Heart of Darkness

Chapter 224 Face reveal

Oh, God!

Skender was in real pain that he just now realized when he wasn’t focused on giving Roxana pleasure. He knew it was dangerous as a demon to start something that couldn’t be finished. Now her scent would linger on him stronger. His itch had already grown and his gums pained him as much as his stiffness did. He tried to think of other things, of the pain in his past, of drowning, of being numbed, anything to help the pain but he couldn’t. Especially not when she lay right beside.

He took a deep pained breath. At least she couldn’t see his fangs. He had dimmed the light to not scare her. She was already trying to find ways to escape or soothe her pain and he didn’t want to ruin it.

A part of him wanted to tell her what he was as much as he feared it. He wanted that secret to be out so he could stop feeling bad but also be himself with her and make her his soon. But he couldn’t be selfish in this situation. He didn’t want to take away from the time when she was grieving her father. Skender thought that perhaps he would help her visit her father’s grave so she could say a proper goodbye and carry him in happy memories instead. But he also didn’t want her to find out about him by accident and he was giving in too easily and not being careful. He wanted to tell her himself. Explain the best way he could. He was not worried that he would frighten her but perhaps she would not see it right to be with him.

That thought alone made the itching disappear. Whatever he decided to do, there would be pain or risk of pain involved. If he told her now, he could burden her more and the risk of her reacting badly would be higher. If he waited it just felt wrong when they had gotten so close and he didn’t want her to think that he had been deceiving her. So he made his decision. He would tell her sooner than later.


Roxana’s body continued to shudder and her stomach and legs quivered for a good while. She lay on her back staring into the empty darkness while recovering from the waves of pleasure that took over her. She was surprised and confused. She knew that woman could also be pleasured, otherwise no woman would ever have an affair but she didn’t think it would feel this way or anywhere close to it. And she certainly didn’t think it could happen only from being touched and without doing the deed.

Her chest rose and fell from the still rapid breathing. Her heart had yet not calmed down. Alexander lay beside her in the dark and she felt grateful that he couldn’t see her. They were both quiet for a while before he shifted and lay on one side facing her. He caressed her bare arm with the back of his cold hand. Roxana shivered. How was it possible that his cold touch made her burn instead of freeze?

“Now you know,” He began, “where to touch yourself when frustrated.”

Roxana stiffened. Touch herself? Why…why would she do that? Her face almost melted off.

“But don’t do it. I want you to grow frustrated and then I want to be your release.”

Oh, Lord! Suddenly the air became a thick fog of heat making her unable to breathe. She closed her eyes, pretending to go to sleep. What would she do otherwise? What did people do or say after this?

As if knowing she was forcing herself to sleep he sat up to grab the blankets and pulled them over her.

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No. She was being rude now ignoring him. She should say something. But what? Suddenly a thought came to mind. What about him? She had heard men only caring for their own pleasure and leaving the woman frustrated but now… this…he hadn’t satisfied himself?

Should she have done something after this? Should she… touch him too? The rest of what was left of her face melted off at the thought of it. Even if she should, perhaps he would find it unladylike and too bold.

She turned on her side too, facing him in the dark. “Alexander.”


“I want you to feel good too.” She said grimacing slightly and then biting her lip.

He took her hand under the blanket. “I feel good.” He told her.

He did? Then he was a strange man.

He pulled her closer and held her against him. Again, how strange that his embrace felt so warm. Her mind relaxed and slowly she fell into a deep slumber.

Roxana’s wild mind ventured into sweet dreams again soon losing the sense of what was a dream and what was real. The hot soft lips on her shoulders, kissing up her neck, ticking their way up to her ear felt very much real. Giving a soft sound of satisfaction she turned in bed, sleeping on her stomach. The kisses continued up the nape of her neck. She sighed and continued to turn, getting the sheets and her dress tangled in the process. Now the lips were on the other side of her neck, nipping teasingly. She gave out a faint moan of approval, stretching her body and then curling. This dream felt too good.

In the distance, she heard a familiar chuckle. “This isn’t a dream.” The voice whispered.


Confused, she came back to reality and opened her eyes. Alexander lay beside her with his head propped up on one arm and an amused smile plastered on his face. It took a moment for things to fall into place and then her face flushed red. She rushed to get up but he prevented her with a hand on her stomach.

“Don’t go. I wish to wake you up like this every morning and then stay in bed with you for a while.”

His words took her by surprise. She had expected him to tease her.

“Me too.” She croaked.

He watched her with a smile, looking as perfect as always as if he hadn’t slept, while her hair was probably like a bird’s nest. She reached for his hair hesitantly and then ruffled it with her hand.

He chuckled. “What are you doing?”

She wasn’t sure but something. With just one swipe of his fingers through his hair, it was all back in place. It was as if the strands followed each.

“Alexander, tell me truly. What do you do with your skin and hair?”

He pushed himself up to sit, his expression becoming serious. “I plan to tell you everything today, Roxana. The secret to my skin, hair, and everything else you and others feel drawn to.”

She sat up. “Alright. Then tell me.”

Alexander took her on a walk to tell her everything. He said it would be a lot to digest and perhaps a walk would help. He also wanted to take her to the river. He told her the sound of flowing water was soothing whenever he was sad or in pain.

They walked on a narrow path through the woods, the sun peeking through the leaves of the tall trees that covered the sky.

“Roxana. You already suspect that I am not normal.” He began.

Well, that wasn’t how she exactly wanted to phrase it for him in fear that he would misunderstand.

“I think you are not ordinary.”

“I am not.” He said. She knew he was about to tell her something he felt insecure about like she did. The fear of being rejected for that thing.

“You can tell me.” She assured him.

“I am not human. I am… a demon.”

A demon? Did she guess right? Did he know he was possessed?

“And I don’t mean I am possessed by a demon. I AM a demon.”

He sounded so convinced. He really believed he was a demon. Why? Who told him that?

He sighed. “My perfect skin, hair, and everything else are to lure people. To lure the prey because my kind are predators in nature.”

Humans were also predators unless he meant that he prayed on humans. But that couldn’t be possible.

“My skin is cold because my blood functions differently. My eyes can change color depending on my mood. My body can transform and heal.”


“I don’t age because of my consistent and fast healing. I have remained looking like this for almost a thousand years now.”

“A thousand?!” She blurted as she came to a halt.

“Yes. I am a thousand years old.”

He must have lost his mind. He couldn’t be serious.

“You have already seen my changed eyes, my healing ability and how do you think I got into your home?”

“Alright. But how does that make you a demon?”

Sure, he had so strange abilities but to say he was a demon was absurd.

“I know your idea of…” he suddenly stopped and then it all went too fast. She saw something jump out from behind the trees from the corner of her eye before Alexander pushed her aside and she fell.

She looked up, a bit hurt from the fall. A black bear attacked Alexander, almost biting his arm off. Roxana hurried up to her feet to help him but Alexander tore the animal away from himself together with a piece of his arm. She squealed in horror but Alexander acted as if he didn’t get hurt at all. Grabbing the bear that was much larger than him, he picked it up and threw it against the trees with a snarl. Her heart stopped when she saw the fangs behind his upcurled lips.

Another animal jumped out from the woods and then another. Where were they coming from? She hurried to grab a branch on the floor but then she just stood still, her eyes widening more and more as the animals threw themselves at Alexander and he tore them apart into pieces of meat.

She wondered how until she took notice of his clawed hand.


She was so shocked that she noticed the wolf sprinting toward her a bit too late. She lifted the branch to protect herself but Alexander was in front of her in a second, sending the wolf flying into a tree.

Roxana stepped back, now completely terrified by this slaughter. They would die. They were surrounded by wild animals, looking at them with hungry eyes. A tree covered her back and Alexander or whoever he was covered her front. He had blood smeared all over him, dripping from his hands and claws. She could not see his face, but she felt this threatening aura that made her want to shrink. Alarmed her to run away. The animals seemed to sense it too. There was a moment of hesitation before they decided to attack.

A cry of terror left her lips when they dashed forward. She covered herself with her arms knowing she had no chance against wild animals but then something happened. A strong wind crushed her against the tree. If not for it, it would have blown her back. A large shadow was cast over her as two black wings covered her view.

They were enormous and the strength in them caused the animals to fly away with a wave. The winged creatures went after them, picking them up and tearing them apart as if they were nothing but a piece of paper. It was the most gruesome thing she had seen but she couldn’t look away. Those sharp claws sank into the enemy, tearing their organs out, the wings crushed, and the fangs bit their heads off. Blood sprouted everywhere.

Predator, he said? This was something else and she didn’t even get to the horns yet. Right now the slaughter was distracting her. It was more than defense. The winged creature that was previously Alexander was enraged. His eyes showed a thirst for blood. He was not satisfied with just killing. He made sure all the animals were nothing but shreds of meat and yet it wasn’t enough. When he threw the last piece aside he looked up and roared. A terrifying sound that made the trees shake.

Oh, Lord!

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