Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 123 You Can Do Anything With Her

"This wasn't part of the agreement, my lord. What's with the attributes outlined?" Wae stared at the paper.


"Good question," Hisha smiled.

Flipping the paper so Wae could have a better look at it, Hisha read out the attributes, "it is clearly shown what you lack in respect to me and my plans for Kurg."

Wae stood dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

Not giving him any chance to explain, he placed his thumb on the signature right corner, a blood stamp extracted as the tiny jabs pierced and withdrew.

As it hovered above Hisha's palm, he set it up in flames.

"It's settled, you will gain the benefit of the contract as promised."

Wae growled, clutching to his chest as a wave of overwhelming energy washed over him, and nearly instantly the pain he had felt vanished and his wounds healed rapidly.



He let out a sigh of relief but instantly regretted it when he felt his breath strain and his heartbeat quicken.

"Don't fret, it'll reduce soon," Hisha waved his hand, wondering how his tribal chiefs couldn't handle the little surge in their energy.

Feeling his chest ease up, Wae opened one of his eyes and exhaled, slowly dropping his hand from his chest to his side.

Taking the initiative to explain what had happened to him, he clapped his hand to gain his attention. "What just happened was the reward gained in exchange for the attributes you lack."

Still, in confusion, Wae furrowed his brows, wondering why his vision had gotten clearer and his senses heightened.

Being able to see an overwhelming Sux seething off Hisha, he took a few steps back, intimidated.

"If you do maintain your end of the bargain, you will have access to the augmentation and the maid would be mute and bound by the work she's to be put under."

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Wae let out a low chuckle at having gained a lot from the contract and getting away from being suspected.

'You will be at the losing end!' He cackled in his thoughts as he took a glance at the maid.

Getting to his feet, Hisha circled Wae while making a body check as though a predator to prey.

"I don't think you understand the cause and effect of this contract." Hisha smiled while standing in front of Wae casting a shadow on him.

"I don't understand, my lord."

"Of course, you won't, it's expected." Hisha was quick to affirm with a nod.

The urge to burst out laughing at how stupid and overzealous his tribal chiefs were to be blind to a possible clause was both amusing and disturbing.

Patting Wae on the head like he would do a pet, he could feel Wae stiffen under his touch before he withdrew once more.

"If you fail to work on the traits you lack, this maid would be compelled to spill a secret at a time that had been buried in her subconscious or hindered by her speech impediment..."

He paused, expecting a reaction from Wae, knowing for a certainty that if the maid were to eventually spill all that she knew, Wae's dirty deeds were bound to be exposed–not only about the attempted poisoning but some hidden ones she might have witnessed.

Wae flinched and gulped, his eyes looking over to another corner of the room, trying his best to calm his racing heart.

He could almost feel that Hisha did know what he had done but was playing stupid so he could trick him to sign the contract.

He had almost opened his mouth to defend himself when Hisha continued.

"If the maid is killed by anyone but me, you would too, so don't have any funny ideas." Hisha chuckled, ruffling Wae's hair, turning his attention to the maid still frozen in place.

Humming and tracing his finger around the maid's cheek, "not that you could infiltrate my citadel, but we wouldn't want any problems of insiders, would we?"

"Of course not!" Wae spoke a little too loudly and impatiently.

He looked down immediately, shaken with fear of his plan B being ruined as much as he could think.

Fists clenched beside him, he tried to maintain his composure to the news and have a positive mindset.

'If I uphold my quota, I have nothing to lose and I get to keep my augmentation.' He repeated in his thoughts to soothe his troubled spirit.

"Lest I forget, if you do try to spill on what had transpired between the two of us, you would have a year of your lifespan cut short, this is made easier for you to know when you feel a 5-second sharp pain in your head."

In front of Hisha was displayed the translucent screen of the life expectancy of Wae.

[4007 years, 11 months, 4 days]

Wae stumbled back at the last message, beyond shocked was an understatement. There was no way that his overlord could be lying, but he needed to test if this was true.

"I have never gone against what was given to me and my pe–"

A sharp pain shot through his head and rocked his body as he coughed out a bit of blood, falling to the ground.

[4006 years, 11 months, 4 days]

"Ooh, you thought I was joking?" Hisha laughed at the spray of blood on the floor.

Evading all blood spills on the floor, he clicked his tongue, "I hope this is enough proof, be glad she's still frozen or I would have been curious enough to listen to what sort of secrets she keeps."



Pulling him by the collar and a few inches off the ground, Hisha raised Wae while holding his gaze, "the fact that you just reacted to your words just shows how untrue that was, be mindful of what you say in your thoughts or in front of me."

Wae grimaced at the tone used to deliver the message, trying to look down but being forced to look at Hisha.

Slowly easing his grip on Wae, he forced a smile. Smoothing out the creases as though he was sorry for his actions.

"Where are my manners?" He let out a disturbing low chuckle that made Wae tremble with every adjustment Hisha made to his clothing and hair.

Dusting his hands, Hisha took three steps back and sat back down on the chair.

Snapping his fingers, the maid let out a gasp before looking around her to get accustomed to what had happened.

"Be glad, you are coming along with me," Hisha announced with a grin.

The maid had wanted to speak and offer her gratitude but was struck with the realization of her loss of speech.

Her head whipped to her Lychief, it had dawned on her that he had accepted the offer, but she couldn't understand how he had chosen to go through with it.

Wae frowned the moment they locked eyes, the corner of his lips raised in a snarl.

"My lord, you can do anything with her, she could offer more than just serving services and most especially–"

"I'll pass." Hisha shut him up and got to his feet.

Wae blinked a few times in shock at the quick rejection, although it was strange that this tactic didn't work just like in the throne hall, he was more than confused that a lustful ruler had casually turned the offer down.

Stretching, Hisha yawned and turned his attention to the door. "Now that we have that settled, I'd like to have a taste of the feast promised."

[You think of food, now?]

'What's the point of getting here when I won't have a bite?'

[You have points to spare. I have no comments, host]

Wae had his shoulders drooped in disappointment as he nodded, reluctant to lead the way back.



In the dining hall,


All attention was drawn to Hisha as he had a big grin with satisfaction.

Kritz had a little smile, understanding his lord was merely trying to lighten the situation after what he had done before leaving with Wae.

The maid who was at the beck and call of Hisha and in charge of Hisha's food was a little suspicious to him but he couldn't complain as she was treated well by Hisha and she obeyed every single request he had put through to her.

Although it had eased up his workload, he was still weary of her motives after what she had done earlier.

Slamming his palms on the table, Hisha raised his head, only to be shocked by the various body responses from everyone present.

Some of the guests had their soup spilled on their dress coats from the loss of hold on their spoons from their temporary shock.

Looking to his left, Mich had water trailing out his nose after choking on the water he drank.

Vanas and a few others had their cutleries gripped so hard it looked like it would break.

All weren't comparable to Wae's visible emotional trauma written on his face as his brows twitched with wide eyes staring down at his table and exhaling slowly to calm his nerves.

'Did I do something wrong?'

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