Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 22

The next morning, when Angel woke up, she was alone in bed. She sat up with a start and looked around. She even sniffed the bed sheets and smelling that sweet floral fragrance she relaxed her taut nerves ‘It wasn’t a dream… It wasn’t a dream!’

She buried her head in the sheets and started giggling like a little girl. ‘KYAA! She was so gentle with me!!! Although we advanced fast in our relationship, I really like her Ahhhh!!’

She started kicking the bed ‘She is so good-looking and sexy and gentle and caring and thoughtful and she smells so good and, and, and I only have known her for a day!!!’

She heard two knocks on the door and looked over, only to see Yasenia knocking on an already opened door… ‘Wait, already opened door? D-D-Did she see me!? Ahhh!! So embarrassing!!’

Yasenia seeing the myriads of changes in Angel’s expression laughed and brought the breakfast over. She said in a teasing voice “Baby, here is the breakfast, do you want me to feed you?”

Angel looked at the delicious-looking porridge and was surprised again. ‘She can cook!? Unfair, unfair! If someone doesn’t fall in love with her after this, they have brain problems!’

Yasenia saw that her little red face was dazed, so she took the wooden spoon, dipped it in the porridge, and brought it to her lips to blow a little.

After that, she send it to Angel’s mouth and said with a gentle smile “Open your mouth baby.”

Angel thought ‘Open! Open! I will open all the times you say if you look at me like that! KYAA!!’ On the outside, however, she had cheeks red like an apple and was opening her mouth shyly, being fed by Yasenia little by little.

After breakfast, they showered, separated, and went to the cultivation class together. Angel was ranked 27th in the class. While walking they spoke to each other, Angel was at the eighth level of the Body Modification realm and her attributes were Light and Glass.

Her constitution was very high grade too, called [Prismatic constitution] This constitution lets her channel her light energy in the glass easily and multiplies its might by a lot.

Basically, Angel was walking laser weapon. Not only that, her constitution lets her change the composition of the glass and she can use it to create formations mid-battle combining her glass and light attributes!

Of course, she is still not proficient in this yet, but in the future, she will become a fearsome powerhouse.

After Yasenia heard this, she was again impressed by her little girl. She praised her so much that Angel’s face was again as red as a tomato.

Yasenia, of course, spoke about her constitution and attributes making Angel dumbfounded, if she was a genius what was she! She also heard about the tail energy-absorbing trait and her anticipation to get back home and receive a massage soared!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When they reached the entrance, they attracted the attention of the students. Yasenia looked around and she saw Cecile on the back with the two frontal seats and the one by her side free.

While she was walking towards Cecile, she was greeting the people that she spoke with yesterday. Because of her traits, she knew that being isolated was easy if she didn’t take the initiative to speak and open up.

Angel was following from the side, listening to Yasenia greet and do some jokes with the classmates, she had starry eyes while looking at her.

One boy realized her stare and said jokingly “Oh no! Another girl fell into the dragoness crutches!” When Angel heard him, her face reddened.

Seeing that funny reaction some of them joined “Yasenia, you work fast! What did you do to Angel!? Her face is as red as an apple!”

Yasenia went behind Angel and hugged her saying, “Hmph, my little Angel is shy so don’t tease her too much!”

Seeing the hour approaching she finished saying “I’m going with Cecile, we can talk later if you want!” Then while guiding from behind the stiff Angel she waved her tail “Bye-bye!” They waved their hands towards her tail while laughing.

“Cecile are these seats free?” Cecile nodded.

Yasenia sat in the one in front of Cecile, with Angel at her side. She was about to speak when a person entered the class with disheveled hair, her violet eyes were looking around for the teacher. When she saw that she wasn’t late she sighed in relief.

She looked around again, found Yasenia, and went towards her “My beautiful, tall, and charming Yasenia” she reached the spot beside Cecile, sat.

She continued while looking at the deep valley “Your tits are as big-” *Bang!* She was sent flying backward by a tail-flick on her forehead.

Yasenia chuckled “Good morning to you to Evelyn”

Evelyn returned to her place and looked at Angel’s then lowered her gaze and… “Woah! Little g-” *Bang!* This time she didn’t even let her finish! Finally, Evelyn returned and they started speaking normally.

Angel was thinking about Yasenia’s words yesterday, ‘Are these two also girlfriends with Yasenia?’

After seeing their interactions for a while she thought with a proud smile ‘They don’t seem to have advanced to that stage. It seems that I’m the first in the academy!’

Yasenia looked at Angel and seeing the proud little smile she pinched her cheeks softly, “What are you thinking about?”

Evelyn and Cecile looked over sharply at that interaction! She was a little flustered and didn’t know how to answer. Thankfully Madelaine arrived and started the class. Madeleine’s cold features refrained the students from speaking during class and made them pay attention to her.

“Since today we got some newcomers, we will review the basics a little. As you all know, this world has different attributed energy. Some of you can control fire, others water, and so on… The easiest application normally is to just coat your weapon or bodies with that element and use it to attack or defend.”

“Coating different elements normally is a lot harder than single elements. The reason is that there must be a balance between them. For example, the [Celestial coat] of our new student Yasenia, is a technique that uses her three elements as one, not only to fortify her defense or improve her attacks, it also boosts the strength, speed, endurance, and regeneration of Yasenia’s body. Yasenia did you come up with this technique alone? Can you show it to the class?”

Yasenia nodded, she stood up and said the full name, “[Convergence of the celestial bodies: Celestial coat]” A golden and silver aura warped around her while white light spots could be seen around her. Now that they could look at her out of combat, they realized that she looked extremely divine in this form.

“So beautiful!”

“She looks like a goddess!”

Madelaine silenced the class and continued “I don’t know how you were able to create it, but you lucked out. This technique will likely accompany you on your whole cultivation road.” A lot of people looked at her surprised.

“Your objective for those with various elements is doing something like the [Celestial coat] it doesn’t need to be beautiful, try to balance your elements and work hard for something like that. Personally, I created my first real energy coat when I was 40 years old, that is because single elements like myself rely on the concepts more than multi-elements, which rely on balance. Yasenia, if you are able to comprehend more about your elements your [Celestial coat] might evolve further, keep up the good work.”

Yasenia dispelled her [celestial coat] and bowed a little “Thank you for your advice teacher.”

Madelaine nodded and continued. “The next things that one must always have, are of course skills! Evelyn’s [Thunder light throw] is a good and bad example.”

Evelyn flinched a little “That is because it actually, as you all saw, has self-damaging effects after the use. However, it is an extremely strong trump card, it will be dangerous to even someone from the high levels of the Mental nourishing realm!”

Madeleine then continued explaining the process to create these skills, the energy movement in the meridians, veins, muscles, bones, and organs. Although it was something that all of them knew. It was good to review the basics from time to time.

Next, it was the practical class, Mason was waiting for them in the clearing behind the school, there were formations everywhere, there were sound-canceling formations, formations to regenerate the training dummies, formations to harden the floor and walls, and much more.

Mason waited until they were all nearby and started speaking, his tall frame and imposing sword made the students pressured and nobody dared to slack!

“Since there are new children let’s start explaining what we learn here. Unlike the theoretical class with Madelaine, my class is purely practical. I will grind your bones and muscles until you can’t even stand up, and help all of you master your weapon of choice.”

“You can try different techniques, fighting styles, weapons, and more. I’m here to correct your flaws and put you on the correct path. Other than this we will also see different movement techniques. A cultivator has three basic abilities, offensive abilities, defensive abilities, and last, but not the least important, movement abilities.”

“The movement abilities can be non-attributed or attributed. Non-attributed movement technique normally increases your mobility and speed. Attributed movement abilities, however, can make you not only upgrade your speed and mobility, but it can also boost your attacks, confuse the enemy, and more. The most advanced ones can create even killing or trapping formations with your steps.”

Mason stopped speaking and finally said. “Today we will give a chance to the new people to challenge one person each. Any of you want to fight?”

All of them but Yasenia nodded. Mason looked a little surprised. “Yasenia why don’t you want to fight?”

Yasenia calmly swished her tail while saying “I don’t really care about the class position right now… Moreover, my fighting style is a little complicated and I still don’t know well how to control my giant sword. Finally, I don’t have a suitable movement technique because I use my tail to move while fighting. So, I rather get one before I start fighting with the seniors.”

Mason raised an eyebrow and nodded “Sure, what about your movement technique? Do you need help finding one?”

Yasenia shook her head. “I don’t, I already have one scroll… But I will only be able to start learning it in the Unification realm because although it is not rare… it is too complex for me to understand… thank you for offering your help, teacher Mason.”

Mason nodded and turned towards the rest. Evelyn fought about someone in the 25th position and lost, the other three also aimed too high and lost leaving them like this Evelyn 39th, Yasenia 45th, the black hair boy 47th the redhead 51st, and the green-haired boy 73rd.

You have to remember that Yasenia is the person with the lowest cultivation in the whole Violet class she is still at the 2nd level of the Body modification realm, while the 100th is at the 5th level of the Body modification realm, the highest ones are at the half-step Body Modification realm.

Yasenia won easily against Ellie who was at the 8th level and had a movement technique. That is why she is considered a monster. However, being so talented sometimes brings more than admiration…

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