Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 111 111: Enter The Inn

Keith quickly drained his hair of the artificial hair dye he had been using all this time. It was a happy coincidence that the products of this world were non-toxic and would not harm his hair no matter how much he used them.

'Thank God for fantasy magic bullshit that allows my hair to remain healthy even when I use so many products in such a short time. Otherwise, I would have to say bye-bye to my hair.'

After a quick wash and get all the hair dye out of his hair, Keith needed to head toward the location he had told Shinzou and the guild about.

Now, there was no chance for Shinzou or anyone to try and keep tabs on him but you never know what people in this world were capable of.

Even in Keith's original world, celebrities were not allowed to roam freely in the world. And Keith's current status currency mirrored the biggest names in his previous world.

'So, it is better for me to at least show my face at the destination. Just in case something ends up happening.'

And with those precautions in his mind, Keith decided to visit the place he had booked for his trip. He had even paid the rent a week in advance since he knew he was not going to live there.

The front worked looked at Keith, then at his identity, and then back at him.

"You had your girlfriend book you this inn with her money? What kind of man are you? You should be earning enough money to support both of you. Females need to stay at home while men work. I lost all respect for you right this instant."

The innkeeper scolded Keith and it made Keith want to grab him by his collar and shake him.

'What kind of regressed thinking is this man on? This is insulting to all working and independent females.'

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ He had booked the inn under Clair's name so no one knew his identity. His morning passed in calm and peace. Not having anyone know about him for once was a nice feeling.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That was until this man opened his mouth. Had Clair or even Amelia been here, Keith was sure they would have taught this man something about being 'house-women.'

'No Keith, keep your calm. There is no need to cause an incident over this small interaction and ruin your day. You have Clair on your side to ruin this establishment once you are out of here.'

So, with a blank face, Keith took the offered card. He did not let the innkeeper know what he thought about him.

It was not like this inn was going to last more than a week once Clair got on the case. So, there was no need for Keith to waste his time worrying about the attitude of this man.

"Well, I tell you what lad. You seem like a capable man so why don't I introduce some work to you? You can pay your girl's money that way and-"

That was all Keith heard. The innkeeper was making him angry now and it showed in his actions.

Keith banged the door a little harder than he needed to when he left the reception and everyone was surprised at his bravery.

"What's this man's problem? Does he have no self-respect?"

The innkeeper asked, making a note to ask the housekeeping not to do a good job with this man. He was going to make Keith suffer and agree with his comments.

Keith checked in the early hours of the morning and then decided to look around. When he reached back his inn in the evening, the atmosphere of the place had changed completely.

Gone was the calm of the day. Everyone in the room looked scared out of their wits and the innkeeper looked terrified for his life.

Keith was about to ask what was wrong with this place when he quietened down. There was one very prominent figure sitting in the center of the room and Keith did not doubt that she was the reason everyone was on edge.

"Grandmaster, you came back in time. If you were even a minute late, this place would have been burned down to ashes."

Master Fushi sat in the center of the room but her eyes and her presence had seeped into the whole inn.

She was also glaring daggers at the innkeeper which made him unable to speak a single word. The poor man had been terrified out of his wits.

"Master Fushi, can I know what brought you here? I was about to head back myself."

The innkeeper watched this interaction with interest as well as horror. Keith could see his eyes popping out at the respectful tone Fushi used with Keith.

He looked even more terrified when it registered that the man he had insulted in the morning was none other than the grandmaster of the biggest alliance in this world.

"Ah, about that! There has been a change in plans and we need to head to the monster's location as soon as possible. I came down here to inform you about that and to accompany you. I never expected to find such a rotten place on my journey. May I have permission to rehabilitate this place once our mission is over?"

Keith had a feeling that if he said 'no' then Master Fushi's opinion of his character as well as his identity would drop by a lot.

So, there was only one right answer here that Keith could give.

"Do what you must. You do not need to ask my permission to clear up the filth you find."

The innkeeper looked terrified of what would happen to him. He looked at Keith with an expression that said 'You cannot be serious but Keith ignored the filth in front of him.

Master Fushi turned to the side table which had some familiar people sitting at it.

"You heard the order. I will leave this place and its management up to you. Also, draw up a contract. We will be buying this establishment and everything in the vicinity."

Master Fushi ordered and it was only then Keith realized that the people at the other table were Master Fushi's subordinates he had seen around the guild.

They bowed in front of Keith since he was the grandmaster but they were most loyal to Master Fushi and it showed.

"H-Hey, what are you doing? Stay away from me or I will call the police and authorities on you. You cannot do this to me. This is my business and I will not hand it over to women."

The innkeeper yelled, looking around for his supporters. But it only took him a second to realize he had been abandoned by the people around him.

Hope drained out of his eyes as he looked at Master Fushi and his retainers. He could tell by their aura that they were powerful and he would not be able to win against them.

So, with a tired sigh, the man knew he should stop resisting.

"Grandmaster, we should get going now. My subordinates would take care of all the businesses here. Do not worry about your luggage since it would be delivered back as well."

Master Fushi assured Keith but he was not worried about his 'luggage' since he had not brought any in the first place.

"There is no need for you to retrieve any of my luggage from here. Burn it all since I do not want the filth of this place contaminating my surroundings. Such prejudices do not belong in our guild alliance."

"There are only two types of people for us - those who are worthy and powerful and those who fall short."

Keith tried not to cringe as these words escaped his lips. His cold and unfeeling voice made them sound cool but the embarrassment he felt inside was real.

Master Fushi's gaze was impassive and mysterious as it looked at Keith. He tried not to pay attention to her looks but it was difficult. Especially when Master Fushi's eyes were glaring daggers at him.

'Please let this be over soon. I do not think my nerves can take any more of this glaring now.'

And almost as if God was listening to Keith's plea, Master Fushi decided to look away from him. It gave Keith enough room to breathe and plan his next move.

He did not know what kind of monster the original grandmaster had classified as 'personal interest' but Keith knew it could not be normal.

"Grandmaster, is everything alright? I apologize for the lack of information I can provide at this moment to you. But I came to get you as fast I received the news of the monster appearing."

Master Fushi sounded bland when she apologized. Keith felt her uninterested speech in her apology and he flinched internally. Why was he faced with the most expressionless person in this game beside him?

Also, why was Master Fushi looking at him from time to time. What did she suspect?

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