Handsome CEO's Darling Wife

Chapter 662: WHAT IS THAT?

Chapter 662: WHAT IS THAT?

Altan Yul who was sitting on a shed close to the ceiling in the auditorium for a long time. Since he was invisible, no one saw him. He had seen everything.

He was feeling sad, sympathy and sorry for Mu Lan who was in pain. She was bound and those evil men were looking at her as if she was some kind of object. They wanted to sell her. Seeing all those harsh treatments on his beloved child, his body was building anger slowly. He wanted to slaughter everyone instantly. However, he held his killing desire. Because they were instructed not to interfere with this until she awakened.

He knew that others were having hard times too when Kilimanjaro was reporting everything he was hearing. They must have been raging in fury and holding back themselves, just like him. They had to keep quiet till the time was right.

However, the moment Mu Lan opened her eyes, Al saw her red eyes; and his anger dropped to the minus degree.

Those eyes were bloody red. Those eyes were too calm and quiet. Her eyes neither held any arrogance nor politeness. Her eyes didn't show astonishment seeing the people before her. She wasn't curious either. She wasn't angry or amused. Her eyes held no emotion.

Al's heart dropped. Her serene look gave him unsettling feeling. He softly spoke, "She got red eyes."

All the Cobra members who were in Cairo and Shintaro from Tanzania heard his voice through speaker.

Juan Silva, the muscled man asked, "Then what the hell you are doing there? Get out of there immediately."

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Juan hadn't finished speaking, the doors and windows of the auditorium began to close down with loud sounds.

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"I think I missed my chance just now." Al whispered. He dared not to raise voice for some reason.

"You think?" Mark gritted his teeth.

Al touched the closest window. It couldn't be opened. Wind was holding it back from moving. "It seems that her power is back."

"It only means that her memory is back." Carlo looked at Juan. "It looks like you plan worked."

"And she had to pay the price with her pain and blood." Romano said solemnly. He wanted to tear off those animals who tortured her.

"I cleaned the blood on the floor. They won't find even a drop of it." Al said quietly.

"Congrats!" Mark's tone was full of satire.

They all felt bitter because they didn't do anything to reduce her sufferings. And they had the guts to clean her blood. How heroic and ironic!

Al: "..."

Juan said to Al, "Romano will go and move you out of the building. Stay in the place you are in. If possible then figure out a way to get out of there. Also....."

"Juan, I cannot hear you. Hello? Hello?" Al realized that the communication device wasn't working. That's the reason he couldn't hear anything what Juan was saying.

Juan talked to Shintaro. "I cannot contact Al. What's wrong?"

Shintaro replied, "Let me check..... oh I see, she is controlling the atmosphere around whole building. Since the air cannot fill the empty place around the building, the radiation of positive charge and negative charge cannot enter the building. As a result, even though there is Wi-Fi connection and telephone connection, no one can contact from inside to outside. They are blocked completely."

The Cobra became silent.

Kilimanjaro was the first to speak up. "This is the first time she is doing something like this. If she didn't do it, I would never think that it is possible. Damn! I'm feeling chills." He shivered.

"She knows how to control air, but when did she learn controlling electricity. Can wind control electricity?" Romano scratched his head.

Shintaro explained, "Wind cannot control electricity. However, wind can generate electricity. Wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth. Wind flow patterns are modified by the earth's terrain, bodies of water, and vegetative cover. This wind flow, or motion energy, when "harvested" by modern wind turbines, can be used to generate electricity."

"So complicated. I didn't understand the most part!" Romano hugged his head.

"That's why you shouldn't have missed school classes." Shintaro replied mercilessly.

Mark said this time, "That doesn't explain how she is controlling positive and negative charges."

He didn't miss all the school classes but he definitely missed science classes when he was a kid. He didn't like scientific things.

Shintaro asked, "Do you remember that the layer of the atmosphere is magnetosphere?"

"I don't." Mark and Romano answered at the same time.

"..." Shintaro became speechless for a while. He coughed and explained, "The earth behaves like a huge magnet. It traps electrons (negative charge) and protons (positive), concentrating them in two bands about 3,000 and 16,000 km above the globe - the Van Allen "radiation" belts. This outer region surrounding the earth, where charged particles spiral along the magnetic field lines, is called the magnetosphere, the last layer of the atmosphere."

"And so?" Mark didn't like this science lecture. He only wanted to know why Mu Lan could control electricity.

Shintaro frowned. "Didn't I already say it? The magnetosphere is a part of atmosphere and little princess has the power to control atmosphere and that means-"

"She can control magnetosphere and the magnetosphere has the electricity." Mark realized.

Carlo commented, "Her power is getting stronger."

"But she never did it before." Kilimanjaro said.

"Could it be that she knew how to do it all along but never did it before?" Mark asked, "Or is it that she just did it on impulse?"

Juan spoke up, "Maybe she knew how to do it but never used it because she didn't need it in the past."

Romano shook his head. "I really don't understand what you guys are saying." He didn't like to use his brain a lot.

"Go to school first, you illiterate hunky!" Shintaro scolded him.

"Sigh." Carlo didn't know how he got these people as his comrades.


Meanwhile, Al sighed as he couldn't talk to his comrades. "Well, I'm invisible. There is no way she will find me. I'm safe... or not." He was talking to himself. Who knew that Mu Lan's red eyes would directly fall on him. She was looking at him straightly.

Al froze on the spot. 'H-how is this possible? I didn't make any loud noise.' He shivered. 'Wait, she got the power of the wind, of course she would find me as long as air is around me. I'm such a fool.' He facepalmed himself.

He recalled that because of her power none of them ever won in any game. If it was hide and seek, the wind would help her to find those who were hiding. If it was poker, the wind would let her know what others had in their hands. If it was running, others would have hard time to move whereas she could run smoothly.

Mu Lan gazed at him for a few seconds and then moved her eyes to the people around her. They were all looking at her with curiosity. Though they didn't know why the doors and windows closed all of a sudden, they were a bit horrified and felt excitement at the same time. They were too focus on her. Their eyes were glittering as if they were some kids looking at a circus party.

After watching them, her eyes shifted on the person in front of her.

Mohamed Akram smirked seeing her expressionless. "I see your same old red eyes. I'm glad that you remembered everything, Ms. Lan."

Mu Lan was still looking at him and said nothing. She was unexceptionally calm.

Mohammed Alif didn't like her look. "Doesn't she look a little bit weird?" He whispered to the Horse Master's ear.

The Horse Master didn't answer. He was sweating. His heart was beating first. The moment the doors and windows closed abruptly, it was enough for him to give him a fright. And then, her 'little bit weird' attitude was giving him a very bad feeling.

Mohammed Akram smiled and asked, "Do you still care about your Mu Liang?"

Mu Lan calmly gazed at him. She didn't blink even once after opening her eyes. She asked him, "Mu Liang.... What is that?"

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