Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 205 - 205

Taking the egg, I completely immersed it in the water in the barrel and opened it. There was no sound outside, but as soon as I dipped my head into the water, I immediately heard musical overflows and a woman's voice.

Come seek us where our voices sound, ​​

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching ponder this;

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour, the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

Closing the egg, I popped my head out of the barrel, immediately drying my hair with a gesture.

"Well?" Hermione fidgeted impatiently in her chair.

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Silently I took the cold metal egg out of the barrel and set it on the table. With a gesture of my wand, I used Scourgify to remove the water and cancel the transfiguration of the barrel back into the cup with Finita. After quoting what I heard, I glanced at Hermione.

"What do you think?"

The girl looked thoughtfully at me, at Delphine, at me again. It was clear enough that Lady Greengrass knew the point of the tasks - her family had been involved in the organization, after all.

"The words about the ground and the voices are not accidental, and given that the egg works in water, the hint is obvious," Hermione nodded to herself, folding her arms across her chest. Or should I say "under her breast"?

"Let's say."

"Given that Black Lake is the only body of water on Hogwarts property, the second task will be held there. Something will be hidden there. The question is 'what' and 'where'?"

"Where is not the question. The voice is female, plural. Our fauna is not the richest, and only mermaids and squid can boast of intelligence. There is only one squid. That leaves the mermaids."

"Yes," said Hermione. "And as far as I know, they have a town at the bottom in the middle of the lake. I've even seen a magic photo somewhere - there's a little square and a monument in the center. I think it's a great landmark. But what could be taken? What does each champion have that's so valuable? We're all humans, and humans are different. For one, the most valuable thing might be some concert grand piano, and for another, a quick-quotes quill enchanted in person by his long-dead grandfather."

"Hmm... So it must be something very important, surely irreplaceable. Something that can't just be put in your pocket, so it's pretty big. Something that would make it difficult to get back. At the same time, about the same size and other parameters for everyone."

"A set of parameters is quite..." Hermione unclasped her hands, placing them on the table. "Creepy."



"Brilliant!" clapped a satisfied Delphine. "Excellent conclusions, although it is possible to assume other options."

"I don't think so," I shook my head. "They slipped us dragons - why not kidnap someone close to us?"

"So..." Hermione shifted her gaze from me to Lady Greengrass lost. "Who gets stolen for whom?"

"It's logical to assume several possibilities. Potter has only one friend within these walls, Ron Weasley. I have you. Along with Fleur came her little sister. Have you seen a girl about twelve years old in a Beauxbatons uniform? She, along with the second year, attends classes and is practically a copy of Fleur."

"I caught a glimpse of her. Is that her sister?"

"Just my guess."

"That leaves Krum."

"Tough question, Miona. He doesn't communicate with anyone at all. I think there will still be a chance for the organizers to find out what they need to know for the task."

"Kids," Delphine clapped her hands. "Enough of the bad stuff. Even assuming your thoughts are correct, there's not a single thing to worry about. After all, for sure, the security of everyone except the champions will be at the highest level."

"Except for the champions, huh?" I glanced at Delphine with a smirk, but she only spread her hands.

"That's what the whole tournament is based on. A lot has been reworked and thought about, but anything can be. The top priority on everyone else's safety. And enough of the bad stuff. Hermione, would you please change into your gym clothes. You're gonna have to run today."

The girl nodded and went to one of the tent's nooks, and Delphine quickly cast a silencing spell over us.

"I have good news for you. Have you ever wondered why there was a dress uniform on the shopping lists this year?"

"What's there to guess? Sooner or later, they'll tell us."

"There will be a Yule Ball!" said Delphine with a sort of pathos, immediately switching to her usual manner. "Well, they were supposed to tell you later, about two weeks in advance, but I've decided to do it now. The ball is a month away. Champions are required to open it with their dance partner. I recommend not to wait and invite Hermione."

"Why her?" I was interested in Lady Greengrass's train of thought.

"Maybe you don't notice, but she's a pretty prominent girl. And just if the judge logically, you communicate only with her. To an outsider, it might seem like she's your only support. If I were in Krum's shoes, I would certainly try to invite her and in every possible way to occupy her with my existence, undermining your relationship and leaving you alone. You are a rival and a strong one. They need to take you out of the game even by such simple methods."

"Why Krum and not Potter?"

"Young Mr. Potter is not capable of such a move. At least not at the moment."

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