Handsome CEO's Darling Wife

Chapter 777: THE CURE

Chapter 777: THE CURE

Romano chuckled. "I just had a little fun with him. Nothing else."

Another one sighed helplessly and said, "You really know how to scare people, don't you?"

Romano laughed heartily.

Lu Feng opened his eyes and saw six men. His eyes fixed in the corner and his eyes grew wider seeing a familiar face. "S-sweet little bunny?!" His tone made others realize how stunned he was.

Pedro mumbled, "Did he just call her 'sweet little bunny'?!"

Carlo and Romano's nerves twitched.

Mu Lan casually said, "Doctor Lu Feng, good to see you doing well. We were worried about you when you suddenly went missing."

Lu Feng already forgot his fear. He asked, "Why are you here?!"

She lightly answered, "This is my home."

"What are you talking about?!" Lu Feng couldn't understand how Bermuda Tringle could become a house of someone he knew.

Mu Lan neglected his bewilderment. "I've a question for you doctor Feng. How did you find this place? By whose order?"

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Lu Feng answered, "...How...? I was researching a red plant with purple flower. I got some clues and followed it. It took me here. It's Bermuda Triangle, isn't it? By whose order.... I don't understand what you mean by that. More importantly, how can this be your home?"

Ignoring his question, she asked him, "Where did you get clues?"

"There were some papers, notes and a diary.... But hey, do you know these men? What is going on?" Lu Feng couldn't help but ask her.

Mu Lan ignored his questions. She narrowed her eyes. "And where did you get those papers, notes and diary? Whose diary was it?"

"Can you answer my question first?" Lu Feng thought that if he didn't get the answer from her, he would lose his mind.

Mu Lan replied truthfully, "I was raised by them. They are my guardian and you trespassed my territory without our permission. You can't come into someone else's place without telling them first, right? Specially when you have a hidden intention."

Lu Feng stomached what she said and told her what she wanted to know. "But I didn't know that anyone can live here! More importantly, I want to research that rare plant from unknown origin. It's for the mankind. You see, this plant has a special power to heal any kind of disease. Just imagine what will happen if I get to invent such medicine. People won't suffer any longer."

Everyone could see that Lu Feng had a good intention to search for elixir.

Mu Lan's lips stretched up. "And where did you hear such absurd story of a rare plant?"

Lu Feng questioned her back, "If it's absurd then why it would be mentioned in the diary and the notes?"

Mu Lan sat in the opposite side and relaxed her body. She asked in amusedly, "How do you know that it's not a prank?"

"I've proof with me. You can check for yourself." Lu Feng didn't seem to lie. His eyes had an honest look.

This time, Antonio asked, "Where are the notes and the diary?"

Lu Feng replied, "In the submarine."

"O-oh...." Antonio bit down his own tongue.

Others silently gazed at him.

Antonio coughed and said, "Y-you see... I already destroyed the submarine till nothing left... I can't let him men follow him here..."

Others sighed heavily.

Mu Lan said, "They can't get signal in here. This place is protected by my power. That's why, even though this place has super magnetic power, no one gets signal from here."

Antonio gasped. "I totally forgot about it. I guess after being here more than ten years my brain is losing the ability to think properly."

Romano sat down on the sofa. "The evidence has been destroyed. Now what?"

Mu Lan glanced at confused Lu Feng. "Is this anything that you can remember about the notes and the diary?"

Lu Feng memorized everything. "Except for where to get the plant, the usefulness of the plant, the process of making medicine and the information regarding Chinese Army had it before..."

Pedro concluded, "So, he got the diary of the person who was part of the experiment and invention of the poison. It wasn't the process of making medicine but poison. They got him here making him think that it was a medicine that can cure any disease. They couldn't use Elder Lu till the end; thus, they were trying to use his only grandson. To think that they almost accomplished..." He didn't finish his words.

"They are as nasty as before." Carlo seemed disgusted.

Lu Feng looked flabbergasted. He couldn't understand which people they were talking about, but he could guess that somehow, he was fooled by the diary.

Mu Lan gazed at Lu Feng. "Doctor Feng, I know you from the moment I opened my eyes. If it wasn't for you, I would probably be dead by now. That's why I will tell you truthfully. The plant you are looking for is real."

Lu Feng's eyes sparkled. "What?! But you-"

She interrupted him, "I know what I said. I didn't want to tell you at first since it's a secret we promised to take to the grave."

Lu Feng became excited. "It's great then. I can invent a new medicine that can cure any disease..."

"Unfortunately, I cannot let that happen." Mu Lan gave him a clear-cut answer.

Lu Feng felt like his world turned into ashes. He exclaimed, "W-why?! Don't you know how many innocent children and others die in incurable disease? If they have a cure then they can have a life they longed for. Do you know how sad it is when the children cry and tell my that they want to play again, they want to stay with their families and go to school, they beg me to save them but I cannot do anything to them because the medicine isn't that advanced? If I just have it..." He almost tried out.

The Cobra members exhaled aloud. They could realize what Lu Feng was feeling. Once upon a time, they also felt that desperate to have a medicine like that, to cure any disease so that innocent people wouldn't suffer. But the world was too cruel to let their dream come true.

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