? The number and variety of monsters here are very limited and we can eat them, so we are blessed. I heard that you are going to Renfangas, my guest. Compared to that kind of place, it’s like playing around”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“……You know about the Renfangas, old lady?”

“I had a chance to learn some things about the outside world when I was hanging out with Laila. Well, it’s an old story, but it hasn’t changed much, has it?”


She’s ballsy, decisive and knowledgeable. The old lady might not really be the person to be in charge of organizing a small colony like this.

The house that the old lady directed me to turned out to be the home of Anise-chan and Tanya-san, whom I thought I had seen before.

“Nyaa……welcome, Master-sama?”

“Please make yourself at home”

Anise-chan hugged me with a big smile and Tanya-san also greeted me with a smile that could melt.

“I’ve been told to take some time off while they prepare for the festival……”


“Then, do you want to sleep with me?”

“Y, Yes……I wonder if that’s okay?”

I’m a little worried. I wonder if it’s okay to go through the trouble of going to this parent and child’s house, who is my favorite sex partner and just be lazy. Maybe I was putting implicit pressure on them in the sense that they should clean up first. ……Well, Grandma Donna told me to rest. I’m sure she would not be unreasonable, especially since she didn’t seem to be expecting too much of my energy and I had shown her proof that I had poured plenty of it into Dianne before I came here in the first place. So does that mean that I should honestly rest……? No, but considering that time is not so much, umm.

“Well then, I’ll prepare a meal for you while you’re resting……Anise, don’t annoy Master too much, okay?”


But while I’m still wondering, Tanya-san goes into the kitchen. I’m still a little lost, but I’m going to take her word for it. Well, they said I should rest, so let’s rest. If that makes you angry, well, let’s do our best afterwards.

I go into the bedroom with Anise-chan, which is so close that I can hear Tanya-san from the kitchen. Anise-chan was a girl who showed me her lewd side in the evening, but now she is still pretending to be what can only be called innocent.

“Ehehe……its cold these days, so I like to sleep with someone”

Because of my tiredness from moving and having sex, I lay down on the bed without hesitation and Anise-chan happily puts her face on my chest. The way she looked was just like a child……I remember a fellow apprentice blacksmith who impregnated his girlfriend at age 15 and was forced to have her as a daughter-in-law. If I had had a child at that age, it would have been around the age of Anise-chan. No, I think Anise-chan would be a little bigger. ……The word 「Daughter」 comes to mind either way. I would have finished my blacksmithing training, gotten married and had a child. And if it had been a girl, I wonder if she would have spoiled me like this……what. Jackie-san and Sara-chan are good friends, but I wonder if they would spoil me like this on a vacation morning. Not as big as a purebred ogre, but when your father is that big, as a child, you’ll want to touch and compare arms, abs, face size and so on. Well, my dad was pretty muscular too, of course, since he was a blacksmith. I still don’t have the muscles like my dad back then……

I wonder if I will naturally become like that when I work hard enough to become a real blacksmith. I wonder what my sons and daughters will think when they touch my arm like that. I slowly thought about these things as I stroked Anise-chan’s pampered hair. And it seemed that Anise-cham was thinking in a similar way. After a while, she whispered in a small voice.

“……Master, muscles are amazing……”

“Hmm? No, that’s not true. There are a lot more muscular guys than me in my troop of friends……”

“Huuh……but I like arms like Master’s……”

“Hahaha. Well, it’s just right for a pillow”

While giving her an arm pillow, I try to make Anise-chan’s head bounce by tightening and loosening the arm muscles, which are not so big.



……Oh no. I’m pretty much in full-blown harmony, I. I’ve already got my hands on this girl. And I’ve already fucked her mother in front of her eyes, scattered her virginity in front of her mother’s eyes and poured out an overflowing supply of my sperm……while realizing such a devilish desire. How lucky am I to feel like a father and be at ease with such a child? I feel a little self-loathing.



I was apologizing to them. I know that sex is a necessary part of their colony. Once they decide to live here and keep the colony as it is, they have no other choice. Thus the justified sexual rampage. Even if I had thought that I should have at least waited until she grew up and found her a partner like Barbara in Polka……what’s the point now after having played with and enjoyed this girl’s body to the fullest. Yes, paternity is a thing of the past. Apologizing is an act of hypocrisy. I know that.

“The truth is, you should only do naughty things with the person you love, but even for a girl like Anise-chan, I’m getting carried away”

“I love you, Master, but……?”

“……That’s not true. ……Emm there are lots of men out there and they’re actually called lovers and they’re one-on-one and they promise not to look aside from each other”


I was in the mood to have a girl who didn’t even know much about such things. I was in heat, broke through her virginity and tried to get her pregnant. In a way, this is the worst story I’ve ever heard and I’m getting more and more depressed.

“But……I don’t care about that, Master, I want to have sex with you, nya……?”

“Ah……well, I don’t know anything else……but……”

Anise-chan stretches her neck and kisses me as I try to be effeminate.

“I don’t care if you go somewhere else……I don’t care. Here, Master is the one who will have sex with everyone. I think that’s enough, nya”


“Because here everyone is having fun with it……but I’m sure that 『Outside』 as Master says, they don’t think so, so they are doing different things……so, emm”

Anise-chan tried her best to explain.

“I don’t think it’s okay if we don’t match. If Master isn’t having fun, I don’t think so”

“No, I’m having a lot of fun……even though I’m having fun”

“Then you should have lots of sex with me and everyone else. It’s fun”

……Somehow. To be encouraged by a small girl with such a problem. After all, I think I’m too immature in many ways. But yes. I can’t complain about it after she told me so much. Let’s just let it go. At least……I thought Anise-chan was cute as a woman, not as a daughter and I raped her. Don’t ever fool yourself about that fact again.



I hugged her. Slender shoulders, light weight. And girlish softness. Between her slender legs is a woman’s hole that I’ve shoved my cock into many times. I want to push in there again and satisfy my desire. I hugged her small body as if to reaffirm it.

“Dinner. Is it ready……or should I wait until you’re done……?”


“Ah, no that……ah, emm”

I woke up at once when Tanya-san looked into my face. Or rather, 「I’ll wait until it’s over」, as a mother…… No, it would be hypocritical for me to say that, but I can’t help but think so.

We had breakfast together and then Tanya-san put me on her lap on the long bench in the small garden (or perhaps I should say outdoors by the house, since it doesn’t look like much of a private property). Anise-chan was lying on my stomach, looking happy.

“When we work, we work and when we don’t work, we take it easy. That’s our style. You don’t have to think too much. Donna-san will tell you when you need to”

“Haa……then don’t hesitate……”

The knee pillow, warm and soft, is very nice. It’s another beautiful day in the desert. Time passes leisurely. ……I can understand a little how Grandma Donna and the cat beasts feel when they dared to leave the hectic and dreary outside world and stick to this colony. They do their best only when necessary, non-interfering even if others are working or sleeping. Such a mellow atmosphere would be hard to tolerate in a village or town with a mix of other species.


And when the sun rises in the mid-sky.

“I’m home, nya!!

“We caught a lot!!”

The triumphant shouts of the hunting party could be heard from the plaza.


“It’s a feast”

Anise-chan and Tanya-san look up and I raise myself up. Laila and Airi come out of the labyrinth dragging many hell boars. It looks like they are dragging them by the beads, but they are tied up with 「Silk Chains」 or something. Dianne also came out of the labyrinth dragging two hell boars by one leg each.

“I was surprised at how many we caught. We have more than we can handle if we want to make dried meat. We’ll be feasting for a while after our guests leave”

“Hoho. I’ll go out and stock up on alcohol”

“What do you have in mind, Laila? I didn’t bring any money this time”

“What, we’ll just have to go to Jeanne’s colony and see what they have. They can give us a barrel or two”

“Hu. While the lord is working, I’ll be on the sidelines. I will help you”

“Kuku, well, you are welcome to come along. I don’t need two dragons for a barrel or two”

As soon as both of them finished carrying the hell boars, they jumped up sharply into the sky, Airi in a cool pose and Laila changing into a dragon while undressing in mid-air. They flew into the daytime sky as if they were intertwined with each other.

“It would have been helpful if you had helped me with the dismantling”

“I’m good at that”

Dianne picked up a machete and headed toward the dead body of the hell boars. Dianne would do it quickly. Since she’s a former doctor, it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand a monster’s body and expose it.

“G, Guest. Did you get a good rest?”

“Thanks to you”

“It will take some time before I can tear the meat apart and eat it, but I’ll make do with what I have for lunch. After I eat, I’ll send you an message……the girls should be awake by now and you can start working hard”

Ah, I’m glad I took a proper rest after all.

“Nya, it’s a festival, so do something more, nya!”


Lina and Yuna appeared from somewhere and made a very vague suggestion. The cat beasts agreed to the proposal with a nyaa. I guess it’s no use agreeing to something you haven’t said anything about.

“I don’t know what to do. ……Nelly, do you have any ideas?”

When Grandma Donna spoke, Nelly, who was in the process of dismantling, pondered for a while while holding a huge kitchen knife.

“That, Master……is said to enjoy stripping all the female slaves naked in the northern forest”

“Hmm. What is it, then, that he does that to us?”


What a crazy proposal out of the blue! It seems that no one seems to be saying 「Eh」 here.

“Hmm. Well then, all those who wish to be sired are to be naked until tomorrow evening……well, I hope that’s easy to understand. Is that alright with you, my guest?”

“No, wait a minute. That”

“You’re not happy?”

“……Preferably with an apron”

A few minutes later.


“Ehehe……Madter, nya?”

All the girls who were bringing food and dismantling boars in the square were wearing naked aprons. ……Talking about a lover in a village where this kind of thing really comes true may be just because I can’t read the atmosphere.

“It’s totally useless……”

Grandma Donna, who is smiling bitterly, is indeed still in her normal clothes, but as you would expect, even the old lady can’t be a naked apron, can she?

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