Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 119 Destructive Weapon

2 hours later,

"Celeste Rah wins the sixth round!" Kritz announces in a loud voice once more.

[Duel: 1]

[Number of possible harems participating: 5]

[Victories: 24]

[Points accumulated during the tournament: 72000]

Celeste had a proud smirk as she whipped her black hair with white streaks while fondling with her maze hammer which had blood dripping on it.

'Why do I have a feeling this is just grooming them to be killers and sort of a way for them to settle their scores?' Hisha facepalmed, shaking his head.

[Either way, it is, it's to your benefit]

'My benefit.' Hisha scoffed, even though the points he had accumulated were tempting, he was also sure that whatever he could request from his inventory would rip him off.

As he waited for the last participants who he hoped could bring a bit of spunk into the tournament.

"Tia Gran, Lana Garcia, Hazel Lett, Olivia Drim, and Willow Crik," Kritz announced.

Hisha's smirk only increased as he was graced with the chance to witness Tia participate.

She had her curly locks in a high point tail and had her multicolored eyes blazed up with zeal as she winked at Hisha.

Senbons carefully placed in tiny compartments in her black belt on her purple shorts.

'Let's see what you've got, feisty human.' He gave a nod of acknowledgment.

Staring down at the others, his attention was drawn to a platinum blonde-haired lady who had an eye patch over her left eye, her blue eyes in a frown as she folded her bandaged arms.

Her white tank top was fitted above her navel with black shorts.

'She should have an advantage.' Hisha smiled as he stared at the strange bruises on her arms.

From the looks of things, she was going to rely on brute strength and agility as no weapon was found on her, unlike the rest.

Glaring at her participants, Tia rushed over to Hazel and wrapped her hand around her whispering something into her ears before pulling away.

Leaning forward slightly, Hisha felt a bit concerned about what might have caused their interaction or what Tia might have said to her to warrant a smirk from Hazel.

[They're up to something]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Tell me something I don't know.' Hisha rolled his eyes.

[Why were you chosen among all other strange humans and brought to this world?]

Hisha's mood dropped upon being reminded, letting out a sigh. 'Let's just concentrate on the tournament, shall we?'

[I guessed that'll be your response]

Hisha snapped his fingers as always, watching the blindfolded ladies get ready after the final call from the monotonous voice.


[Tia Gran]

[Lana Garcia]

[Hazel Lett]

[Olivia Drim]

[Willow Crik]

Feeling for her pouch to pull out a few senbons in between her fingers, Tia had her back against Hazel before they slowly squatted to allow Hazel to touch the floor to have a feel of the vibration from the rest.

'A duo? Who would have thought they'd agree to this?' Hisha chuckled as the two ladies stood their ground not moving at all and waited it out.

Linking their hands by interlocking their left and right fingers, Hazel acted as the eyes to Tia as she drew precise locations on Tia's palm.

Wae crackled out loud at the teamwork nobody had ever thought of trying out. "If they had partnered, maybe more would have survived, but what do I know?"

Shrugging, he pretended not to get why they wouldn't team up in such a situation.

The other tribal chiefs gave hard glares at Wae, with some shaking their heads at how he was treading on thin ropes. Any more provocation to their lord, he might as well have more hard-hitting repercussions to him and his tribe or worse–death.

Looking behind him momentarily, he gave a crooked grin at the unsuspecting Wae and whispered loud enough for the others to listen in on his words. "I feel the same way, but what can I say, when I was given mediocre ladies with no use other than pleasure, I have to sieve them out one way or another."

Wae sweat dropped, whistling, and looked away after bowing in an apology for what he had said earlier.

The other tribal chiefs facepalmed at his stupidity of being too fast in his speech.

"I would take that apology after we all attend the feast you prepared for us."


[Olivia Drim - Terminated]

[3000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6213]

Not bothering to have a look at how the lady had died, he took more pleasure in watching the faces of his tribal chiefs to the subtle hint he had let on.

Unable to freely speak, they opted out to do so in a whisper.

"What feast, Wae?" Vanas narrowed his eyes at him.

Wae heart raced at the news being public which he couldn't deny, feeling cornered and this revelation being wrong with his plan.

"You didn't let them know, even after you had included them in your schedule?" Hisha feigned ignorance and shock at the events unfolding.

Wae's eyes widened at the accusations, looking over to a silent Draegul who had his eyes narrowed and his arms crossed.

They had immediately figured out what was going on but were also confident of its failure.

'How stupid can you be?!' Draegul clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Do join us, being there alone without my trusted advisors wouldn't be as fun." Hisha cajoled with a wiggle of his brows.

"As you wish, my lord." The five of them said in unison with Draegul joining in bowing their heads in reverence.

Mich had his eyes searching and unsure about the exchange, if he was going there, there was no way he could think or plot anything evil nor lie if asked–it was a dangerous position he would find himself in.

There was still the issue of Kenna who needed his attention as she was still in her comatose state, not to mention the disappearance of those masked merfolks and the tavern owner.

There were still things he needed to oversee in his territory, and he was obliged to go to a feast that was not as it seemed.

'Wae, if you do put us all in the limelight, I am sure to end you alongside others if the situation calls for it!' He vowed in his thoughts while glaring at him.

Seeing the suspicion growing among all seven of his tribal chiefs, Hisha hid a smirk as he looked back to duel.


There were still two against the duo who never got up from their position, just like Yuria had done and he was more than triggered by the fact that the other two had not learned from the mistake of the past dead ladies littering the arena.

Tia threw her senbons randomly on the floor as they sunk in.

Hazel had no problem with her sight being taken, relying on her sense of hearing and stealth.

Getting on one knee, she placed her palm on the floor as though ready to lurch at something or someone.

Adjusting his sitting posture, with one of his legs raised towards his face, he suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline with this unpredictable and wild human.

As guessed, Hazel sprinted at top speed toward Lana with the latter being too slow-witted to react in time.

Gripping her by the throat, Hazel slammed her down hard on the floor.


Weaving to the right, she narrowly escaped the arrows shot from the metallic gloves Lana wore.

Stepping on the gloves, Hazel punched hard on Lana's face.




Tia brought out a weird-looking string device that mimicked a miniature harp with only three strings on it.

Pulling out one of her senbons, she glided it back and forth on each string which released a sound wave with every screeching sound.

The senbons underneath the floor began to resonate on the same frequency, letting out an ear-piercing screech.

Hisha had to create a barrier around the arena to prevent it from hurting the others who were merely spectating.

'Such a destructive weapon. You weren't kidding when you said humans make up for their lack of Sux with brains.' Hisha hissed in the aftermath of the sound he had heard.

To his surprise, the only people who were unaffected by the sound were Hazel and Tia.

Willow had dropped to the floor, dangerously close to Hazel as she had approached while she was going all ballistic on Lana.

With one final punch, Hazel pulled out her bloody hand and wiped her face.


[Lana Garcia - Terminated]

[3000 points acquired]

[Harem: 6212]

Getting to her feet, she had her blind gaze on a screaming Willow.

Using her feet to feel for her weapon, she picked up an Axe, laughing at the feel of the weapon. "Your choices are kind of... ordinary."

Raising it above her head, she brought it down in a slash.



A pictorial illustration of the Hazel is shown in my discord server.

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