Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 49 With Great Power Comes A Penalty

Doing a backflip to create a bit of distance between them, Yoru laughed hysterically, making good use of the shadows cast by the tall trees.

"I see you still remember me after all these years!" Yoru spat and circled him with a ring of fire that continued to burn.

Unlike Solara who was an embodiment of flames with a gold tone to it with the ability to regulate the body and environmental heat temperature. Yoru on the other hand could create raging red flames outside of her body while regulating the flame on an object of choice.

For a brief second, Hisha showed no emotions and observed the flames, it felt so familiar that he could almost guess she was the one his replicating ability had mimicked.

[That dress is a little tempting, especially that string that barely has many purposes, don't you think?]

Hisha rolled his eyes at the lust-filled comment made by his system–it was at times like this that he realized the true nature of his system far from its sarcastic tendencies or its knowledge of this world.

Hisha tilted his head and gave a wicked smile to her meager threats.

Before Yoru could comment on his knowledge about her name even though she was hooded, she felt herself lose her balance.

Acting on instinct, Hisha used his telekinetic binding on her throat, raising her in the air.

The flames instantly vanished with Yoru in a struggle to get free.

"If you think this is a joke, you must be mistaken." Hisha snarled.

The two others who had their presence hidden in the bushes had almost compromised their position when they attempted to come to the aid of their leader.

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"No... not... now..." Yoru muttered and shook her head as she struggled to set herself free.

Her words fell off as her disbelief at being caught so easily by Hisha.

"If you kill me, you... can... say goodbye... to your li... little Vandrik." She cackled amidst choking due to his grip only tightening.

'Little Vandrik? Could it be...' Hisha narrowed his eyes at the specific call on Kritz's race.

Her hood fell back revealing her long silky brown hair and bangs framing her face.

Her red eyes shone with burning hatred as she tried to get free from his hold.

[She's bluffing]

HTC assured, sensing a fraction of reluctance in her voice.

Hisha couldn't quite explain the budding hate he had developed even though they had just met.

[Memory recovery - 5%]

Hisha's eyes widened as realization sunk in, from what he could see, the original host must have some brooding hatred for this lady for their confrontation to be this heated in a few seconds upon sighting her just by her unique eyes.

'Why does she have a similar outlook to...' he paused as he looked behind him and at Kritz who was still unconscious and stuck to the tree he had pushed him to.

Immediately calling upon her character status, he watched as the interface pulled up on her.


[Name: Yoru Aku]

[Height: 170cm]

[Position: Vandrik Chieftess]

[Race: Vandrik]


His eyes were glued on the race info and he repeated in his thoughts, 'race-Vandrik'

Unable to describe how he should feel about the situation, he glared back at her.

Yoru let out a maniac laugh at his glare, "are you going to kill me?"

Her taunts were met with the grip tightening an inch causing her to gasp for breath.

'I couldn't care less for someone who's trying to foil my plans, especially if you're the external source of what's causing Kritz to go into a frenzy!' Hisha brows were furrowed, irritated by her presence.

[Stop! You can't, no matter how hard you try]

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?!' Hisha hissed in reply but maintained his glare on Yoru.

[With your great power comes a clause bestowed by the celestials–one which binds you.

They had taken a great fancy to your original host's existence and unique ability several years ago. With his zeal to live and the willingness to bring relative peace and unity between the once wartorn land of Kurg, you were bestowed upon the blessing of victory with relative ease–one no one has ever been able to achieve. But with a clause]

'What clause?!' Hisha questioned impatiently, feeling his resolve to go through with killing her weakening.

[You can not personally kill females! The zeal had never been there, not until your last encounter with her, this was a major reason a tournament was held–so you could get the best females on your side to assist you on the one thing you would kill to achieve]

Hisha had to maintain his composure with the shocking information related to him by his system–Yoru was the main reason he had held a tournament?!

It was still unclear as to what Yoru had done to his original host and vice versa to stir up the burning hatred going on between them.

Yoru could sense his hesitation as his grip weakened, causing her to whistle with distinctive notes.



Two other hooded figures stepped onto the burnt marks she had created earlier.

"Hmmm... Humm... Hmmm..." The three chanted in unison as a black translucent barrier elevated, cutting the connection Hisha had with his telekinetic grip.

Before Yoru could fall to the ground, she was caught by one of her partners and kissed him on the lips as a favor and returned for assistance.

'This is not a good sign.' Hisha thought in a panic, feeling as though they never really tried to confront him due to his insurmountable strength, but rather have him distracted, surrounded, and on the verge of sealing him.

'Could you explain what would happen if I had killed her?!' Hisha raged at his system for not explaining to him this little detail while he had been idle for some days as the information would have saved him a lot of clueless actions he had made.



¶Any idea on what could be the penalty of killing a female?

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