Harem of the final villain in an ERO MMO!!! I just need to survive

Chapter 124 124: The Dwarf Treasure [Pt1]

Master Fushi had followed the kidnappers into the cave but she had lost them after that. Now she did not know where she was going in the cave and it was too big to feel their presence.

There was also a weird kind of energy in the cave that made Master Fushi nervous to step carelessly anywhere. She would rather keep herself in one place.

But she needed to move and find the Fenrir she was here for. She did not want the Grandmaster to worry or to come to such a shady place when Master Fushi was here to do his dirty work for him.

She was a little too lost in her head to notice that the ground she had stepped on was a little harder than before. It was not until she felt something pushing her leg up did, she notices that something was wrong.

"Hey girly, be careful where you step. You almost broke this man's head."

Master Fushi was confused when she heard the voice call out to her. She could not see anything or anyone when she looked around the first time.

"Hey girly, look down. You dare to step on this Great one's head and now you even ignore him? Humans sure have a lot of courage nowadays."

Master Fushi jolted back with a surprised expression on her face. She had not expected herself to have stepped on a dwarf of all things.

The small male dwarf was dressed in heavy jewelry and fancy clothes. There was no kind of fault on his small face and Master Fushi was surprised to see him.

"I am sorry for stepping on you. I will be more careful next time."

Master Fushi apologized before she went back to her search. She did not have time to be looking around when it seemed like the Grandmaster would come looking for her anytime now.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She needed to find Fenrir before that happened so that she could save her party some trouble.

"Hey girly, what are you looking around for? If you tell me then I might be able to help you out. My kind has lived on this land for eons. I am sure I will know what you are looking for."

The dwarf offered Master Fushi and she was a little hesitant to take that offer. No one wanted to help others for free and especially not when they had been harmed by the first party.

Master Fushi was sure that this dwarf was no different than the rest of the people she had met before.

"Hey, are you not being a little too cautious of me? I did not harm you yet and I even forgave you when you stepped on me. You need to let go of your caution if you do not want to offend me."

The dwarf caught on to Master Fushi's hesitation and he did not look pleased. But he also remained calm which helped Master Fushi relax.

She blinked once, then twice before her nerves calmed down and she allowed herself to think rationally. It was also then that she realized that this man was right.

"I am sorry. You are right. I should not be too hard on you since you have not tried to harm me yet. But sometimes, habits are hard to ignore and that was what happened to me as well. So, please help me out in finding what I want."

Master Fushi often came across as a hard and unbending lady. She was someone who held onto her morals and never let them go even when she had nothing left.

But many people did not know that she came from humble origins. As such, she knew when she needed to back down and ask for help. And this was certainly the time for Master Fushi to not be stubborn.

The dwarf looked pleased with the gentle and respectful tone Master Fushi had used with him. He rubbed his long beard and pretended like he was thinking hard about his future decision.

"Hmmm, now what should I do? Should I help you out since you asked so politely? But would it be alright for me to do?"

The dwarf still pretended like he was not going to help and Master Fushi waited patiently for his answer. Finally, the dwarf sighed and let his beard go.

"Alright child. You can ask your question since I have decided to answer you."

The dwarf agreed with a haughty expression but the delivery of his words made Master Fushi smile in amusement.

"I was looking in this forest for a Fenrir. Do you know where I can find it?"

Master Fushi watched the dwarf go from relaxed to tense and cautious in a single second. Whatever progress she had made with the dwarf evaporated in a second as soon as she asked that question.

"No, I will not help. You are looking for that cursed thing! Do you have a death wish? You might be suicidal but I am not. And I think it is time for you to go."

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The dwarf certainly knew a lot of things about the Fenrir beast. That was why he looked hesitant to answer Master Fushi's question and was dodging her eyes.

She had a feeling that she would never see this dwarf if she allowed him to escape now.

'I am sorry Mr. Dwarf. But if it is something I need to do for the grandmaster, then I will do it without hesitation. You will not be able to stop me or make me back down.'

Master Fushi quickly raised her hand and the dwarf was picked up by small circular beings made up of water. The dwarf tried to struggle but it was unable to escape her grasp.

"Now then, I think we have a few things to discuss regarding the Fenrir beast, Mr. Dwarf. Surely you will not keep me waiting around for much longer."

Master Fushi had a scary expression on her face that made the Dwarf gulp down in nervousness. He wanted to look away from her but the water droplets holding him up will not let him go.

This human was a powerful one and the dwarf had not expected to be caught by her.


"S-So, what do you want to know? I was joking when I said that I did not want to help you before. Of course, I will help you out with my best capabilities. But maybe letting me go first is a good idea?"

The dwarf requested but he was only pulled closer to Master Fushi as she sat down on a broken tree bark.

"Of course, I will let you go. But first, please answer me. Where can I find the Fenrir beast and how can I capture it?"

The dwarf paled as soon as he heard the questions. His body was shaking in fright and he looked like he was ready to cry. His black eyes met Master Fushi's determined ones.

"You want to know where that cursed thing is? It is wherever its prey is and you will know by the accompanying mayhem it creates. Like that one."

The forest shook and the sound of explosions reached Master Fushi's ears mid-explanation. The dwarf looked pale as soon as he heard the explosion and he looked up.

The forest had smoke rising from far away. A fire seemed to have broken out on the other side of this forest and the dwarf was mortified to see this. His home could be affected by such a thing.

"T-The forest? What is the Fenrir beast doing to my forest? How dare he do this to me? Does he have no regard for this great one? Why, I ought to teach him a lesson and-"

The dwarf was angry but before he could curse the Fenrir beast anymore, he was picked up by Master Fushi.

"Hey human, what are you doing? Where do you think you are taking me?"

The dwarf asked as he tried to break free from the binds of water. But Master Fushi just held on to him tightly.

"Oh! We are going to meet the Fenrir beast so that you can 'teach' it a lesson. Was that not what you wanted to do?"

Master Fushi asked and the dwarf gasped at her audacity to tell him what to do. This human was too bold and fearless. And the dwarf was sure that it would lead to her demise sometime in the future.

"H-Hey, look out. And if you want to take the Fenrir beast on then follow behind me for a minute. I will help you find a weapon that can take the beast down."

Master Fushi stopped running as soon as she heard the dwarf's words. It did not seem like the dwarf was lying about the weapon so she decided to take the gamble.

The dwarf led her to a small clearing in the forest. It was a ruin with a single coffin lying in the middle of the debris. And it had a wooden stick in the center of the carter.

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