Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 104 104: Attack In The Open [Pt2]

"Huh? This was far easier than I thought. It looks like all you people can do is talk big and not fight big."

Amelia taunted as she easily took down female 1. It would have been funny to see a lean and thin fighter like Amelia take out a jacked woman like she just did in Keith's original world but this was a different setting.

So naturally, Keith was not surprised when he saw Amelia making moves on her competition. She was one of the best fighters in this world after all.

"D-Do not think you will win just because you managed to take one of us out, alright? I will have you know that the one you defeated is the weakest out of us all. But dealing with me will not be so easy."

Female 2 walked out soon after Amelia had defeated Female 1. Unlike Female 1, this new person was much more confident in her victory.

Keith felt like something would go wrong so he quickly raised a shield. He was able to make it in time before any spell could hit them. He felt the impact of it colliding with his shield at least.

The impact of the spell hitting the shield made a small noise and it alerted everyone that something had happened.

"This is not fair. How dare you attack us out of the blue like this? You should be penalized for this."

Sara yelled back, her heart beating faster and faster due to the sudden fright. She had not expected the other team to play dirty with them.

"Tsk, I was so close to getting a shot at you. Listen, kid, stop your yelling because you are giving me a headache. This is a competition and everything is fair in it."

Sara fumed at the answer she got. But she was also powerless to change anything regarding this situation. She had no fighting skills.

Keith watched their opponents with a critical eye and an observant attitude. There were 5 main fighters left on the opponent team and it would certainly come down to 5-vs-2 which was disadvantageous for them.

If Keith could somehow make it 4-vs-2, their odds of winning would increase by so much.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Since that's the case, I should use my mana stone and take one person out.'

His mana stone had one spell left in it. Keith had charged it up as he had been defeating the enemies. He had found one of the skills useful from the last team he had taken out and Keith tapped the mana stone to use it.

"Amelia, out of the way."

Keith warned her as lightning erupted over his hand and leaked out toward their opponent. Keith was surprised to notice that it did not hurt him even a bit to have electricity running all over his arm.

It was likely because his seasoned body belonged to the grandmaster, but Keith was thankful nonetheless.

Keith was fast and he managed to take out Female 2 within seconds. It was only possible because he had the surprise factor on his side.

"W-What happened here?"

Male 2 on the opposite team asked. But Amelia got over her shock in time and knocked Male 2 out as well.

Suddenly, it went from 6-vs-3 to a 3-vs-2. They had a real chance to win now.

"L-Leader, what should we do? Three of our members got taken out in a flash."

Female 3 questioned with hesitation. She was biting her lips and backing away slowly but the leader raised his hand calmly.

He looked at Keith and Amelia with a critical eye before noticing their group's weakness - Sara. And his flashing eyes did not go unnoticed by Keith.

"Sara, you need to run and hide."

Keith yelled as he raised his barrier to protect Sara. The leader collided with Keith's shield and was unable to get to Sara on time. But his sudden movement had scared Sara enough to immobilize her.

"Shit, this is bad. Keith, cover my moves."

Amelia demanded as she picked up her great sword and attacked the leader. She managed to drive him away before Male 3 on the opposite team attacked her back. He was a heavy fighter as well and was able to stop Amelia's great sword.

It was an even battler for some time before Amelia was pushed back.

"W-What is going on? Why are they targeting me? I am a kid!"

Sara yelled in disbelief as she was made a target of the assault. She had still not realized her situation and Keith was in disbelief.

There was only so much stupidity he could endure and Sara was currently pushing him to his limits. How was she so clueless about her situation?

"Sara, you are a liability so you were bound to come to the target anyway. Now run because I will not be able to defend you and fight at the same time."

Keith finally ended up yelling at the clueless female in front of him. Sara was startled and tears filled her eyes.

'I am going to smack her if she cried right now. I have enough on my plate without Sara adding to my troubles.'

But contrary to Keith's beliefs, Sara did not cry or make unreasonable demands. She held her fear in and she ran away.

Male 3 and the leader tried to give chase but Keith had raised his barrier in protection. He would not allow them to go after Sara.

At the same time, Amelia dug her sword into the ground and channeled her mana into it. It caused the surroundings to shake and her opponents to lose their footing. Even Keith had a hard time keeping his balance and he knew Amelia's technique by heart.

"You three will soon join your friends in the useless pile. Now come at me, you cowards."

Amelia called as she got ready to fight. She had a lot of pride as a warrior and she was not about to let these people get her down.

The fighter in front of Amelia bit his lip in annoyance. He was angry that he had to face Amelia but he also saw her as just a little girl playing at being a grown-up.

And that was his first and last mistake against Amelia. Her thin arms picked up her heavy great sword and she swing it toward her enemy.

Seeing such a slim person wield such a heavy weapon created an illusion of the great sword not being such a big deal. That caused people to underestimate the force behind this attack.

Male 3 went down in a flash. That left the leader and Female 3 as the opponents.

"Looks like you people were all talking and no bite. What is wrong? Are you afraid to face a single girl?"

Amelia taunted and the leader suddenly changed strategies.

It was clear to him that this girl was the real powerhouse of their opponent team. So, if he was able to take her out, they would not be able to fight against them.

But to do that, they should first distract her. And what better way to do that than to attack the man behind her?

Since Keith had not used any offensive skills, that likely meant that he did not have any in his bag. So, the leader made a sudden decision and changed tactics.

He did not want to accidentally kill Keith so he decided to use his martial arts skills to immobilize him. His skill allowed the leader to move faster than others and he was able to dash past Amelia with some precision.

It was only because the leader was aiming for Keith and that had taken Amelia off guard. Otherwise, she would have been able to stop him.

"Hiding behind girls and being a coward? It is time for you to face your retribution-"

The leader almost reached Keith when Keith's trained instincts smacked into motion. His body knew what to do when it was attacked.

Keith felt like a stranger in his body as it took hold of the attacking wrist and twisted the body of the leader behind his back. Before the leader knew it, he was upside-down and he was looking up at Keith.

With a single precise strike on his neck, Keith had managed to knock the leader out.

Both Amelia and female 3 looked shocked at his sudden display but the one who was shocked the most was Keith himself.

For the first time since he had come to this world, his body's fight or flight response had worked. It likely meant that he was getting more and more used to this world.

"Noah, how did you-"

"Take care of the last member first Amelia. Then we need to go and pick up Sara. Talking could wait for later."

It likely came across as Keith not wanting to talk but, he did not know how to explain his actions. It had not felt like his actions and he was finally coming around now.

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