Heart of Darkness

Chapter 216 Pampered

At first, when Skender woke up, he couldn’t open his eyes. His eyelids felt glued together and he could barely lift his hand to rub them. He sensed Rayven’s presence in the room who took notice of his slight movements.

“Skender? Are you awake?”

It seemed like he called the other lords because soon he sensed more people in the room. They tried to wake him up, but he just couldn’t open his eyes and their voices were distant.

“We should be careful and ready in case his other side wakes up.” He heard one of them say.

As they continued to discuss and wonder about his current state, Skender was slowly pulled back into the darkness. When he woke up again, he made another attempt, and this time he was able to open his eyes.

He felt a damp cloth gently rub over his arm. Turning his head, he found his maid washing his body.

Bathing in bed? How long was he gone?

He shifted and she gazed up. “Your Majesty.”

Rayven who was sitting on the sofa and reading a book looked up from behind the pages.

“You are awake.” His maid said relieved. She placed his arm back in the bed again. “Getting refreshed must have helped.”

Skender tried to move but as usual, every time he collapsed he woke up feeling weak. This time, he felt even weaker.

“Do you need help, Your Majesty?” She noticed his struggles.

“Water.” He groaned, his throat feeling extremely dry.

“Yes. Of course. I will make sure you have food soon as well.”

She hurried away and Rayven came to his side. He extended his hand and Skender grabbed it to help himself sit up. He shivered feeling cold and Rayven nodded toward the new clothes on the bed.

“How long was I gone?”

“Last night and today.”

Skender sighed relieved. He thought he was gone longer. It felt like forever inside his mind. How did he find the way in the end? Things were blurry in his mind. “What happened?”

“You collapsed while with Roxana.”


“Where is she?”

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“Sleeping in the barracks.”


“She became a suspect.”

Skender stiffened and then felt a surge of anger run through his veins as he thought of what they could have done to her.

“Don’t worry. No one touched her.” Rayven told him. “We just kept her here to keep things calm.”

The maid came back with water to drink and a paste to rinse his mouth. “Shall I call the physician?” She asked when she noticed his sloppiness as she helped him get dressed.

“It won’t be necessary.” He said.

“Shall I serve you food then?”

He didn’t feel like eating. “Perhaps later.”

Did Roxana eat?

“Perhaps you should arrange for a haircut,” Rayven said.

Haircut? Why suddenly?

He touched his damp hair. It was below his shoulders now. What happened? Must be something with his body responding through healing as if he lost his hair from injury and therefore causing it to grow back faster.

His maid looked at him. She thought he looked good no matter what. “Tomorrow will be fine.” He told her.

As she cleaned up, Skender turned to Rayven. “Where is William?”

“I told him to go home. He was here since early morning.”

Being human, he must sleep.

“What happened? Why did you collapse? The destroyer was here before that.”

Skender didn’t even want to think of the dreadful cleaning he would have to do right now.

“It is a long story.” He sighed. Rayven must have already picked up things from Roxana’s mind. “Was Roxana frightened?”

“She stayed with you the whole night.”

She did? She wasn’t scared of him?

“Seems like you have a lot of explaining to do. Those dreadful days.” Rayven sighed remembering similar moments he had with Angelica.

Yes. Definitely dreadful.

After a while, all the Lords arrived at his chambers.

“You really have to stop with this. It is making people anxious since you have no heir.”

“Be ready for complaints about it again soon,” Vitale said.

Right. If he died and there was no heir to take the throne after him. Hell would break loose.

“Well, I am glad you are back. I was worried about how long I would have to deal with the destroyer.” Lazarus said.

Before Skender reply to the remark, there was a knock on the door. Shortly after, Gary stepped inside. “Your Majesty.” He bowed. “I am happy to see you awake.”

“Where is Roxana?” Skender asked not caring about the reactions he was getting from the lords and the thoughts swirling in their heads.

Gary was caught off guard for a moment. “I was early but she should be here anytime soon.”

“Bring her to me.” He ordered.

Gary left with many speculations running through his head.

Before the Lords could say something, “I want you all to leave me alone.” Skender told them. They mind-linked each other questioning his sanity as they made their way out.

Once Skender was left alone, he checked in with his other-self. He needed to know if he was still the same or if something had changed.

‘Are you there?’

He felt the destroyer shift before he replied. ‘Yes.’

Things were partly still the same then. He was right about uniting not being enough.

Skender pushed himself out of bed, his legs wobbling as he made it to the armchair and sat down. He hated this feeling of being drained of energy.

‘Have you told me everything or is there something else I need to know?’

‘Nothing else.’ The destroyer replied. ‘What are you going to do?’

He wasn’t sure. He would have to wait and see Roxana’s condition. What did she think of him now? What would she ask him?

With a sigh, he leaned back in the chair. His eyelids still feeling heavy and his body sore from all the torture. But his heart somehow remained numb. There was no inner pain. Only physical.

He shivered. And why was he cold? Unless there was extreme cold, he never felt differences in temperature. There was also a fire burning in the hearth, so why?

Skender shrunk in his seat trying to find warmth. Roxana’s scent reached his nose before there was a knock on the door. With each day, her scent only got stronger and as she stepped inside, his numb heart felt something again.

Her big eyes fell on him, scanning him with concern. “Your Majesty,” She breathed and then bowed, As she looked up again a faint smile curved her lips. “I am glad to see you awake. I was worried.”

Shivering again, he motioned for her to sit down.

“Are you cold?” She asked taking note of his pale skin. Skender looked at his hands. His skin had shrunk and his fingertips were almost blue.

She went to his bed and grabbed a blanket. Then she came behind him and covered his shoulders and arms. Seeking the warmth, Skender drew the blanket tighter around him.

“Thank you.”

Roxana went to sit down across from him. She still looked concerned. “Did you have something to eat?”

He contemplated lying but then stopped himself. “No.”

“You haven’t eaten for so long. I will ask the servants to bring you food.” She stood up not even waiting for him to reply.

She was gone briefly and then came back. What was this? It was like nothing happened before he left.

“Your Majesty,” She said looking closer at him. He was shivering more. “It must be your wet hair.” She stood up again. She went to get a towel and then held it near the fire for a minute to warm it up.

“May I help you dry your hair,” she then asked as she walked over. He just gave a nod. He tried to listen to her thoughts but she was only concerned about his condition.

Perhaps he was too weak to probe further and discover what she was really thinking. He expected her to ask a lot of questions.

A few servants arrived with food while she was drying his hair. “Your Majesty, would you like some hot tea?” She asked him.


One of the maids motioned for some tea to be brought, while the other two served the table.

Roxana left to warm the towel again and came back to dry his hair some more. “I am alright.” He told her feeling like a child. He was used to being taken care of but this felt new.

As much as he liked the feeling of her taking care of him, he felt uncomfortable that she went back and forth.

“Just a little dampness left.” She insisted. “We can’t let you get sick again.”

She was careful not to touch his face or neck with her fingers. She gathered his hair with the towel and dried it.

“Could you please move the table closer?” She asked the servants, suddenly supervising them. He noticed she was good at those kinds of things.

Skender just let her take care of everything. She arranged for him to have honey and ginger in his tea to keep him warm. “It will give you energy, Your Majesty.” She said handing him the cup. “You can warm your hands too.”

He just smiled and took a sip.

“Could we warm some blankets? His Majesty is freezing.” She told them.

The servants used her technique to warm some blankets, wondering why she was supervising them. She took the old blanket away from him and covered him with the warmed one.

“I am alright now.” He assured her then turned to the servants. “You can all leave.”

Once he was left alone with Roxana he looked up at her. “Please take a seat.” He informed her.

Without tearing her gaze from him, as afraid something would happen if she did, she went and sat down across from him.

“Have something to eat too.”

“I just ate, Your Majesty.”

“Then eat again. You have already used that energy.”

“You need it more than me. You should eat.” She insisted.

“I don’t even have the energy for that.” He sighed. He could barely hold his cup of tea.

The direction of her thoughts suddenly stirred something in him. She hesitated and he wondered for a moment if she would ask. “Shall I… help you?”

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