Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 114 Do You Hate Me...?

[What's your next plan, host?]

'I wait it out, that's the least I can do right now.' Hisha shrugged as he observed the pearl.

[I meant the information about the pearl conveyed by Thel]

Tossing the pearl in the air, Hisha watched as it almost made contact with the floor but he managed to make it hover an inch before it could happen.

'Do you really think I could replicate a bloodline?' Hisha deadpanned.


Rubbing it in between his fingers, his lips drew into a thin line. 'The one thing I would have loved to possess seems far out of my reach.'

[There is another way]

With his interest piqued, he had his attention focused on the interface, hoping it would be a simpler format that requires less effort.

[Once you can attain level 1111, there is an opportunity to earn the body change which can be altered to your comfort]

At the utterance of '1111', Hisha lost all hope of getting there any quicker. He had only leveled up till the 6th, yet he was expected to get 105 extra?

'Why do you suggest the impossible at the moment? Why that specific number?!' Hisha whined in displeasure.

[It is merely a motivation mechanism]

'Well, you killed my zeal.' Hisha countered.

​ [I am programmed to calculate the appropriate time for any augmentation or reward]

'You said you were created from my desire, yet you are not going by that rule when it boils down to timing?'


Exhaling and trying his best to calm his thoughts through breathing, he forced a smile and nodded. 'I can do this, I will surpass the stupid goal placed before me. I will get that augmentation!'


It had been a few hours since he watched through Melody's eyes and got bored by the lack of action and intriguing sceneries to captivate his attention.

Realizing he had taken a nap without even knowing, he was curious to know what he had missed.

"How far deep can this go? How could Melody create a pearl even though she is merely my creation?" He muttered to himself.

[You created a perfect replication of the mermaid genes, this would only mean, anybody made would be as identical to the race as it could be]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Activating the visuals, he peered through her eyes to witness Melody laughing at a joke Ni had made.

'She looks happy.' Hisha gave a low chuckle at how carefree she was.

Looking back at the timer, he let out a sigh, there was no way she could make it till the next morning.


[Ability: Mental space]

[I'm sorry it had to be this way. This will be the last time we get to speak with one another.] Hisha related in her subconscious.

Melody looked around her, then at her hands, tugging at her hair in a rush.

'I have my body back?' She gasped at the length and color of her hair, reaching for her face to get a touch of what it used to feel like.

[Yes, it is you.] Hisha affirmed her the moment she whipped her head backward to source out the voice.

Staring at a distance, a projection of Hisha standing with his arms opened wide, urging her for a hug.

She stood frozen for some time, processing what he had meant with his gesture.


Her vision became blurry with tears, unable to control her legs as they ran in Hisha's direction.

Giving him a body slam, she buried her face in his embrace, wrapping her arms around his back.


Hisha had a bitter smile as he felt her body trembling from crying.

[Do you hate me for being so unable to stop this from happening to you?]

Pulling away slightly so she could see him more clearly, she frantically shook her head in denial. 'No, I would never. You've been nothing but good to me.'

[Good...] Hisha repeated in disbelief at being referred to in such a manner when he was by far the opposite in his book.

Stroking her hair, and smiles at her memorable presence.

[Do me a favor]

Melody wiped at her face and nodded her head to his unknown condition.

[Try not to get into trouble, make the best of the time you have left] Hisha forced a smile, hopeful his severance on the connection they had would interfere and cancel out his reaction to the situation.

'I will.' She uttered and was quickly thrown into a panic the moment she caught sight of Hisha's disintegrating projection.

[I adored you more than a creation, but it's time to say our goodbyes. Do all you had wanted to do as of your plans while out of the eyes of others]

'No, please, don't leave me!' Melody cried out, unable to hold back her tears as she reached out to Hisha.

The moment she had gotten a hold of his fingers, it scattered into tiny dust particles that faded.

'No!' She muttered weakly, dropping to her knees and her hair over her face.




"Mira?" Thel questioned while he continuously snapped his fingers in front of her, noticing her shocked look while in a trance-like state.

Tugging on her blue sleeve, Ni calmly responded. "Snap out of it."

Jolting back to the reality of things, she sealed tight her lips as she stared at nothing in particular.

Shaken with untold misery at dying once more, she shook her head and forced a smile. "Nothing."

Refusing to believe her words, Thel pried further. "Something bothers you."

Melody's mood dropped once again as she looked at the table, trying her best to busy herself with the steel cup as she flicked her finger on it so she could stare at the ripple effect in the red wine.

'Make the best of your time.' She muttered to herself until she believed it.

She needed something worthy of a good cheer and picked up the cup, raising it for a toast.

"To the friends and bonds, I never thought I'd have!"

With a smirk on his lips, Thel looked over to his friend who was pleasantly amused by Melody's behavior.

Picking their cups, they peered in to find them empty. Facepalming at their lack of self-control.

To their right were a total of 5 jugs of wine emptied and the last jug nearly finished.

Grabbing a hold of its handle, Ni tipped it over just a little, dispensing the right proportion into Thel's cup and then his.

Melody had her hand awkwardly raised the whole time as she watched them try to keep up with her action.

"To not being killed!" Ni chuckled, raising his cup.

"To saving a friend!" Thel chipped in with a smile.


Gulping it down, they let out a sigh of relief, letting out hearty laughter.

Pushing back on her chair, Melody got to her feet.

"Is anything wrong?" Thel inquired, hoping for a favorable response this time.

"I just need to head to bed." She replied, not too pleased when her voice croaked as though holding something inside her.

Ni shook his head, helping her understand that her voice sounded more like she had been crying for such a long while.

Feeling self-conscious, Melody cleared her throat as she thought of a way to counter his accurate words.

Even though it looked like what she had gone through while conversing with Hisha had been a few seconds of reaction to something unusual.

'It was there, it was real.' She muttered to herself.

"I feel guilty for you two living as fugitives." She lied.

They had picked on some supplies during their departure and had taken shelter in Thel's secret home until the search was over.

"Don't wait for me, I'm heading out for a stroll, I might be back in a few hours."

Not waiting for their answers, she turned, walking to the door.


Thel shared a look with Ni, "are we meant to do as she says?"

"I don't think so," Ni replied, getting to his feet in a hurry. "I don't know about you, but something feels off."

"Her 'might' was unsettling."

Pulling on their disguises, they set out in search of Melody.


[You need to rest]

Hisha stared at the ceiling, dejected and alone, unable to sleep.

'What do you think she's doing?' He queried, covering his eyes with his arm.

[You could still check if you want to]

'No, that would take away the experience of what I wanted for her. She couldn't do anything foolish since my plans had been realized.' Hisha countered in denial.

[Then you need to rest if you want your Sux replenished for the next day–The tournament!!!]

'The tournament, yet another day for the strong to oppress the weak. I hope she enjoys her limited time.' Hisha sighed as he leaned on his right, slowly closing his eyes.



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