Heart of Darkness

Chapter 111 - 88

Chapter 111 - 88

"She is yours, Angelica. You should name her," he said.

"I know but you gave her to me. It will feel more special if you name her, so I can call her by the name you gave her."

"I am not good with names," he said.

"I disagree. I like the name you gave me."

He smiled. "That is not a name," he said.

Was he saying she was an angel?

Lord Rayven looked thoughtfully at the mare while stroking her gently. "How about Love?" He asked.


He gifted her Love.

"I like it very much," she smiled widely. "Welcome to your new home, Love." She said stroking her as well.

They took her to the barn where Lord Rayven's horses stayed. Angelica couldn't tear her gaze away from her. She was so beautiful. Lord Rayven also seemed happy whenever he was around animals.

"You love animals," she said. "My mother used to say that someone who loves animals can never be a bad person. Did you love animals as Demons?"

The smile on his face became a sad one. "Yes. I would bring with me home whatever animal I found. My father didn't like it so I had a room where I used to hide them. One day I came to the room and…" Angelica frowned at the way his expression changed. He looked angry and pained. "They were all dead. They lay everywhere… blood… feathers…" He shook his head and took a deep breath. "So I didn't bring any more animals home."

That was horrible. She couldn't imagine seeing Love dead.

"I am sorry," she said.

He smiled, "me too."

Angelica just felt the need to hug him so she walked closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. He stiffened at first but then put his arms around her as well.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Angelica smiled. He didn't even know that she was trying to console him.

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"No. I just wanted to hug you."

She felt his heartbeat as she rested her head on his chest.

"Angelica," he whispered her name and she pulled back to look up at him. His eyes were soft and compelling. He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand before holding her chin. He leaned down and she closed her eyes as their lips met. He kissed her ever so gently this time. Each time his kisses tasted and felt unique.

This time she felt a different kind of warmth. It was soft and sweet, loving and comforting. His hands rested on her waist without pulling her closer. Their bodies touched but not to close. Just enough to feel each other and long for more.

He stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. Angelica's face was already warm but now it burned.

"Let's have dinner," he said taking her hand.

He led her out of the barn.

"Did you eat breakfast and lunch?" he asked as they walked back.


"Did you get some rest?"


This sounded like when she questioned her brother after coming home.

Lord Rayven took her to the dining hall where Sara was already serving food. Now this table always reminded her of when he sucked her finger and now that memory was always followed by the one when he licked her legs.

Angelica looked at the food on the table to distract herself. Lord Rayven took her plate and filled it with food before placing it in front of her.

It was too much food and she wanted to protest but he had been nagging so much so she just decided to eat. Lord Rayven was quiet while he ate as if thinking deeply about something.

"Is something bothering you?" she asked.

He glanced her way. "No."

She narrowed her eyes. He wasn't speaking the truth.

"Is it Constantine? Why are demons and shades enemies?"

"Why do humans go to war, fight and kill each other? It is just the same with us."

"The demon world? Where is that?" She asked.

He became thoughtful. "It is hard to explain. It is in another dimension where we can see human's but they can't see us."

"Do shades have their own world?"

"No. Probably another reason to why they hate us. They don't want us to stay here."

Angelica nodded. "Can humans go to your world?"

"Yes but that can only happen if they know about our existence, which means they are either mated or will be mated to a demon." He explained.

"And what if they don't mate?"

"Then they can't stay in the demon world."

"What about shades? Can they mate with humans?"

"Yes, but they usually don't."


"They want to keep their race pure," he said. "Mixing with humans will make their descendants weaker. They are fewer than us so they want to at least be stronger."

Angelica nodded. She had a lot to learn about these two creatures. She would have to keep asking.

Lord Rayven told her how only archdemons could sense shades and that shades could shift into cat and dog animals. They often attacked at night because they were sensitive to the sun and couldn't stay outdoors too long on sunny days. They had a distinctive look. Often something animalistic like Constantine's eyes that looked cat-like but they could make themselves look more human to not be recognized. Just like demons, they also had different ranks with more powerful shades who ruled over the rest. But unlike demons, they couldn't compel or read minds.

"You are not sensitive to the sun?" she asked remembering that he hated light.


Well, that was a relief because she loved sunny days.

"Besides shades and demons, are there other creatures I don't know of?" she asked.

"Well, there are the witches but just like prophets they are human. They just practice witchcraft."

Oh, there were witches too.

"Does the devil exist?"

He smiled. "He does."

"Have you met him?"


More questions swirled in her head and together with answers she got.

"Ask all you want," he said.

What she really wanted to know but was afraid to know was about the mating.

"You said… you wanted to mate with me," she began with uncertainty.


"Is it… necessary?"

He smiled. "No. It is only if you want."

"But you want it," she said.

"I want you. And I want you to want me. If I have you, then the mating is just secondary. I don't want you to worry about it. I will never pressure you into it because that is not how it works." He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Just being my wife right now is more than enough."

Angelica felt touched and relieved. It had been weighing on her and her claws and fangs were always at the back of her mind, frightening her every time she calmed down. But something else frightened her now as well. All this seemed too good right now and it all changed so fast. At least if it wasn't this good the fall wouldn't be too painful but now if something happened, God save her. She didn't know how she would survive.

After having dinner, they went to their room. Angelica was used to having some time alone at night, changing her clothes and combing her hair before putting it up in a bun. Now she stood there with Lord Rayven and she didn't know what to do.

She took a deep breath and turned to him. "I need to change," she said.

"Alright," he said standing there.

Was he clueless or telling her to just do it? "My Lord, I need some privacy."

God! She even had her period so she really needed some time alone.

"Oh, yes…" he said as if realizing what she was saying. "I'll leave you alone."

He left her behind and she began to look for something comfortable and clean to wear. Wait! Nothing would happen tonight right?

No, it couldn't. Not when she was bleeding. And how would she even tell him if he decided to do something? This whole thing was embarrassing. And why were all her chemises white? Not the right color to wear now.

After thinking for a long while, trying on different things and seeing if she was comfortable, at last she gave up. This would do, she thought looking at herself in the mirror.


"Ah!" she almost jumped.

Suddenly he stood in the room with her. This man would give her a heart attack one day.

"I knocked. You didn't hear."

"Oh…" was all she could say.

"Do you feel uncomfortable sharing a room with me?" He asked.

She shook her head. "No."

He narrowed his eyes, "I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to be comfortable."

"I just…" she decided to tell him as it was. "I don't mind sharing but I need a ladies room."

Since she was a lady now she could at least ask for that. Could she not?

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