Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 102 102: The First Competition [Pt2]

Attacking first was not an innovation or a new idea. So, if Keith and Amelia could think of it, could other people from other teams as well?

It certainly would not take for the fight to reach them at this speed. Both Keith and Amelia were ready for that certainty. But Sara was not ready and she was dragging them down currently.

"H-Hey, slow down. My small legs cannot keep up with you both. Can you not slow down for my sake?"

Sara asked as she tried her best to keep up with them. But she was a liability and she knew that as well. That was why Sara tried her best to keep her head down. But her personality shined through anyway.

Amelia, who likely felt sorry for Sara slowed down but Keith knew it was a foolish decision to slow down now. They had walked too far into the enemy territory to feel comfortable moving normally in the forest.

"Sara, we need to be careful from here on. If you are tired then I can carry you. But please, do not make unnecessary noises. We will be discovered if you do so."

Keith was not surprised to see Amelia still be so compassionate with Sara. The protagonist was written to be well-liked by people.

But currently, this compassionate attitude Amelia had was more of a problem than simply earning people's ire.

"What do you mean I have to be careful? What do I have to be careful about when I have you? You are the most powerful person I have ever met and I will stand by this statement."

Sara sounded proud of Amelia. Sara was almost acting as if Amelia was powerful for her sake and not for Amelia's own sake. And as Keith could see, it was making Amelia nervous as well.

Amelia did not say anything but Keith could see that she was inching away from Sara for her own sanity's sake. Keith could only shoot her glances full of pity and respect for putting up with Sara.

He would have happily kept on walking in silence if not for the sound of footsteps following behind him. It was a fortunate occurrence that Keith heard them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"-and let me tell you, I was the best one in my friend group before I was cursed to be in this form-"

Sara kept on complaining, not even noticing that the other two had stopped and stiffened at this point. She was unaware of what kind of trouble they were about to land themselves into.

"Sara, be quiet."

Keith ordered without any heat in his voice. He did not want to sound too much like his 'grandmaster' voice and risk being found out.

But Sara was not concerned about Keith and his order. She frowned while looking his way, her eyes shining with contempt and disdain.

"You cannot tell me what to do. Now keep on moving and- woah, calm down a little."

Sara complained just as Amelia lost her balance. Sara's annoyed expression was beginning to be mirrored on Amelia's face.

Despite being the most compassionate protagonist, Amelia had a stopping point as well. And she was beginning to reach it with Sara's nagging in her ear.

"For god's sake, Sara shut up. We are being followed right now and I cannot hear the footsteps if you keep on speaking in my ear."

Amelia yelled back, not being able to stop herself from yelling back at Sara. The child-looking adult was surprised and closed her mouth out of fear.

Now that it was silent, Keith could finally hear footsteps heading their way. His gamer days helped him recognize the context clues and Keith was able to figure out where the attack would come from.

"Amelia, they are closing in on us from the right side. Do you think you can get to them if I stop their first attack?"

Keith asked as he got ready to form a shield around himself and Amelia. He had also stored her lightning spell in his mana stone so that he could do a surprise attack.

"I should be able to counter if I do not have any added baggage. Sara, you would have to get down and hide for a little while. Noah, you provide me with the necessary cover."

Amelia signaled for Sara to get down from his back and Sara got down reluctantly. She looked a little resentful of Keith and Amelia. But all her thoughts of resentfulness and mercy went out of her head when she had a knife inches away from her face.

The people following them had decided not to hide around and attack in the open. They knew they had been found out by the party they had been following.

"Shit, they knew we were following them. Pull back and attack. We need to take their armbands and beat them into submission."

The attacker yelled when he noticed Amelia closing on him. He tried to move out of Amelia's way but Keith had created his shield to trap the man in. The man did not get to back away before he was on his head and went unconscious.

But even with one attacker down, there was no guarantee that they were safe. Especially since their attacker had made it clear that he was not alone.

"H-Hey, is it safe for me to stand up now? By the way, I am alright now so you both do not need to worry about me."

Sara spoke up as she stood with her shaking legs. She tried to show that she was not scared but her body betrayed how terrified she was right now.

She stood in front of the pair and tried her best to appear strong. But it would have been better for Sara to stay behind and not try to stand out.

Keith and Amelia exchanged a concerned look over Sara's head, now suddenly concerned about what would happen to her.

'Do you still want to take responsibility for her? You know she would be trouble, right?'

Keith mouthed at Amelia, hoping that she would follow his head and agree to leave Sara behind. They had no responsibility toward this girl.

But bless Amelia and her kind soul. Despite her instincts screaming at her to leave the liability behind, she could not go through with it. She could not condemn a human life like this.

So, despite being certain that she was going to end up regretting helping Sara out, Amelia decided to take mercy on her.

'Sorry, but I cannot do that.'

Amelia's heart sped up when she made her decision but Amelia refused to back down. She had enough faith in her powers to protect people.

"H-Hey, if you both are done then follow me. I will lead you from here on."

Sara, the least competent one amount the three, decided she wanted to take the lead. Neither Keith nor Amelia stopped her from doing that since they were busy keeping an eye out for the enemy.

Keith could hear footsteps following behind their group. These people had the audacity of coming too close to their current position.

Amelia signaled toward Keith to follow her lead and take the lead. Keith agreed with her and looked back at the people following behind. Their shadows could be seen following behind their group.

'Huh, now this is interesting. It was worth it to have Amelia in my group. She will defeat these people for me.'

"-will not surrender. Hey Noah, are you listening to me? I am saying something to you right now. And, can you stop being such a dick to me and listen to what I am saying. -"

Sara was still going strong, not stopping for even a single second. At this point, Keith was even surprised she was breathing while speaking.

"-and why do you not pay attention to things? Hey, where did Amelia go to? I like her better than you since she listens to me. When will you start listening to me and stop complaining to me as well? Hey Noah, are you listening to me?"

Keith was getting ticked off now. He had half a mind to throw Sara as far as he could and then make an excuse for killing her. But that would cause him to get disqualified.

"Hey, did you hear what I said? Where did Amelia go? And when will we be able to find anything substantial?"

Sara questioned again and this time Keith sighed and replied.

"Amelia had some 'bloody emergency' she needed to attend to. She will catch up with us soon so you need not worry about it."

Sara looked shocked before she snickered about something only, she could understand. But before Keith could ask Sara not to share her thoughts, she ended up laughing to herself.

But Keith was sure he heard her mutter 'bloody emergency' to herself again and again. It did not take Amelia long to come back and she shook her head. But as soon as Sara saw her, she began to laugh in earnest.

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