Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 333: Perfume Zero [Maia, Luna]

Chapter 333: Perfume Zero [Maia, Luna]

Night. When I was about to return to the men’s room, I found several Ace Knight squad members hovering around the room in a disturbing manner, so I feared for my safety and was evacuated to the women’s room under Laila’s guidance.

“Ho. As expected, they are very angry”

Laila sighs as she closes the door. Naris immediately interrupted.

“No, of course they would be upset. What were you guys thinking about coming out!?”

“Sooner or later they will find out. It’s just not nice to have them come on to us with unnecessary expectations”

Anzeros shrugged.

“Although, I’ve always felt a weird killing vibe during the day, and someone needs to escort Andy for a while……”

And there, Maia and Luna raise their hands.

“I’ll take down anyone who messes with Andy-sama”

“100-man special duty commander Becker taught me a lot about traps and stuff”

They both say radical things. Sharon sighs at them.

“You don’t have to hit each other directly. If you have a woman with you, they wouldn’t reach out their hands”

Tetes nodded her head as she slipped into her underwear in front of me without a care in the world and slipped her sleeves into her nightgown.

“I wonder if from now on, someone will be assigned to 10-man captain Smithson on a rotating basis”

Almeida cleared her throat.

“Cough. I, I’d be happy to stay with you if you want. I’m used to sleeping and eating among men on military duty”

“Almeida. Don’t be greedy”

“No, it’s not about greed or anything like that”

She’s excusing herself, but I think I inevitably get that impression. Well, the fact is, everyone has their own job to do. The only one who would not move except on my order would be Maia and she would not be able to be a constant guard.

“I’m sure that’s all right. The problem is that those ace knights are trained to break illusions, so that kind of thing doesn’t work very well”

Hilda says gravely. ……I’m not sure what she means by that,so I asked Diane to explain and Diane laughed, 「You know what my sister is thinking」.

“The bottom line is that we can no longer 『Hide in the shadows and have sex frequently』 as we did in the fall”

“That’s well……I mean, why don’t you just do it in private without using illusions or anything like that?”

However much this city is basically a fortress based on combat, it is not entirely devoid of private life. There are spaces like this for girls that are normally off limits to men, and I feel that you don’t have to use illusions to have moderation. But.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to use an illusion. You can’t just do whatever you want”

Dianne said so and Neia, who had been listening while slightly out of the circle, became impatient.

“……Emm, if I’m bothering you, I can sleep wherever you want, even in the carriage on the first floor……”

“N, No Neia, that’s not what I meant”

Yeah. But it is true that the female slaves may feel uneasy about not having a point where they can have sex in peace. In Polka, at least in the inn, my home, the cat beast house, and Fennel’s house, they didn’t complain about how much they were doing. In the barrier prison village, erotic parties could be held with impunity.


Hilda rummaged through her luggage and pulled out a cloth package.

“I have a proposal for you, Andy-kun. Here, try this”


“A medicine used in the old days by the Luxe Empire’s secret intelligence. It helps to eliminate body odor”

“It’s going to eliminate body odor……?”

“That. After about half a day of taking it, most of the smell disappears from your body”

“……What are you going to do with that?”

It is true that there were some beastmen in the ace knight corps, but it is not something that can be dealt with by just taking measures against it……

“I’m going to give up on hiding in the illusion and having sex. But you still want to give someone a blowjob at least, don’t you? But that kind of thing is eventually revealed by the smell. ……This medicine also removes the smell of cum. Even if you thrust it into a girl’s mouth and squeeze it, you can repair it calmly☆”

“The alternative is to be patient and stop having sex in the city”

“As a female slave, I cannot allow that to happen”

I’m going to decide whether or not to allow that kind of thing on the female slave side……

“I’m sure you’ll all be able to improve your oral techniques at this point. Pussy seeding isn’t the only way to get laid☆”

The female slaves look at each other at Hilda’s command.

“Well, I was a blowjob specialist to begin with……I don’t remember it myself”

“We, Well……that kind of thing isn’t so bad”

“Huhu, as a maid swordsman, this is a flowery situation”

Apple, Anzeros and Aurora are kind of on board.

“I’ll suck a lot if that’s all right with Andy-sama”

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“Ho, good luck. I have no reservations about that”

The two dragons are also very motivated.

“Oral service……is finally becoming more like a female slave”

“C, Can you stand it if you don’t ejaculate into the womb……?”

“Al-chan is too naughty. ……Naris-chan, let’s do our best……”

“Why are you counting me in!? I’m not a female slave, so I’m not obligated to you!”

The Gauntlet Knights have no particular objection, apparently. Except for Naris.

“Hilda. ……I’m probably going to hurt Andy if I lick him”

“Oh my. I’ll put a coarseness spell on you”


Luna, with her mouth open, is being treated by Hilda.

“I guess that solves the problem for the time being”

Dianne nodded in satisfaction. ……No, is that what you mean by immediate problem?


And Neia, unable to join in the conversation, just stayed in the corner and got smaller and smaller.


I returned to my room in the middle of the night while being escorted by Maia and the next day.

“……Hey Smithson. Are you feeling sick or something?”

“Na……? What the hell, Keiron”

I rubbed my eyes and got myself out of bed (no one moves anymore for Maia, who is sleeping with me) and Keiron gave me a strange look.

“There’s something wrong with you, dude. ……Something is a little off about you”


I took that pill before bed and it seems to be working. For Keiron, the beastman, the disappearance of that body odor seems to be transmitted as a 「Strange presence」.

“I’m not in bad shape. Maybe it’s because of the medicine Hilda gave me”

“Isn’t it suspicious……that the medicine changes the signs……?”

“Well, it’s Hilda-san”

“……It can’t be helped if its from Hilda-sensei”

I was convinced.

“……Surely something’s wrong”

Maia gets up and hugs me, stops for a while and still looks strange.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? You look like a……shell, you know”

Keiron’s definition of 「Shell」 probably means that the body odor has disappeared, leaving only the smell that had previously seeped into the clothes.

“That’s what the drug is for, apparently”

“……What kind of drug is that?”

Keiron gave a small shrug.

The reaction was even more pronounced when I went to the girls’ room. Or rather, Luna and Laila were bracing themselves as I opened the door.

“What are you guys doing……”

“……I thought that the ace knight corps was trying to sneak in”

“Ho. You’re in a different league”

Luna, who poked her hand into the ground and Laila, who looked as if she was about to fire something from her outstretched hand, released their tension.

“The smell is quite pervasive, isn’t it? It is often said that even if magic can disguise sound and appearance, it is difficult to disguise smell. Even the scent illusion is not effective at this point because you have to specify the individual who smells it directly”

Hilda-san explains their reactions while combing her hair. So that’s why both Laila and Luna are puzzled by the anomaly.

“Well, then, Luna-chan, Laila-chan, come with me”



“Take a walk with me and get used to the fact that Andy-kun no longer has body odor. It’s going to be like this for a while”

“What do you mean for a while……?”

Not that it’s particularly inconvenient, but it must be an unusual situation. I was a little scared and afraid to ask.

“The smell will gradually come back after about three days. But since there is no benefit to return it now, you will have to continue taking the medicine while you are in Catalina”

“I, I understand”

I don’t think that’s the case, but I wondered what to do if I was told that I was a human being with zero body odor forever.

Maia, Laila and Luna. I took a walk for a while with the three of them, who are sensitive to smells, accompanied by Hilda.

“I kind of feel like I’m with Andy-sama, but at the same time not……”

“That’s an odd thing to say. But it shows that smells are quite important”

“……I like the usual Andy better”

It’s kind of unpopular.

“Most people don’t like body odor and try very hard to get rid of it”

Hilda laughs.

“Well then, it’s time to experiment. ……Maia-chan, Luna-chan and Andy-kun, go to the back alley and give them a lick”

“Eh, walk”

“Of course it’s an excuse. You don’t want Neia to be bothered, do you?”

Hilda told me with a natural look.

“Ho. Shall I put up an illusion?”

“Ah, you’d better keep it to audio illusions. Visual illusions have the opposite effect on the girls of the ace knight corps. It’s like telling them we’re having sex with them behind their backs”

“It’s a pain in the ass”

“That’s why we came together like this. Let’s casually pretend that we are standing together so that no one can peek into the back☆”

Wow. Hilda is sober and witty.

Maia and Luna. Two girls crouch down in front of my crotch.

“I can hardly smell anything when I put my face close to Andy-sama’s crotch……it’s still kind of weird”


They nod at each other with straight faces. I feel uncomfortable but take off my belt and take out my cock. My cock is not even semi-erect as I’m still not quite riding it out.

“The cock is odorless……”


They both extend their tongues at the same time while looking puzzled. Maia’s long tongue and Luna’s thin, flat tongue. They are similar in that they lack facial expressions, but each of their tongues is unique. Maia’s tongue dexterously licks around the calyx, while Luna’s tongue licks the underside of the bell mouth from the back muscle as if she were holding it as an offering.

“……I can taste it”


Peropero, reroero, they nod to each other as they lick each other’s cheeks together.

“I, It feels pretty good……”

I stroke the head of my cock, which is getting harder and harder, while they take care of it.


“……I’ll do my best?”

Maia and Luna were so happy that they started to make love to my cock, using their tongues and lips to the fullest.

“It’s a priority to make Andy-sama feel good……n, chu, n, nmuu……”

“Yeah……a lot, let it out……nku, n, nnn?”

It seems that in both of them, the embarrassment of serving an odorless cock is somehow reconciled by the practical benefit of pleasing me. I wondered how Hilda and the others were looking at it, but I suddenly realized that I couldn’t hear any sounds around me. It seemed that they had created an audio illusion barrier.

“N, chupu, npu, nguu……haa, Luna also sucks……”

“Unn……ngu, n, puhuu, nchu, nguu……”

“Rero, hamuu……hapu, nn……”

“Chupu, nnn, nnnn……puha, Maia……”


Luna swallows the tip of my cock as if it were covered with saliva, then takes turns with Maia next to her, licking my balls and the base of the stem in the process. At some point, they started alternating that in combination. The warm tongues and saliva rubbed against each other incessantly, and they both forgot about their embarrassment at the fact that I was now odorless and became absorbed in the act of letting the tip of their excretory organs run amok in their mouths. Maia’s tongue entwines with Luna’s and Luna’s wraps around it. Their mouths overflow with saliva, their tongues sometimes competing with each other to bring my cock into each other’s mouths and sometimes competing with each other to suck the glans with their lips, the passion between the two slaves increases my desire to ejaculate without limit.

“Luna, Maia……!!”

I release the desire that continues to rise between their two lips.


“Habu, huaa……Andy-sama’s……?”

A large quantity of semen is sprayed on their faces. Luna closes her eyes and Maia stretches out her tongue to accept it in her mouth. And.

“……Hapu, nchuu……”

“……There is no smell……”

“I like it better when the sperm has a smell……I feel like I’m being raped all the way to the back of my nose, that scent……”

“Yes……it’s Andy’s semen, so I’ll drink it……but it’s just sticky and hard to drink……and that fishy smell is more stimulating to the pit of my stomach……”


They are supposed to be sensitive to smells, but they prefer the stinky ones.

“If they respond to smell as well as you guys do, maybe they should be a little more subdued?”

I said while lightly squeezing my dick to release the remaining juice and Luna nodded her head as she took it in her hand.

“……That’s not true. Ecchi smell is connected to the feeling of being comfortable……”

“Yes. In my case, when I smelled it for a while……I felt a sensation running down from my chest to my stomach……and my cunt remembered Andy’s cock and opened up……it’s like my whole body is going into an ecchi state……”

“Yeah. That”

“Is Luna the same?”

“When I smell Andy’s fresh semen, a sweet feeling echoes down to my tail……I want to be fucked, or rather, I want to be messed up……”

“……Can understand something”


These two rubbed off the semen on each other’s faces with their hands and licked it off.

“……It’s a little short, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I want to be filled up with semen……”

It’s irresistible to say so sadly and look up at me.

“You slutty pets”


“I’m a female slave……and it’s my real, lifelong job to keep taking it in my cunt as long as Andy-sama cums……?”

“Take off your bottom”

I let them both stand. Remove Luna’s hot pants and lower the panties to her knees. Grab Maia’s panties from inside her skirt and pull it down, exposing her lower body. The two juicy beauties are forced to expose their genitals as they are uncovered and they exhale hotly as they realize my intentions.

“Luna……it’s you first, you estrus cat!!”

“Huaa……a, auu……Andy……?”

Luna called out my name in a high, sweet voice as I thrust my cock into her.

“Penis is amazing……but, after all……the smell of Andy’s sweat……and the smell of your cock, lonely……?”

“Luxury cat”

“B, Because……I´m being raped by Andy……I know that Andy is in heat with me……?”

My saliva-soaked cock pushes its way into Luna’s vagina to the fullest, then I pull out.

“I know Andy wants to fill me with his dirty smell and turn me into a dirty cat who only thinks about sex and it makes me happy……?”

Luna shudders as she mutters her thoughts about my body odor with each word, confirming once again her lewdness. She wobbles and shakes, shaking her hair and sprinkling the smell of her love juices, happily sucking my cock with her lower mouth as well.

“Au, but……bu, but I like this too……Andy’s cock making out with my womb……inside my cunt, I love it when you nudge me with your penis……?”

Luna is intoxicated with pleasure while drooling. Maia smiles as she watches and lifts up the hem of her dress to show me where my cock is going next. I start ejaculating again. I make Luna’s greedy bottom mouth drink a lot of semen.


Luna takes it with an impressed look while shaking her hips. After enjoying that ejaculation to the fullest, I gingerly switch to Maia’s hips.


“You like the stinky juice better, too?”

“Yes……I like the smell of Andy-sama’s scent……but”

Kucya, she spread her own cunt.

“I’m willing to put up with it if I can have hot Andy-sama’s seed pouring out of me without hesitation……?”

“Good girl”

I gently stroked Maia who spread her pussy, inserted my body between her crotch and entered from the front.

“Na, huu……?”

“I’m in, nasty dragon”

“Yeah……the ecchi owner’s cock that I signed up to fuck me got in today too……?”

“Are you happy?


Maia puts her legs over my waist and smiles lewdly with her hands on my shoulders.

“No matter how much I fuck you, I’ll never know it was Andy-sama who did it……so go all out……?”

That smile was so sexual and beautiful. I can’t resist and start thrusting up Maia. Maia’s young body is light and I’ve always had a strong body for sex. Even with this kind of sex, I can thrust all over Maia without feeling uneasy. Next to me, Luna is sighing hotly without putting her ass away and my scentless semen is dripping down her panties. Maia’s upper body is still clothed and she’s connected only by her lower body, wanting my seed. By erasing the important element of smell, I confirm their ardent love for me, who conversely love it as well and I am so happy that I ejaculate while making Maia thrust and bounce repeatedly……and finally almost bouncing off of her and letting her ride me.

“Huaaa……a, haaa……?”

“KKu, haaa……a, haa, haaa……”


Maia clings to me tightly and murmurs happily.

I put their clothes back on and wipe their faces only with a handkerchief before leaving the alleyway.

“How was it?”

“Ho. ……I don’t smell sperm. I can smell a woman’s rutting body odor”

“There’s a potpourri that can keep that one at bay”

“……It’s a little short on something, but it’s to make Andy-sama feel good”


The two adults laughed at Maia and Luna’s impressions.

“But I can’t deny the feeling of surpassing the emergency. We’ll have to think of something else”

“Ho. There will be no outbreak of demons for a while and the snow will disappear soon. Maybe we can build a mating hut somewhere outside the city, pretending to be a fort”

“I suppose that’s the only way”

The two of them are doing some intrigue, but let’s make sure Dianne will approve it properly.

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