Heart of Darkness

Chapter 196 The guardian angel's guard

Skender hated to say this because he wasn’t a rude person but Roxana was a pest. Yes, he knew it was her job to be one but God, she was worse than his guards. Sir Fulker had put a lot of nonsense in her head and Gary added to the whole thing. She wouldn’t let him out of her sight once. She took her job very seriously while distracting others who weren’t used to having female guard around.

Courtiers, Lords, and alike would glance her way while he spoke to them. During his complaint meeting, she searched everyone thoroughly, just like Sir Fulker taught her. “My Lady, you need to remove your headpin. I will keep it for you.” She extended her palm and the woman removed her pin with annoyance.

Skender watched the whole thing, amused. For those who tried to get too close, she would remind them to keep their distance. “Please, step back Sir.”

Gary and Peter who were often relaxed because he had taught them to, now felt the need to perform their duties correctly as well. What a pleasant day. He sighed.

“You have got yourself a diligent guard, Your Majesty,” William whispered beside him.

“You mean noisy?” Skender said watching her as she kept searching everyone.

William smiled. “I am sure you enjoy the care.”

So now William had also joined the group of teasers?

Vitale sat quietly, giving Roxana plus points and Skender minus points. He liked the woman but thought that Skender became irrational because of her. If he only knew how much he agreed with his assessment.

After the complaints meeting, she followed him again. Now a bit closer since he was walking with William who happened to be a suspect. Skender couldn’t hold back the smile.

“What is wrong?” William asked.

“You are not a favorite of hers.” He told him.

“Why? What have I done?”

Skender shrugged. “She thinks you have bad intentions.”

“Oh. Shall I pretend to attack you?”

Skender chuckled. This was so silly.

“I wonder what she would do?” William said curiously. “At least she doesn’t think of us like everyone else. I would rather be your enemy in people’s eyes.”

“Why? I thought a mistress was very suitable for you.” Skender teased.

William gave him that rare look of dislike. “Perhaps I should find myself a Lady.”

Skender nodded. “Perhaps. Many admire you.”

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He shrugged, uninterested. “I lose interest as soon as we have a conversation.” He admitted.

“With your mind, you need a very mature and highly intelligent Lady.”

He said nothing to that.

When they parted ways, Roxana continued to follow him, this time she began to feel pain in her feet from the wounds but she didn’t complain.

Skender stopped and turned around. “You know when I am only walking around the castle you don’t have to follow me.”

“That is not what I was taught, Your Majesty. They say your enemies are even within the castle walls.”

“No one will be stupid enough to kill me here.”

“Your Majesty. You would be surprised by people’s foolishness.” She said. “And…”

“And I want to be alone.” He cut off.

She met his hard gaze with resistance but eventually gave in. “Of course, Your Majesty.” She forced a smile.

He turned away and left her behind.

Finally, he could breathe the air without her scent distracting him. He had to find a way out of this. He knew he wouldn’t be able to endure this torture for too long and even if he did, his demon wouldn’t. He could already feel all the itching going on. She would end up in his bed sooner or later if he didn’t do something about this.

For a while, he could breathe a little but then she was back on duty. At least now, her feet had rested.

“Your Majesty, did you have lunch yet?” She asked.

He didn’t care to have lunch but just to keep her quiet he lied. “Yes.” She was forgetting the distance thing and crowding him again. If she only knew that she was near a volcano, soon to erupt.

Roxana became quiet again and eventually remembered to keep her distance. As he got busy with his duties, he managed to block her out for a while then when he was done, he decided to have a cup of tea in the garden.

How stressful to have her standing over him. He could barely drink. He put his cup down with a frustrated sigh.

“Your Majesty, do you not like the tea? Shall I go fetch the servant?”

As if a servant could solve his current problem, which wasn’t the tea.

“No.” He replied.

“You never have the servants or guards around.” She said with suspicion. “They just leave.”

He somehow taught them through compulsion.

“I told you, I don’t like to be crowded. I like to be alone.”

“Am I..  a nuisance?” She asked him with such innocence in her eyes, hoping for a certain answer.

Oh well. How could he tell her yes now?

“No.” He let it out like a strangled breath.

She was pleased by his reply but tried her best to hide it. And he felt pleased by her reaction. What a vicious cycle.

Suddenly she remembered that he had asked her to be his personal guard, which made her believe in his answer even more. What she didn’t know was that he had a split personality and that his other bad self was the one to put him in this situation.

“Sit down.” He told her.

She blinked. “I shouldn’t your Majesty.”

She was afraid of what people might think, but they were already thinking it. Even Sir Fulker who rarely cared about rumors thought he had affections for Roxana.

“I can’t relax when you are standing.”

Hesitantly she came to sit down with him. He thought it would help, but it only made it worse. Because now that she was sitting with him, he felt like talking to her.

THAT he didn’t want. He would rather take her to bed and only desire her than have any other feelings involved.

“Your Majesty, are there people, in particular, you don’t trust?” She asked him. “So I can know who to keep more eyes on.” She added.

She was fishing for answers about the Lords.

“Who are you suspicious of?”

She shrugged. “None in particular.”


“Well… I mean… I am suspicious of everyone. I should be.” She corrected. “But you seem close to some of the Lords. Perhaps you trust some more than others. Lord Quintus seems close to you.”

“He can’t be trusted,” Skender said. She did give him the name shady. Why ruin it?

She nodded, glad that he was also suspicious of the lord.

“What about Lord Rayven?”

Since they all teased him, he might as well make them all enemies.

“He can’t be trusted either.”

“And the young Lord Davis?”

Gary’s assessment was good. Skender hadn’t chosen him as his guard for no reason, but the truth was more complicated. Still, as a guard, he should remain suspicious of everyone.

“William is dear to me. You can trust him.”

She narrowed her eyes, thinking carefully about his answer. Then nodded slowly despite her decision to remain suspicious of William.

“Your Majesty. May I ask what happened to Ulric?”

He had been avoiding thinking of that man or he would end up killing him as he did with Henrik and he didn’t want more blood on his hands. Besides death didn’t satisfy him. He needed to find a suitable punishment.

“What would you like to happen to him?”

She looked down at her hands, fumbling with them again. “I was the one causing trouble. He was only fighting back.”

“Fight back? By bringing all his men and dragging a woman who isn’t even properly dressed?” He said unable to contain his anger as he thought of it again.

She looked up, a bit surprised by the fury in his tone.

“I know he shouldn’t, but…” reminding herself that he was the king, she bit her tongue.


She shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

“I won’t punish you for speaking your mind.”

She gazed into his eyes. “Perhaps your mercy can guide him. Like it did with me.”

Except not everyone was like her.

“I will spare him.” He said under his breath.

Her face lit up. Skender took a sip of his tea to swallow his anger.

“Your Majesty?”

What now? He wanted to cry.

“Would you like to duel me?”

He paused. What was she thinking? He had stopped listening to her thoughts and now he opened his mind again.

Oh. The kiss.

She was angry about it. And the massage, and being naked in front of her and for making her sleep with him.

“You seem to like it and I am curious to test my skills.”

Oh really? Or maybe you just want to punch me or kick my balls.

He put his cup down. He could understand her anger. Perhaps he should let her throw a punch or two to release her frustration. But that would only make him more frustrated. Her wanting to fight him was more arousing than wanting to kiss him.

“You will not be able to keep up with me.” He said.

“I might surprise you.” She grinned.

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