Headed by a Snake

Chapter 148 Blood Empowerment

Tycon discovered that there was a snake god.

Of course, there was a snake god. Why wouldn't there be a snake god?

When Tycon awoke in the world, he remembered himself-- but not the people he knew, nor the relationships he had. If he didn't have the letter from Aurala in his pack, he may have just aimlessly wandered around the Kingdom for moons on end.

He knew about classes and Skills and various martial knowledges. He knew of the realm and of its nations and cultural etiquette. He knew of religions.

There were three religions in the realm. Thirteen gods made up the main pantheon. People prayed to the 'good' gods for blessings and to the 'dark' gods for mercies. Dominant in the Sleeping Country was a belief in self-reliance, developed enough to call a religion. The Holy Country crusaded for an ever-burning Eternal Flame, its will translated by their High Oracle.

No snake god.

Tycon was missing a large portion of necessary knowledge concerning medusa culture. Though the System allowed him to meld into human society, it remained that according to Dragan, Wroe, and Aurala... he was a Prince of the Free Nation-- though one of many.

He also recalled how Ananta the Endless addressed him during their chance meeting. She called him the Ivory Prince. He did not know whether it was a pet name or that was another of his titles.

"Hey-- Tycon," Hai loomed over him, "Snap out of it. What's it mean?"

Tycon shook the unnecessary worries out of his head.

"Inane ramblings praising some snake god," he said, sweeping back his green hair. He was sweating.

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"What's a snake??" Rico asked, her tongue hanging out the side of her maw.

"It's like an eel, but it lives on land and is very handsome," Tycon responded, gently scratching the side of the girl's neck.

She purred, "Rico... loooves snaaakes."

"She means she loves eating them," Hai explained. "During two separate occasions, we invested in a talking parrot and a Bronze-Rank chicken Wizard to translate for Lieutenant Eleven of Seven. Rico ate them both."

"I... see," Tycon nodded warily.

« System, add a prompt if I'm about to transform into a snake within 30 yalms of Rico. »


Rico sat back on her haunches and howled, "Rest in peace, Kentucky!!"

Hai flicked her on the snout, "You. Ate. Him!"

"I'm sowwy, Cap'n!!"

"You're not allowed to be sorry!!" the massive werecreature bellowed.

Tycon crossed his arms, "I'd like to continue to the boss room-- that is... if you two are quite done?"

Lang Hai turned his head and hmphed.

Rico bared her teeth in a slightly-threatening smile, "Ehehe."


Tycondrius stepped over the wooden debris from the door Lang Hai had smashed in, shortly followed by Rico.

"Sea Wolves... I was beginning to wonder when you would arrive."

Liber stood up out of the copper tub, rivulets of the blood he was soaking in running down his naked body. His muscles were clear and defined, a body like a chiseled marble statue.

"We were takin' our sweet time-- you know, decking the halls with Saltspray," Lang Hai chuckled.

"Hmph. Yes, it will prove difficult rebuilding the Saltspray Kings." Liber stepped forward, leaving bloody footprints that boiled and bubbled into the wooden floorboards, "Perhaps I'll start a new crew... How does the Wolf Eaters sound to you?"

Tycon did not like how casual the pirate was speaking. In his situation, the man should be a squealing, cowardly mess. The Sea Wolves were a veritable disaster for the man and his men... and he had nowhere to escape. Instead, he openly taunted both Hai and Rico without armor or a weapon.

« System, inquiry: Basic information. »

[System response: Liber, Iron-Rank Human Warlock]

Tycon surmised that whatever the ritual circle had done in the previous room had greatly solidified the man's confidence.

Lang Hai clicked in annoyance, "Give it up, pirate. And maybe I'll let you die without knowing what it's like being torn apart by teeth."

Liber ignored him, "Mister Tycon... How did you do it? We drafted a magical contract. Your guild can't violate the terms of agreement."

Tycon shrugged, "They didn't."

"Of course..." The naked man stroked his beard, reddened by blood, "Well played... The reason you focused on the specificities of the terms was to take away attention from the fact that you never belonged to the Sea Wolves in the first place."

Tycon elbowed Lang Hai's thigh beside him, "The pirate's smart. Do something."

Lang Hai clenched his fists and howled loud enough to shake the walls, "RICO!! BEAST MODE!!"

Rico's eyes glowed red with mana as she bounded forward. She tilted her head to the side and clamped her jaws around Liber's side, her teeth sinking into his chest and back. Liber winced in pain as he used his well-defined arms to prevent her from biting him in two.

Grabbing onto Rico's teeth, Liber kneed the girl in the side of her jaw-- something that only made Rico angrier. She lifted him up and smashed him against the side of the wall, then she whipped him around, knocking over the copper tub in the process.

Almost suddenly, Rico seemed to lose her strength, collapsing to her side onto the bloodied floor.

"What the-- RICO!! What's wrong?!?!" Hai yelled.

"Cap'n..." Rico groaned.

Liber stood up, revealing his body-- Rico's teeth hadn't pierced his skin. Thin lines of mana glowed on his body, reminiscent of scales.

The pirate shrugged, "If that is all, Sea Wolves, I'm afraid it's not enough."

Tycon placed a hand on Hai's arm, "We should withdraw. You're at a disadvantage here with your size."

Hai glowered down at Tycon, "I will NOT abandon Rico!!"

Tycon grit his teeth. Hai's course of action was unwise, but it was a conscious choice. Tycon could only advise in a way to be most advantageous, "Force him into the main room."

"I will tear you LIMB FROM LIMB!!" Lang Hai bounded forward, reaching his massive, transformed arm towards Liber.

Liber's entire body lit up in a green flame as he stopped Hai's grab with a single hand, "Funny. I was going to tell you the same thing."

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