Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 117 Stealth And Listening Is Key



They all had their hearts pounding in perceived fear of the unknown.


All stared in awe at the visible blue timer interface that hovered like a cover above the open arena.

Then another was shown with each name of the participants as a monotonous voice echoed.

[Lunete Reed]

[Seraphina Max]

[Isott Ross]

[Jana Ganor]

[Tatsy Afra]

Sitting on the edge, Hisha needed better coverage of what was going on and to make sure some of his harems wouldn't whisper directions to those blindfolded.

There was an eerie silence as the majority could not hold the gaze of their lord.

Mich felt he was going to pass out from the anxiety that was slowly tearing him apart.

Vanas called on his attention with a cut-throat gesture and a bite to imbed in him, fear for his next moves.

'Why is this happening to me?' Mich internally cried out, feeling some sort of burning sensation underneath him stemming from the chair he was sitting on.

Taking it as a form of rejection from the chair which had been laced with Sux specific to each power level, he was nearly tempted to get to his feet.

"My lord..." Mich called out in a desperate voice of appeal, crossing and unwinding them just to satisfy his uneasiness.

Looking behind him, Hisha wasn't too pleased with the distraction but also understood why he might have called.

His eyes stared at the seat which had turned red as did Vanas' eyes even when it was fixated on the arena.

Seeing it as a subtle torture achieved, Hisha turned his attention to Vanas. "You may return to your rightful place."

At first, Vanas had pretended to be unaware of his calling, choosing to make it seem like he was very much interested in the tournament and not his lost position beside Hisha.

"Mich, thank you for keeping me company." Hisha smiled, pointing towards Vanas.

Not needing to be told, Mich jumped off the chair, hissing slightly before feeling his regeneration take place.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Isott Ross - Terminated]

[3000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6236]


[Tatsy Afra- Terminated]

[3000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6235]

Hisha's head whipped back in curiosity, he had not expected such a quick kill from any of them so easily.

A buzz sound could be heard so all participants could listen and tell who was left unharmed.

To the rest, they could see the names of the ladies washed in red to signify their status.

There was a gasp among the rest as they couldn't determine who had killed the two.


Being extra cautious, Seraphina pulled on her long sleeves so that they could be folded to her elbows.

Her refined dress flows from top to bottom and has a jewel neckline, which entrancingly reveals the elegantly fitted pants worn below it. The exquisite, buttoned-up fabric of her dress covers her stomach where the continuous flow is broken up by waist beads worn fairly low around her waist.

She held onto her push daggers tightly, slashing at the air while moving forward with calculated steps.

'That's a stupid move!' Hisha facepalmed, disappointed she didn't know the first rule about being blindfolded in such a situation.

Winning this duel requires stealth and the use of hearing to their advantage to make a meaningful strike at the equally unsuspecting opponent.

Seraphina on the other hand was at two disadvantages-one stemming from her slash movements which were sure to attract the others' attention soon, the other being her choice of accessories.

'That was a poor choice to wear a beaded anklet which would definitely announce her movements, let's not even speak about her waist bead.' Hisha rolled his eyes, having little to no hope for her survival.

Observing the rest, Lunete and Jana had stayed in their position, unmoving and relying more on listening.

Hisha had a grin, realizing Jana was the one who had dealt the devastating blow to Tatsy and Isott.

She had in her hands a metallic whip stained with blood which she wrapped around her wrist, gripping it while relying on listening to the slightest movements that approached her.

Her brown, shoulder-length straight hair swayed with the wind. Making her tuck them behind her ear, tying them into a bun for easy mobility without a distraction, and slightly turning her head to pick on the sound to her right.

Kritz had a disappointed look on the two bodies that were still laying on the floor from strangulation and the other from a tear to the neck after struggling.

His disappointment only graduated to disgust at not taking the initiative to shed off what would bring her unwanted attention.

Lunete had her metallic claw gloves barred as she took little steps in pursuit of the sound coming from Seraphina.

Halting in her footsteps, she had wanted to turn at the change in the wind when she felt a slash on her neck.

"Oooo!" The crowd winced at the sight, watching as blood spilled all around.


[Seraphina Max - Terminated]

[3000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6234]

'I saw it coming!' Facepalming at the stupid way of death, Hisha was more than glad to get rid of yet another weak link.


Murmurs were erupting amongst the harem as they stared at the timer, if the remaining two didn't engage or manage to survive till the timer was up–death would be the final victor.

As tension loomed in the air, they watched with keen interest which member would come out victorious.

Lunete and Jana had their ears pricked up slightly, waiting for the other to make the move.

'If you two don't do anything before the timer is up, you would both die.' Hisha explained in his thoughts, exhaling at how boring this round was.

Offering to speak up, Lunete chuckled, taking a defensive stance. "It would seem I had underestimated you."

"The same goes for you," Jana replied.

With each step came a backward step from Lunete.

"Don't you think you're too quick in having me killed?" Lunete jokes.


Squatting, Jana picked up a stone she had stumbled upon earlier at the time.


Lunete ducked just in time to avoid being hit, to her dismay she felt a rope-like contraption tug at her leg, pulling her with great force.

Scratching onto the floor with her gloves to counter the pull, she had unintentionally stabbed her claws into one of the bodies on the floor.

'Oh no!' She thought in horror at being pulled alongside the corpse.

Grabbing a hold of her neck, she slammed Lunete to the floor. In quick succession wrapping her whip around her neck.


Tightening the grip, the whip narrowed revealing sharp jagged edges all around which dug into Lunete's neck.



Lunete's body stiffened as blood trailed down her neck and onto the floor.


[Lunete Reed - Terminated]

[3000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6233]

Pulling on it while pressing hard on her shoulder with her leg, she ripped off Lunete's head from her body.



The timer vanished, revealing Jana's name outlined in green.

Cheers sprung out with Tia being the loudest, calling out to Jana while waving her hand to the unsuspecting lady who was still blindfolded.

Kritz's grin spread out at the sight, licking his bottom lips in mischievous satisfaction.

Heavily enjoying the blood spilling out.

"Kritz..." Hisha called on his attention, a little unsettled about the grin Kritz displayed while watching the aftermath.

With a snap of his fingers, the blindfold dematerialized, giving her access to gain back her sight.

Squinting her eyes at the light, she shielded them with her hands over her brows, getting accustomed to her surroundings.

Her whip dropped to the shock at how bloody the scene was and the fact that she had been the cause of the majority of the death.

"Get your act together!" Emi hollered in a loud voice, not amused by the reaction given to people she had no attachment to.

"Jana Ganor wins the first round!" Kritz announces in a loud voice.

Picking up her whip, she stared at the bloodied surface and forced a smile from her win.

'I survived.' She muttered in her thoughts.

[Duel: 6]

[Number of possible harems participating: 30]

[Victories: 4]

[Points accumulated during the tournament: 12000]

Hisha's eyes followed Jana as she made her way to sit amongst the others who had scaled their rounds.

"You seem eager about all of this." Hisha hinted with a raise of his brow at Vanas.

'The more blood that's spilled, the better it is for me and my tribe.' Vanas snickered in his thoughts.

Shaking his head with a grin, he went for a different approach. "I'm just excited about the progress of the tournament."



A pictorial illustration of the Jana is shown in my discord server.

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