Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 107 107: For The Yellow Slip [Pt1]

As soon as Sara left, Amelia could take a calming breath. The smell was also getting further and further away from her.

'Is this a coincidence? Or was Sara the reason I was feeling so down until now?'

Amelia's brain questioned her as it stormed through what had happened until now. She did not want to suspect Sara but it was getting increasingly difficult for Amelia not to hold Sara responsible.

It was clear after this incident that Sara was not as innocent as she looked at first glance. Noah had been right all along and Amelia had refused to listen to him.

'I need to go and help him out.'

Now that the numbing smell was gone, Amelia was able to stand on her two feet and start moving. She could also start defending herself against sudden attacks, like the one she was under right now.

"You have some arm strength despite being so skinny. And now that I look at your face, it is not bad at all. Maybe I will keep you around as entertainment once I break you down."

The bulky attacker spoke as his sword clashed with Amelia's great sword. There was too much of a bulk difference between their physiques but it did seem like Amelia was overpowering him right now.

Amelia was good at fighting but she was not prepared for the ground to shift from under her foot and for her to lose her balance.

The man was using dirty tricks to make Amelia lose her balance and gain an advantage. It was something she had not expected to face in this competition.

"This is foul play. If you are going to face me, then do it like a man. Why are you using your mana to play tricks on me?"

Amelia questioned as she charged her mana up as well. But she was at a disadvantage as a wind user against an earth user like her opponent.

"Foul play? This is not an exhibition fight, woman. It is a fight to determine which one of us advances. There is no 'fair' here in the first place, just as there is only one rule - to not kill."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Amelia gritted her teeth as she heard the man speak. He was right and Amelia knew that. She was just making excuses because of her inadequacy to handle this situation.

'But if I am going to be useful to the grandmaster and the guild in the future, I need to stop making excuses. I need to focus on getting stronger.'

Master Shinzou had always said that one got stronger in desperate times and when faced with adversities.

Currently, this was the biggest challenge Amelia had faced so she was going to use it to step forward and up a notch. She would not sit back and see herself being eliminated this early.

She gathered her mana to use it to fight. She had seen Master Shinzou and other experienced fighters in the arena use this technique but she had never tried it before.

'I need to believe in myself. Master Shinzou said I was natural with a great sword so I need to trust my instincts right now.'

The buffed man in front of Amelia saw her flaring her aura. It was clear that she was up to something and he was excited for her to show him.

But he could also not allow Amelia to gain an advantage and risk losing to her. It was something that would not be allowed by his companions.

"Sorry kid, but that is it for you."

He used one of his skills that helped him move faster and attacked the female in front of him. He almost hit her when he felt as if something was wrong.

Just for a second, the female in front of him flashed with a golden aura so strong that it left him paralyzed in his step.

Before he knew it, the female in front of him had already finished her preparations and her great sword met his sword.

This time, the buffed man was pushed back by Amelia's incredible aura and strength. He tried to move the ground to make Amelia lose her footing but nothing happened.

Amelia had used an air cushion between herself and the ground to propel herself up from the ground. It would no longer matter to her what happened to the ground beneath her feet.

"Now then, shall we start again? This time, I will not show you mercy."

Amelia yelled as she swung her great sword.

The buff man was mesmerized to see such a small body swinging such a huge weapon as if it was nothing. But he was not about to go down without a fight.

"Tsk, do not overestimate yourself, kid. You might have raw strength but you still must refine it properly. Unpolished skills can only get you so far."

The buffed man yelled as he skillfully avoided Amelia's powerful attacks. It was a fight between talent and experience.


Keith knew that Amelia had started fighting as soon as he heard the booms and clashing noise in the distance.

Now it was his turn to hold the fort and take care of the second enemy.

"You might as well come out now. I can feel your aura so I know you do not want to hide."

Keith called out to the man hidden in the canopy above his head. And it only took a few seconds before the man jumped down.

It was an ordinary-looking man so Keith knew this was not an important character in the original MMO.

"I am sorry to meet you in such a way but a bird told me you had the yellow slip I desperately need. Can you hand it over to me quietly? I will not hurt you if you did so."

Keith looked at the smiling and gentle face in front of him with a suspicious glint in his eyes. These eyes did not invoke confidence in Keith.

"Oh, you want the yellow slip? And if I agree to hand mine over, what will I get in return? I am not someone who makes deals that lose me money."

Not that Keith was going to hand his yellow slip over. There was too much on the line for him to do so.

The gentle-looking man in front of him suddenly looked not so gentle anymore. His face was still calm but everything else about him had changed suddenly.

He moved too fast and Keith was barely able to keep track of the movement. And before he knew it, the man had tried jabbing at Keith's pressure point.

Under natural circumstances, Keith should have been heavily injured by such a sudden attack but something incredible happened.

Because Keith had no time to think about his actions, his body's instincts kicked in and he was able to block the attack.

The man attacking Keith looked surprised and he backed away with hesitant steps once his attack had been stopped Keith was surprised at himself as well. But unlike his attacker, Keith's face showed nothing.

"Oh, I thought you were a weakling because the child said you did not know attacking spells but now, I see that she was mistaken. You are very much a threat to me."

Keith was not even surprised to know that Sara had betrayed him and Amelia. It was something he had anticipated Sara doing since the beginning.

"Oh! You do not look surprised to know that you have been betrayed. Perhaps, you anticipated this happening since the beginning? Makes me wonder why you kept such a thing near you."

The man questioned Keith and Keith had no answer worth giving him. He knows very well why he had kept Sara at his party - because of Amelia. But to say that it was all because of his traveling companion would raise too many questions.

"Well, it is alright if you do not want to tell me. But you should pay attention when your opponent is in front of you, right?"

Once again, Keith was the victim of a sudden attack but this time he recovered and consciously challenged his mana through his earring and into a sudden attack.

Since he had used a small lightning spell with the mana stone before, he knew how the spell worked.

But unfortunately, he was not able to control his power once again and ended up pulling too much.

He only realized it was too much when his senses alerted him but it was too late by that time. The spell had been released and all Keith could do was change the direction of his attack.

The lightning hit the tree beside Keith's attacker, turning it into charcoal in an instant.

And not only that one tree, but the surrounding ones as well. It would have been so bad if it hit a human outright.

"Hey, don't you think this is a little much? You could have killed me if that thing hit me outright."

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