Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2321: Tan Yun is back! "First Update"

Chapter 2321: Tan Yun is back! "First Update"

The Great Emperor Xizhou shook his head and said, "They were not killed in the palace. Forget about the father, the father is tired, Xi'er, you should retire."

"Good father." When Yu Yunxi was about to turn around and leave, Empress Liu scolded, "Stop!"

"Huh?" Yu Yunxi looked back, raised her brows, glanced at Empress Liu, who was at the third level of the Taoist realm, and said lightly, "I don't know if Empress Liu has any advice?"

"You **** won't come back, my two children are fine, you just came back yesterday, my child died, you broom star!" Empress Liu stared viciously at Yu Yunxi, like a mad woman. A piercing scream.

"I'm the dignified seventh princess of the ancestral dynasty of Xizhou, how can I be a slut?" Yu Yunxi's eyes froze, and the next scene caught Emperor Xizhou and Empress Liu by surprise.



Yu Yun and Xi Liying flashed and appeared in front of Emperor Liu at a speed that Empress Liu couldn't match. She slapped Empress Liu **** the face.

"Deng deng deng!" Empress Liu covered her hot cheeks, took three steps back and stood firm, and screamed, "You bitch, how dare you do something to the empress!"

"Shut up for me!" The distraught Great Emperor Xizhou waved his right arm and slapped Empress Liu on the face.

"Liu Wenqin, remember, you are the slut." After Yu Yunxi sent a voice transmission to Empress Liu, she turned around and walked out of the Nine Great Emperors Hall...

As soon as Yu Yunxi stepped out of the hall, the voice of the Great Emperor of Xizhou came from the hall, "Xi'er, is the Marquis Shenwu back?"

"Father, Xiao Zhang will come back in a few days. If there is nothing else, my daughter wants to go out to relax." Yu Yunxi said.

"Go, let's go." The voice of the Great Emperor Xizhou came from the hall.

A few hours later, Yu Yunxi stepped out of the gate of the palace under the respectful gaze of the palace guards.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Is she leaving the palace?

Of course she wants to leave, but not now. The reason why she creates the illusion of leaving the palace now is to create evidence of alibi.

Because tonight, she wants to kill Prince Yu Cheng!

An hour later, the night was getting darker, and in the dark night sky, Yu Yunxi flew into the city gate and entered the palace.

Because Yu Yunxi's realm was much higher than the realm of the magic soldiers guarding the gate of the palace, when Yu Yunxi entered the gate of the palace, all the magic soldiers did not respond.


Half an hour later, the palace, the Prince's Palace.

In the hall, Prince Yu Cheng was sitting on a golden chair drinking alone. Thinking of the death of the Eighth Prince and Ninth Prince, he just sighed, and there was no sadness in his eyes.

In his heart, it is true that the two are his own brothers, but it is impossible to guarantee that he will not have a battle for the throne with himself in the future.

"Brother Prince, it's really elegant, the Eighth Emperor and the Nineth Emperor are dead, you are still in the mood to drink."

A cold female voice sounded from outside the hall, and immediately, Yu Yunxi stepped into the hall step by step.



Yu Yun and Xi Yu flicked her arm gently, and the door of the hall was closed.

"Qihuangmei, it's so late, what's the matter with your brother?" Yu Cheng ignored Yu Yunxi.

"Of course there is something important, otherwise, why am I looking for the prince and eldest brother so late?" As Yu Yunxi spoke, she set up a soundproof barrier.

"Tell me what?" Yu Cheng said impatiently.

"I know the murderer who killed your two imperial brothers." Yu Yunxi said.

"Come on!" Yu Cheng stood up suddenly, releasing the aura of the Dao Emperor Realm from his body, and said sharply, "Because of the matter of the eighth emperor and the ninth emperor, my mother is heartbroken, if I let this prince catch the murderer , this prince will definitely kill the murderer with a thousand swords!"

"Seven Emperor Sister, tell me quickly, who is the murderer?"

Yu Yunxi stared at Yu Cheng, her eyes suddenly cold, "The murderer is far away, right in front of you, Prince, please tell me, who is the murderer?"

"You...you..." Yu Cheng's eyes widened, "You are the murderer!"

"That's right, it's me." Yu Yunxi sneered: "Oh right, to be precise, I'm not the daughter of the Great Emperor Xizhou at all, because I'm a devil."

"Yu Cheng, I have been bullied by you since I was a child, and today I will take your life to forgive my sins!"


Immediately, a terrifying aura was released from Yu Yunxi's body, causing the huge hall to be filled with space cracks that criss-cross!

"What a strong breath!" Yu Cheng was so frightened, he turned around and fled towards the door of the hall.


Yu Yun and Xi Liying flashed and caught up with Yu Cheng. With a flip of her jade hand, she hit him on the back.



The dull sound of gouge and the clear sound of bone cracking sounded, Yu Cheng's back ribs shattered, blood spurted from his mouth, and his body slammed into the temple door like a cannonball, his nose bone shattered, his teeth fell, and his body bounced heavily. tossed to the ground.

"Oh no!"

Yu Cheng let out a heart-piercing scream, but Yu Yunxi instantly took out the divine sword and swept to Yu Cheng with the divine sword in hand. The sword stabbed into Yu Cheng's heart, and then stirred the tip of the sword that went straight into the heart. .

Facing Yu Yunxi, Yu Cheng was really too weak. He spat out blood, and his consciousness quickly became blurred. In just three breaths, he died of anger.


When the void was like water ripples, Yu Cheng, ten ethereal Taoist embryos and one ethereal Taoist soul, flew out of his head in a panic, and opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

In the face of begging for mercy, Yu Yunxi turned a deaf ear, and with a sudden wave of her jade arm, a flood of ancestral power enveloped Emperor Dao's womb and soul.

In the next instant, Yu Cheng's soul fetus was completely destroyed and died.

After Yu Yunxi glanced at Yu Cheng's body indifferently, she used the invisibility technique and left quietly.

Just two hours later, at dawn, Yu Yunxi, who had transformed into a young girl, appeared outside the ancestral city of Xizhou.

Looking at the direction of the Devil's Sea, Yu Yunxi decided to go to the forbidden area of the Devil's Sea, enter the Devil's Fierce Realm, find her aunt, and ask herself what relatives she has now.

The corners of Yu Yunxi's skirt were flying, and she rose into the sky, suspended in the sky, looking down at the ancestral city of Xizhou in front of her. Her beautiful eyes contained unstoppable killing intent.

"Emperor Xizhou, you wait for me, sooner or later, I will kill you!"

After making up her mind, Yu Yunxi turned into a beam of light and disappeared at the end of the sky...

At the same time, the Xizhou Ancestral Palace had completely exploded.

Because of the murder of Prince Yu Cheng, it has already spread in the palace.

In the Hall of the Nine Five Great Emperors, the Great Emperor Xizhou was so angry that he spat out several mouthfuls of blood. As for Empress Liu, he fainted in grief.

The Great Emperor of Xizhou, who was full of grief and anger, immediately ordered people to block the palace and the ancestral city of Xizhou. No one was allowed to leave without authorization. Those who violated the order would be killed without mercy!

At the same time, in the minds of the Great Emperor Xizhou and everyone else, the murderer who killed the eighth prince, the ninth prince, and the prince was most likely the work of the undead remnants of the Tianmen Shrine!


In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

A purple beam of light descended from the sky and landed outside the gate of Xizhou Ancestral City.

Looking at the white-haired, purple-robed young man, the guard immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "I have seen Marquis Shenwu before!"

"I have seen the Marquis of Shenwu!" Tens of thousands of divine soldiers knelt on one knee, respectfully.

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