Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 117 117: The Art Of Bargaining [Pt2]

"-and look at this here. This is a design fault, right? Are you sure you cannot lower the price of this artifact for me? I can pay you the right price for it."

Keith watched on proudly as Shimi haggled the price down by a fair margin. The shopkeeper was not able to take her innocent looks and soft voice. 

But despite coming across as 'soft', Shimi was unyielding in what she wanted from him. Just like the shopkeepers before this one, the man bowed in front of Shimi. Her beauty as well as her keen eye made her a formidable opponent.

"Shimi, this one as well. I can see that this one can be bargained down as well."

Keith handed Shimi another potion he wanted to buy. And Shimi took it without much fuss. She was willing to do Keith this favor since he had taught her how to bargain.

"A-Alright. I will sell it to you at half the market price, alright?"

The shopkeeper folded in front of Shimi's beautiful smile. He did not risk offending this beautiful lady as well as gathering unwanted attention. And Keith chose this shop knowing all this.

And how did he know this shop did not want trouble? It was simply by looking around.

A few illegal potions were lying around in the shop. The authorities had left this place alone for now because the shop had paid them off. But even they would be unable to protect this shop if it became a public case.

"Half the market price is still too much for something like this. The ones I bought before were not faulty so I was willing to pay the full price for them. But this one is too much for even half the market price."

Shimi argued but her voice was still soft and sweet. Keith would not have been able to sound as convincing as Shimi managed to come across. And that was why Keith knew it had been the right decision to teach her how to bargain.

"F-Fine, I will sell this to you cheaper. But please stop sounding so disappointed in me and my shop. And, stop attracting attention to my business."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The shopkeeper wanted to cry at his luck. He did not know how or why he was saddled with these humans but it was his worst mistake to allow them entry.

Shimi looked at Keith to confirm if she should take this deal or not. Keith agreed without much thinking. 

Less than half was more than what he could ask for. Keith was very satisfied with this offer.

"Alright, we will take it. Now, take this and this and this. Pack them separately and bill them separately as well."

Shimi handed the items to the shopkeeper while Keith pretended to be looking around. He had already asked Shimi to handle his offer as well.

The shopkeeper took the items with a lost expression. But he ultimately decided not to think much about it and to get this experience out of his mind.

"Hmmm, time for me to get out of here as well."

Keith waited for Shimi to come out of the building with a look of anticipation. And he did not have to wait long because Shimi came out with Keith and her parcel.

"Wow, I never knew shopping could be so cheap. I managed to save a lot of money today which I can use again. Thanks for all the help, partner."

Shimi looked happier than before. Her eyes were shining with light and her body language was relaxed as well. 

But frankly, Keith was just happy that he had not been caught by her until now. It would have been an awkward conversation had Shimi caught his lie.

"No problem. Now hand me my box over so that I can go back. Don't you have work to go back to as well?"

Keith knew well that Shimi had no responsibilities now. But she liked to pretend like she had responsibilities and that was what Keith was counting on to make her go away.

"O-Oh, right. I forgot that I was following some suspicious people who said they wanted to kidnap Clair. Here, have your package and I will see you around. I also took your number so I will contact you soon."

Shimi's mood took a 360 in a matter of seconds. Her words attracted Keith's attention as well and he wanted to ask her more about Clair and the people looking for her.

But Keith had no justification to ask Shimi such a question. At least, not if he was 'Noah' to her.

"Hey, wait! I need to pay you back for the supplies you bought for me. I do not like to be indebted to anyone so I need to pay you back."

Keith yelled but Shimi was long gone. 

His phone buzzed with a message and Keith looked down at it with a sigh. The message relieved and annoyed him at the same time.

[I do not have time to talk to you today so I will message you this - you do not need to pay me back for today. Think of it as a gift from your friends and student for teaching me today. But if you do want to pay me back then help me out in the future if I ask you to. Hope to see you again.]

Keith had to admit that Shimi sure was something with her mood swings and her carefree attitude.

And she was also surprisingly pleasant to be around if you were not the grandmaster.

'Truly, it is a flaw for Shimi to be so blinded by her adoration and love for the grandmaster. But at least it causes her not to become my enemy so I will take it.'

With that said, there were still some things Keith needed to take care of. And Clair's case came on top of his list for now.

He did not know why these people wanted to kidnap Clair of all people but it was something Keith knew he could not allow. Not only for his safety but also for the wellness of this mission.

Sometimes, Clair lost all reason when she was angry and that was a horrible outcome to think about for Keith.

He quickly dialed Clair's number he had saved to warn her about what he had heard. She picked up at the second ring and sounded frustrated.

"Clair, remain calm and do not do anything foolish. I just heard a report saying that there is someone is trying to kidnap you. So be careful and-"


"A little *pant* too late for that warning. I am currently running away *pant* from my *huff* chasers. I made the mistake of eating the *huff* food and now I cannot use *pant-huff* my powers."

Clair sounded tired and it was evident that she was out of breath.

Under usual circumstances, it was not possible to do. It likely meant that someone had deliberately decided to go after Clair.

"Hey Clair, do you have any idea why these people are-"

"No, I do not. I have no idea why these people are after me and I did nothing to them."

Clair seemed to be convinced she was telling the truth this time. It meant that something was wrong with the picture.

"Oh shit, they are too close now. I need to find you Keith, where are you? Hurry up and send me your location right now."

Clair was panicking and in doing so, she chose the worst option possible. Keith needed to calm down and think about what he could do for her.

He knew he could not protect Clair if the opponent was too strong. But Shinzou would likely be care of the attack power Keith was lacking.

'Hmm, but the main problem is my current attire. I do not think I have enough time to go and change into my grandmaster getup and to get the dye out of my hair.'

"Keith, hurry up and send it. I do not think I will last long otherwise."

Keith knew the smart decision would be to ignore Clair and leave her fending for herself. But he was not such a bad person and he could not allow Clair to die for no reason. 

"Fine, I will send the address to you."

In the end, Keith decided to send a message regarding his location to Clair but he also asked her to forward it to Shinzou.

Knowing Shinzou, he will be ready to seek out the grandmaster anytime but Keith could not send the message to him outright. He had to use Clair to pass this restriction.

Now it was a waiting game. Keith was currently in the middle of the bazaar and it would soon turn into a fight.

But at least he would not be exposed, right?

'Oh fuck, I forgot that I was not the grandmaster once again. What would happen if Shinzou was to see me? Would he recognize me outright?'

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