Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 113 113: The Bully Or The Bullied [Pt2]

Keith excited the ally after teaching his attackers a lesson.

And by that, he meant that he left them unable to stand up and tarnished all of their dignity. It had been easy to do as well and it made Keith's self-esteem rise by a lot.

He had never been a person who could be easily bullied by such people but now he was way beyond their reach and he was finally able to prove himself. 

"Grandmaster, there you are. Where did you disappear to? I was looking around for you everywhere and I even called you but you did not pick up your phone. I was a little-"

Master Fushi nagged at the grandmaster, starting to speak her mind boldly before she realized whom she was speaking to and her face broke out into a flush of anger.

She also stopped mid-sentence but Keith could very well guess what she wanted to say to him and what she thought about his habits. Her complaining tone had been a little cute but irritating at the same time.

'Man, there would have been a time I would have melted if Master Fushi spoke to me like this. But now it is just terrifying.'

Had Keith not been the grandmaster, he would not have dared to cough in front of Master Fushi to remind her to be mindful.

But he was the grandmaster and Master Fushi's behavior had crossed a line he should not tolerate. So, he needed to remind her to behave.

Master Fushi finally realized what she had been doing and calmed down. Her face also went to normal once she was able to think over her actions before it went bright red.

"I…that was not what I…I apologize and…"

Master Fushi seemed to not know what to say. On one hand, she looked angry and, in the right, to scold him, but on the other, Keith was also the grandmaster and no longer a kid.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Master Fushi, do not cross the line in the future. Otherwise, I will have to punish you."

Keith cringed internally at his world and Master Fushi's face reddened even more. She also had a glossed-over expression which Keith decided not to think about.

He gave Master Fushi one whole minute to come around before he snapped his fingers in front of her face.

It broke Master Fushi out of her daze and she blinked her eyes in surprise.

"Master Fushi, you seem a little tired. Let us head back to our inn and you can rest there."

Master Fushi opened her mouth to speak something but then closed it when no sound came out of her mouth. She likely wanted to assure Keith that she was alright but her behavior did not inspire confidence in Keith.

In the end, she knew that she could not say anything anymore. So, she decided to give up and nod.

Master Shinzou, Clair, and Shimi were sitting in the main lobby of the inn they had booked. And as soon as Shimi spotted Keith, she stood up from her seat and threw her body toward Keith.

Keith debated whether he should allow Shimi to fall flat on her face or not, but his body was faster and caught Shimi before his thoughts could decide anything.

Once again, Shimi was a pillar of modesty. And by that Keith meant that she was dressed in the most exposed way without it going into 'dangerous' territory.

Her top was loose enough to show Keith her cleavage and her shorts were borderline legal and ended just as her butt ended.

Not to mention, they were so tight that Keith could feel the outline of her pussy rubbing against his clothes discreetly.

"Grandmaster, I missed you. Did you miss me as well? There is no need for you to say anything because I can feel how much you missed me. Shall we go out of here right now and have some fun?"

Shimi spoke softly enough for no one else to hear. Her wet and husky breath hit Keith's ear and he was aware of the envious looks he was getting from the strangers around him.

Keith had been in their position before in life so he knew he was being cursed mentally by quite a lot of people.

It was not every day you saw someone as hot as Shimi. And it was even rarer to see her throw herself at someone this passionately. There were a lot of people who wanted to approach Shimi.

'Man, this is painful. I want to fuck Shimi to get the edge off but I also need to maintain my dignity.'

So, Keith did what he needed to. 


He whispered this to Shimi who beamed up at him and finally pulled back with a happy expression on her face.

Keith looked up to see his company and both Master Fushi and Master Shinzou had impassive faces, likely not having heard or cared what he said. But Clair's shit-eating grin told Keith what she thought about him.

'The devil knows what happened and she will not let it go.'

Keith mentally prepared himself for Clair's teasing and took a seat. He could not ignore this meeting forever after all.

"Grandmaster, we are so sorry to ask you to come but you did mark this beast as 'urgent' in your file so we called you back. You once said that it was something important regarding your research."

Keith tensed up as soon as he heard Clair's words but he did not refute them.

He did not know if Clair was telling the truth or not but he had to trust her words since she was the only one who knew his truth.

If she was taking advantage of him for her 'own research,' Keith could also not say no to her since he did not know to refute her claim.

'This is such a mess of things. I must rely on Clair for now.'

Besides, both Shimi and Shinzou were calm, almost as if they were used to this situation. That meant they had come along to such an expedition before with the grandmaster.

"Last time, you even threw away the mission you were in the middle of when a rumored beat on your 'list' appeared. That was why I volunteered for this mission as well. Because I knew it was important to you."

Shinzou agreed with a nod and Keith mentally sighed in relief. It seemed like Clair's words had some sort of truth to them.

"Grandmaster, I will do anything for you if you asked me to. You just need to command me to use my powers."

Shimi rubbed her chest against Keith's arms, making him the recipient of a lot of envious glares all around him. Keith had to mentally make himself stronger to not be affected by so many stabbing looks.

Keith was tired but he also wanted more information on what was going on. The topic of the 'list' and 'monsters' had not appeared during his training so Keith was going in blind here. He needed to talk with Clair soon.

"Alright, I heard you all. We shall go out once the sun has set. For now, everyone shall go to their rooms and rest for the duration. Clair, you come with me since there are some things you need to clarify for me in your last report."

Clair looked startled and she opened her mouth to complain, only to close it the very next second as realization snapped over her.

"Of course, grandmaster. Since you called for me, I shall be there soon."

With that, one thing was taken care of by Keith. He could feel Shimi's displeasure as he called for Clair over her but she would need to get over it soon.

The bigger problem here was Master Fushi and her impassive look. 

'Does she think I am going to take advantage of Clair once she is in my room? I want to defend myself and tell everyone that I am the one being taken advantage of by the little girl. But that would be too much, right?'

Shinzou was the only one who did not have a problem with any of Keith's decisions. He smiled his stupid smile and got up.

"Well, what are we waiting around for? Since the grandmaster has asked us to rest, then we should all go back to our rooms, right? I cannot wait to start the exploration once the sun sets. Man, I am just too excited. Are you all not excited as well?"

Master Shinzou changed the mood with his actions and Keith was grateful for his cheerful distracting voice.

He also forced Master Fushi and Shimi to stand up and go back to their rooms. 

Everyone else watched this all-in interest and they moaned in disappointment as the two beauties were taken out of the room by the buff guy. 

Keith glared at everyone as he felt and flared a bit of his aura toward them. And most people got the hint to look away and not breach this topic again.

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