Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 360 - 360

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May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


"So, what's it got to do with Granger?" came the question again.

"This filthy mudblood thinks too much of herself. Since she communicates with the tournament champion, who won, clearly using some tricks, she believes that she is better than us, pure-blood wizards! It doesn't have to be like this. We'll put her in her place, and at the same time, we'll show Knight that it's better not to go against us. And what about you?" Malfoy looked at everyone with a sneer and a threat. "Have you decided to go against the will of the Dark Lord? Didn't your families assure him of their loyalty?"

"No one is going against him," the seventh-year student shook his head negatively. "We just need to know what and why."

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"Knowledge is for those whom the Dark Lord considers worthy. Nott?"

"Everything is ready. The eldest under Imperio - barely caught a moment in the common room" Theodore nodded. "She has some common topics on Runes with Granger, and I made her arrange a meeting in the same class. The class is prepared, too."

"Younger sister?"

"Daphne called her to a «very important conversation, not for the common room.» The same room."

"I see," nodded Malfoy. "Since everything is ready — let's move out."

Banal logic tells me that their current plan couldn't have ended the way it did, which means something went wrong. But what? It could be important. It really could be important.

Hidden under the charms and in the shadows, I followed a group of Slytherins who also resorted to the help of hiding charms and invisibility cloaks. There were two of the latter, and only the upperclassmen had known the charms - it took a minute to prepare. But it didn't matter to me whether I could see them or not - the marks clearly signaled their location to my consciousness. The other three markers, so far away from this group and from each other, were gradually getting closer. So it's about to start.

"Say, Malfoy," came a low whisper in the hallway, which was not easily heard because of the slight noise from the movement of the group of Slytherins. "Where did the information come from?"

"Can you be quiet? The bug on the wings brought it."

I was extremely surprised by this answer, and it took me a few seconds to comprehend what was said. There's only one bug in Magical England, and it loves to carry information on its wings like Santa Claus carries Christmas presents. Her name is Rita Skeeter. Here everything is clear - spies and reports to whoever has more money, along the way collecting various dirt on everybody in order to release some daring articles or gather material for the book, or perhaps several. Problematic person. I have to make a note to "deal with it."

After a dozen minutes of careful movement through the castle, the group of Slytherins reached a long corridor with several offices. Four stayed behind to keep watch.

"Here," Malfoy handed them something. "The creation of the twins. Eat it, and your nose will bleed. With this, you will immediately distract one of the professors and head to the hospital wing, if necessary."

They nodded, and the others quickly went into the classroom. I also went there with the help of shadows. Another abandoned office with dusty tables and chairs, in the corner of which there were three mobile chalkboards next to each other, and the teacher's desk, apparently, was taken away, leaving only a slightly different color spot on the floor.

In the middle of this classroom stood Daphne with her wand in her hands and a look of utter indifference. On the floor, next to the blonde, was Astoria, bound along and across, looking at everything with incomprehension, and Hermione was standing next to her with her hands down and clearly under the influence of Petrificus. Hm, no, she was just pretending.

"Ha, unbelievable!" Malfoy exclaimed in delight, and nine Slytherins appeared in the office. "Imperio, as it turns out, adds to your magic some power?"

"Accio, Granger's wand," Nott waved in the air, summoning Hermione's wand from under her robes. He did the same with Astoria and Daphne's wand, handing them over to one of the remaining upperclassmen, Riley, I think, for safekeeping. In the seventh generation, it seems that he is hanging out with, in his opinion, a promising group in terms of power and influence. Harper was a fourth-year student, and the other two from the sixth were Selwyn and Morgan. All just began to be called as wizards according to the radicals of "purity of blood" — six and seven generations. Crabbe and Goyle need no introduction — they are still standing like statues next to Malfoy. There are, by the way, a couple of other Draco sidekicks, but it seems that they are not part of this improvised inner circle.

"Tell me, Daphne," Nott approached the blonde, and she turned a meaningless look at him. "How did you manage so well?"

"Nonverbal wandless Petrificus and Incarcero," she replied.

"Look at the talents she was hiding," Nott shook his head.

Nott waved his wand, and the bound Astoria flew smoothly, landing on one of the chairs. Glancing at Granger, Theodore just waved his hand, considering that it was not worth wasting time on her yet — Hermione perfectly plays a person under Petrificus.

"So," Malfoy pulled out a chair from behind the nearest table, sitting down on it. "Somebody tie up that blonde, and don't forget Silencio."

The question was quickly solved by Nott, with a movement of his wand and a word-key, conjuring Incarcero on Daphne and moving the wand near her face, he removed Imperio. The girl's gaze quickly became meaningful and shocked, but she did not have time to say anything, having received Silencio.

"Daphne, Daphne, Daphne," Malfoy shook his head, smirking. "It was very reckless of your mother to refuse the Dark Lord. Not to accept his gracious offer...."

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