Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 54: Trying to slander me? Banned!

Chapter 54: Trying to slander me? Banned!

Ayaan didn't make them wait for any further and spoke loudly, "A single healing potion and magic replenishing potion will cost fifty gold coins!"

Just as his voice resounded, the surrounding area again became noisy. Those people who were little knowledgeable about the potions were in shock because they knew the exact value of these potions, which was far higher. But Ayaan was selling them at such a low price.

At the same time, those who didn't know about the potions' exact value started to complain and said that Ayaan was just another greedy shopkeeper who wanted to earn money by any means.

Nevertheless, Ayaan didn't pay much attention to these people. He knew that when a lion walks, dogs will bark behind it, but just because of dogs' barking, the lion would never change his path.

Later, they will come on their own when they realise the actual value of his potions.

Just as everyone had immersed in their discussion, a confused voice in the crowd resounded, "Wait for a second! Didn't he say three potions? But he only introduced two of them!"

When the surrounding people heard the voice, they also remembered Ayaan said about introducing three potions.

Someone from the crowd looked at Ayaan and asked after some hesitation, "Sir, what is the third potion?"

After that, everyone's attention again turned towards the Ayaan and waited for him to speak.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ayaan looked at the people's eager faces and smiled before saying, "Yes, there is one more potion I am going to introduce today, and this potion is a little special and hard to concoct, and its ingredients aren't easy to find. Therefore, it's price will be double the price of last potions."

After hearing his voice, the people in the surrounding fell into silence. Those who could afford it were waiting eagerly for Ayaan to speak, while those who couldn't just stay silent. They didn't want to lose face in front of their friends and rivals by saying that the potion cost was very high.

However, there were still some people who blurted their dissatisfaction about the prices. But Ayaan looked at these people and just ignored them. He didn't want to waste his time arguing with them.

Finally, when everyone became a little calm, Ayaan again spoke, "If any of you think fifty and hundred gold coins aren't a reasonable price, you are free not to come to my shop, or you can ask someone who has little knowledge about potions. The choice is yours; no one is forcing you to buy my potions!"

At this time, those people who were shouting about the outrageous price fell silent. Some of them already knew about the potions' real cost, but they just wanted to pressurise Ayaan for lowering his price even further. How would Ayaan not see the intentions of these greedy peoples?

Ayaan sneered at those people and continued, "The final potion is the 'Speed Increasing Potion'. It could double the speed of the junior mages, no matter the peak level or low level. The speed of the junior mage would double after using the potion."

Any mage who usually fights with other mages or with magic beasts would know the benefit of this potion. A little difference in attribute could decide the fight's result, much less the attribute which could be double instantly."

After hearing Ayaan, some of the people nodded in agreement. If what Ayaan said was true, then this potion was worth their hundred golds and those who couldn't buy a potion remained silent this time.

When the place again became calm, Ayaan looked at the man standing within the crowd and said, "You are the mage of the earth element. Will you demonstrate the effectiveness of the potion?"

The man was around the age of forty to forty-five and was standing in front of the crowd. When he heard Ayaan, he didn't believe that Ayaan was calling him. He looked around for someone to come out, but no one came.

At last, the man looked at Ayaan and asked in confusion, "Sir, you are talking to me?"

Ayaan smiled when he heard the man's reply and said, "Of course, aren't you earth-mage?"

The man heard, and his eyes went wide in shock. How did Ayaan know about his element? He looked at Ayaan in confusion, but Ayaan didn't say anything. Ayaan looked at another man and called him, "You have a wind element. I am sure your speed must be excellent. Can you please come and show us your outstanding skills?

The man looked at Ayaan with a stunning gaze, and the same confused expression appeared on his face. He also had the same question. How did Ayaan know about his element?

Similarly, the expressions of the surrounding people also turned unnatural. However, they weren't thinking about how Ayaan knew about the element of those two, but they thought another possibility.

"If you want to deceive the people, then at least you should do it like a professional." Someone from the crowd mocked Ayaan. He was one of those people who were shouting about the high prices just a few minutes before.

"Haha! I agree; at least you should practice a few times before doing this in front of all these people." another person said in a similar contemptuous manner.

Ayaan looked at those mocking him without any restraint and replied calmly, "I also know about your element being water and you there, your element is fire"

Immediately, Ayaan started to tell the elements of the people who just mocked him. When those people heard his voice, they felt naked themselves in front of him and knew all their secrets.

Ayaan looked at those people and said in a similar mocking manner, "So, you were saying, if I know anyone's element, then I am colluding with that person and trying to deceive everyone present here? Then, how about now? I know your element. Are you also scheming with me?"

No one spoke; those who had mocked Ayaan just now didn't dare to look in his eyes.

However, how could Ayaan let these people go this smoothly? If you would make a mistake, you have to pay the price, simple as that.

Ayaan looked at those people who had just mocked him then said in his booming voice, "All of you, who tried to slander me just now, isn't allowed to enter my shop!"

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