Headed by a Snake

Chapter 257 Proposal

Tycondrius knew the ancient traditions of the Old Tyrion Empire. One of Sol Invictus' members, Lulu, had informed him that most of his knowledges were epochs and centuries old. But still, he would act on the assumption that the Tyrion cremation process remained unreliable.

No, he would not risk a hastily and shoddily built pyre for Munifex Rena. He'd do it himself. A properly prepared flame had to be hot enough to burn her remains into ash.

As luck would have it, the grey clouds overhead dared not rain. A humid environment would be less conducive to a fire. And as an unfortunate blessing, much of the blood had drained from out of her severed appendages. The probability of her corpse bursting and dousing the flames was low.

He washed and dried Rena's body. Having no scented oils to anoint her, he elected to rub her skin with sweet-scented flower petals. He took no pleasure in the macabre work.

It physically pained him to part with a single Tyrion silver coin-- placed underneath Rena's tongue... It was only proper. It seemed Justus, the young Decanus, was unfamiliar with the custom. Gianna might have known, but apparently, she had taken injury during the Manticore fight.

For a moment, Tycon wondered if it would be different if he had chosen to wait for her, too... He quickly discarded the thought. Hypotheticals were useless for such a specific situation. He acted to the best of his knowledge.

The coin was a tribute to the old gods-- or somesuch. A Reaper... or whatever name the concept had in Tyrion culture, would take the payment, to ensure ease of passage into the afterlife. All cultures had something similar.

If the memory originated from the "previous" Tycon, then it seemed that even he didn't care much for names.

The dead were dead. The living remained. Why should he care? He did not fault the previous-him.

...He wished he knew. In the case he needed to war against the heavens or hells, he would ask for the Tyrion Reaper by name and demand Rena be returned to him.

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Justus woke up in one of the medical tents. One of the Immunes caretakers informed him that he had suffered acute mana fatigue-- a diagnosis by the Rhodok Healer, Fortuna.

He was certain he had used up all of his life force in his attack against the Manticore.

...Just like Rena did, enchanting the sword he lost.

It was a miracle-- a blessing of the Flame that he survived. But the fact that Rena didn't...

As blessed as he was, with all the power he had at his disposal... he couldn't help but feel a splinter of doubt piercing his heart, challenging his faith.

He asked the attending physician for Gianna. The Shield Maiden was only hurt because of Justus' own weakness. He wanted to know the extent of her injuries. He used his rank as Decanus to demand the information from the annoyed Immunes.

He was told she was in a different tent... one reserved for those in critical conditions. He wasn't allowed to see her, but she had survived and was convalescing.

Justus breathed a sigh of relief. He inwardly praised the Flame, his faith restored, at least a little.

He sought out one of the surviving archers in the medical tent. He wanted to ask about Rena, even though it pained him to do so. Did she do well? Did she run and cry at first opportunity? Was she brave?

The archer told him that only the bolts she enchanted were able to injure the Manticore. He lamented that it was not enough to save Constantina and the others... but the ranged fire was able to slow and fatigue the beast. Without it, far more Rhodoks from the forward team would have been killed. The great risks taken by himself and Duplicarius Zehr had turned the tide of battle in their favor.

Justus was proud of her... She died with honor. And he would continue to fight against the evils of the Realm... if only to honor her memory.

He was released by Centurion Cyrac-- he tried to ask for a personal favor to see Gianna, but he was denied. Fortuna was working exhaustively to heal far too many Rhodoks. Gia's fate rested in the hands of another-- but one well equipped to help her.

Only able to obediently follow orders, Justus returned to his tent group...


Tycondrius met with Decanus Justus after he returned from the triage area. He seemed well enough to work, so he had him gather their remaining tent members-- not including Gianna, anyroad.

Word had spread, even to the camp at the mountain's base. Over twenty had come-- more than a few female Munifices too, who wailed with ugly tears. It seemed Rena had friends throughout the cohort.

He felt a tinge of guilt that he knew so little of her.

The impromptu collection was a modernization of old rites... a centuries-old ritual where the gathered would say something polite about the deceased. It was practiced when the Tyrion Empire had dominated near all the "civilized" parts of the Realm.

They called her... the Heroine of Leopardon. Everyone remained respectful. It was good, as Tycon did not wish to throw any more Rhodoks off of the mountainside.

Divine Enchantress Rena's body was burnt to ash, just as the veteran Crusaders and Paladins in Tyrion legends.

With Rena gone... none of Tycon's doubts remained. He would complete his mission. And to do so, he would climb a mountain of Tyrion corpses, regardless of how high it would be.


After Justus saw Rena off... he returned to the infirmary tents, hoping to see Gianna alive and fully healed.

With a crescent moon high, the Munifices on evening watch escorted him to the Shield Maiden's tent.

"Come in, please..." Gia's familiar voice called. It was hoarse... parched by weakness.

Entering, Justus fought back tears. Lying on a bed underneath thick blankets was a frail woman with a sickly pallor. He never thought the strong, vibrant, always-smiling Gianna could look so broken.

He knelt by the side of her raised cot, "Gia... I... I'm so glad you're alive. But... maybe you should rest."

"N-no... I wanted to see you too, Justus," She said shyly. "Be a gentleman and help me up."

Justus would do anything for her... He helped support her, embracing her soft, armorless back and taking in the sweet scent of her hair.

"I heard what happened to Rena... I was... Ergh... Ow..." Gia winced.

Even though she was in physical pain, in her infinite kindness, she placed her sword hand on Justus' arm to reassure him.

"I'm sorry," She whispered. "I was moments too late..."

Justus' words were caught in his throat. When her blanket slipped off of her upper body, he saw an earth-plaster cast had been wrapped around her shield arm. She had taken a career-ending injury... and she still cared more about him than herself.

"Your... arm," Justus grimaced, baring his teeth and raising his cheeks up against his tearful eyes.

Gianna smiled with a hint of regret... "I promised to be your shield, Decanus."

Justus took her soft, supple hand in his, "Gia... Marry me."

The Shield Maiden's eyes widened, her pupils dilated, "I'm sorry?"

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