Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 57: Sheep in the skin of a tiger

Chapter 57: Sheep in the skin of a tiger

Mouth agape, everyone turned to look at Ayaan, who had just suggested Arnav Ferlee the idea about buying the potion. What is he thinking? He himself injured the man and now was offering the medicine to cure.

The crowd looked at Ayaan in confusion and bewilderment. No one knew what he wanted to do.

Arnav Ferlee, who was shouting like a mad dog, looked at Ayaan with hope, "What do you want for saving Uncle Thomson? Tell me!"

Young noble asked with an agitated face. He couldn't think of anything, he just wanted to save Uncle Thomson at any cost or he would receive heavy punishment from his father and grandfather for making this mess. His body shivered from chill when he thought about his grandfather, fear gripped his heart.

Uncle Thomson was his grandfather's most trusted man. If something were to happen to him, he didn't know what his grandfather would do. However, he couldn't decipher how Uncle Thomson appeared at this place. He was alone when he arrived at the shop. How did Uncle Thomson know he came here?

Nevertheless, It wasn't the time for that. He looked at Ayaan, waiting for his response.

Ayaan scratched his head with embarrassment, pretending as if he was in a really tough spot. Then he walked towards the old man lying in his own pool of blood, painting the ground red, rather grief-stricken sight.

Standing at the side of the body, Ayaan turned towards Arnav, then sighed, "Alas, previously I had said I won't sell any potions to the person who would dare to cause trouble in my shop. Now you are here. Not only you dared to cause trouble in my shop, but you also had the gall to ask my wife to become your woman. Who the fuck do you think you are!?"

His shout resounded at least a few kilometres away, making people flinch. Only now did people realise what this ruckus all about was. Arnav had done many dirty deeds in the capital, it was no secret, but no one dared to do anything to him.

Arnav's body trembled with anger, hatred and fear when he heard the shout. He did many atrocious things in the city and even snatched other people's women and raped many who refused, killing their husbands, but he never faced such humiliation. Nevertheless, he swallowed all anger and shame when he saw the dying state of Uncle Thomson.

Looking at the Ayaan, the boy couldn't control his anger and shouted, "Didn't you just a few seconds ago say that I can buy a potion? But now, you are refusing. Are you playing with me!?"

When Ayaan saw such a reaction from the boy, he chuckled, "You still dare to shout at me, even at this time? Looks like you only learn a hard way. So, let me teach you a hard way. Yes, I am playing with you, so what? Can you do anything to me?"


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Everyone at the venue had weird expressions, they never thought this guy was this shameless. At first, he gave some hope to the young man from the Ferlee family, only to shatter them at the end. Such a vicious and shameless guy!

Nevertheless, Ayaan had his own plan, he was just killing the chicken to scare the monkeys. He already knew that the prime culprit was someone else, but this guy dared to lay his eyes on Rebecca. No matter what, he will make him cry the tears of blood.

At this moment, Ayaan looked at the twitching body of Uncle Thomson, and smirked, "I don't have any personal grudge against you. You could have lived over fifty-sixty years easily, but you chose the wrong master to serve, and that is the only reason for your death."

Uncle Thomson looked towards the sky and a drop of tear fell from the corner of his eyes. However, there was no regret in his eyes. There was a relief in his eyes as if some burden was lifted from his shoulder.

When Ayaan looked at the man, he knew this man was with a story, but there were many people with their own story and he didn't have any time for listening to them. His rule was simple, don't provoke or you will regret. 

Gradually, Uncle Thomson's body became still, his eyes were open, a drop of tear was still present at the corner of his eye but there was no soul in his body.

"Uncle Thomson!" At this moment, Arnav fell on his knees. He was a senior mage and could discern that Uncle Thomson was already dead. 

He looked at Ayaan with anger and hatred and dashed towards him like a crazy. He had completely lost his mind due to anger. Ayaan didn't move. When he reached Ayaan, he punched. The fire covered his fist.

Ayaan easily grabbed the fist with no problem. The fire wasn't powerful enough to burn him. He pushed Arnav, and he fell on his butt, looking at Ayaan with a furious expression.

"You know I would have left you alive if that old man hadn't attacked. Although that life would be miserable beyond redemption, it was still better than dying. But now, I have killed a member of your family, they will for sure come for me. So, it's better to burn the whole bridge." Suddenly, Arnav became frightened.

He was still assuming that Ayaan wouldn't dare to kill him. Killing a servant of a family and a son of a patriarch were completely different things. But from Ayaan's expression, he could tell that he wasn't joking.

"Please, let me go! I-I will give you anything you want! Please, forgive me!" the boy kowtowed again and again. Hoping Ayaan will forgive him. But how ruthless Ayaan was? How could he forgive someone just because he shed some crocodile tears? If he didn't have the strength to protect himself, what would happen to him? What would happen to Rebecca?

He would be dead by now, and Rebeca would be his slave. As he thought about his previous attempt in the shop; even more, furious expression appeared on his face. 

Just when he lifted his hand to attack and finish this scourge on earth a shout came from a distance, "Stay your hand, boy!"

Ayaan turned towards the shout and saw a figure standing about a hundred meters away. He was an old man, but he was completely in a different league from Uncle Thomson.

Although his hair had turned white, not even a single wrinkle could be seen on his face. He was looking around fifty, but anyone who had heard about this man knew that he was over a hundred-year-old monster. As the magic realm of a person would increase, his or her age as well would increase.

The old man saw the dead body of Uncle Thomson, and his grandson who was handing in Ayaan's hand, anger flashed in his shining eyes. He turned towards Ayaan and asked while clenching his teeth, "you are the one who killed Thomson?"

"Well I just protected myself, but he died on his own, can't do anything if someone is made of wax." Rebecca chuckled when she heard. The old man turned towards Rebecca, but he didn't stare more than a second before he again turned towards Ayaan.

Arnav saw the old man, struggling in Ayaan's grip agitatedly, "Grandfather, save me! Save me!"

"Shut Up!" The old man shouted furiously. He was really furious today. He lost his most trusted man for nothing, and all this because of this unfilial grandson.

"Release Arnav and I will consider giving you a less painless death." the white-haired man turned towards Ayaan, saying with a commanding tone.

Ayaan looked at the old man as if he was looking at an idiot, "Are all the noble houses as arrogant as Ferlee's or you people are special case?"


People in the surrounding area sucked cold air when they saw how Ayaan talked back to the ancestor of the Ferlee family. There was no apprehension on his face. As if he didn't give a damn about the identity of a man.

Old man Ferlee narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect this response from the junior. If he knew Ayaan's true strength, he wouldn't think like that, but he didn't even believe that Ayaan was capable enough to kill Thomson. He was just too young to do the job. He thought he used some kind of treasure to kill the man.

"Do you know who I am, boy?" he asked with a deep voice, giving threatening look.

"Why should I care about some old foggy?" Ayaan replied unconcernedly.

The old man opened and closed his mouth a few times but didn't know how to reply. He didn't think this boy would be this eager to die. At this moment, a killing intent flicker in his eyes, a clear sign that he had killed hundreds of people before. 

No one in the entire city would dare to talk to him like that. Even the emperor wasn't any exception. But today a measly shopkeeper dared to mock him.

Eventually, the old man walked towards Ayaan and stood around twenty meters away from him. Arnav, who was in Ayaan's turn pale when he felt the massive pressure arrive to him in the form of killing intent. 

Old man Ferlee looked at Ayaan, however, there was not any particular reaction on his face. He could only see the disdain which incensed him even more.

He was surprised and furious at the same time. Surprised that his killing intent didn't work, furious because he noticed a clear contempt in Ayaan's eyes for him.

When Ayaan saw the old man trying to scare him with his measly killing intent, he sneered, "What a disappointment. I thought the real challenge had arrived, only to realise that he was a sheep in the skin of a tiger."

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