Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 207 - 207

The morning after the first task of the tournament was, as is customary in England and Scotland, overcast and cold as November. There was no snow yet, but hoarfrost covered almost everything it could, and Black Lake, as the awakened students noticed, again lived up to its name, bringing a gloomy mood with its dark water surface.

The awakened students dragged their feet lazily to the Great Hall for breakfast, and the Gryffindors were the most lethargic of them all because a party doesn't go away without a trace. Except for the first-year students, who were responsibly sent to sleep in their rooms, they looked vigorous. ​​

When the students were more or less assembled at their desks and beginning to finally wake up, lazily picking at their breakfast with the cutlery, Hermione noticed something amiss. No, there was nothing unusual about Max's absence - he often either ate in the kitchen or called Timmy so he wouldn't have to walk back and forth. However, the absence of the Weasley twins, with whom Max had discussed something for a long time yesterday and with enthusiasm, raised concerns. It's scary to imagine what this trio can do with Max's capabilities and the twins' imagination!

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Some swarming near the open doorframe of the Great Hall caught Hermione's attention, and when the second opened, the girl knew - here they are, troubles!

Two house-elves, in spotless, perfectly-fitting pillowcases with Hogwarts coats of arms, carried a huge painting into the Hall and stood at the entrance. A famous gossip and, to put it mildly, a silly joker, Sir Cadogan, was looking at everyone from the picture. A third house-elf ran briskly out a little ahead and comically banged his big staff on the floor.

"The champion of Hogwarts, Maximilian Knight on a white horse, sir, with an escort!" the house-elf gave out loudly and then in a whisper. "The great wizard, sir... Oh..."

In the silence, the last words were clearly audible. At exactly the same moment, the Twins in black suits and robes with scarlet lining and decorations flew into the Hall on brooms very slowly. They led the brooms horizontally, literally standing on makeshift footpegs, and a thick white mist oozed from the bars on the brooms, quickly flowing across the floor. Illusory birds were constantly flying out of the twins' hands, but an attentive wizard would have noticed that each such bird came from a small ball that turned into such a bird - the twins deftly pulled them out of their sleeves.

The twins were followed by Max Knight, who rode into the Hall on a real white horse in a dense blue Patronus fog, which was comical. The effect of the Patronus was good, and everyone present woke up with good memories and feelings, completely leveling the absurdity of what was happening. Even the fact that Max himself was in a completely black suit and robe did not confuse anyone. As soon as Max rode his horse into the Hall, the illusory birds, already flying in large numbers under the ceiling, played solemn music loud and clear.

Hermione, as well as the girls sitting next to her, caught the direction of Max's gaze, and this made her even more worried about the upcoming events. He was moving along the tables just towards her, and everyone was watching! And the professors! And with such interest! Even the white cat, who was happily sitting next to Hermione and pulled bits of bacon from the common plate, stopped chewing them and stared at what was happening with wide-open blue eyes.

The whole procession of twins, horse, and Max quickly made their way to where Hermione was sitting, and Max deftly jumped to the floor, right in front of the shocked girl.

"As soon as the Christmas holidays, in the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, there will be a Yule Ball," as Max spoke, the music from the illusory birds almost faded. "Hermione Jean Granger, will you go to the ball with me?"

The girl blinked a couple of times, and the white cat hit her hand with its paw.

"Аh? Yes, I'll go."

"Yay!" the twins shouted immediately, and with a wave of their hand, they turned all the birds into fireworks, the sparks of which, falling to the floor, turned into rose petals.

The Patronus effect and the fireworks put the students in a good festive mood. They all started to applaud and congratulate everyone on the spot, plunging the Hall into some incomprehensible bacchanalia of general joy and happiness.

"Branded charms for a broom!" meanwhile, one of the twins shouted, demonstratively changing the colors of the fog, sometimes turning the fog itself into sparks. "On sale only with us!"

"Fireworks explosive birds! A unique offer!" advertised the second twin, handing out colorful sample balloons.

"Unique decorations for the ball!" other items were already being advertised by the first twin.

The girls who sat next to Hermione squealed happily, looking at her classmate with mild envy, but Hermione was tormented by other questions. Although the fact of the invitation, the ball, and other things... At least it became clear why the lists for this year included a parade uniform for boys or a dress for girls.

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