Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 174 You Dare to Insult?

Chapter 174 You Dare to Insult?

Rumours had been spreading like wildfire through the noble families of the city.

Whispers of a charismatic woman named Makina who claimed to be the disciple of a mysterious master had reached the ears of the elite.

The news had unsettled the noble families, for they held power and influence that they were not willing to share.

Within their opulent estates, the nobles held a secret council, convened by Lord Cedric, the most influential among them.

His face was etched with a deep frown as he addressed the gathered nobles.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I trust you have all heard the unsettling news about this Makina and her sect"

Lord Cedric began, his voice dripping with disdain.

"She has been recruiting women from our city, promising them salvation and untold power. This cannot be allowed to continue."

The nobles in the room nodded in agreement, their expressions ranging from anger to fear.

They were accustomed to holding dominion over the city's affairs, and the thought of a rival power emerging was unacceptable.

Lady Isolde, known for her sharp intellect and cunning, spoke up.

"Lord Cedric, we must take action swiftly. This Makina has already garnered a significant following, and if we delay, she may become a force we cannot control."

Lord Cedric nodded grimly. "You are right, Lady Isolde"

"We cannot afford to underestimate her"

"I have already dispatched our most skilled cultivators to investigate her sect and assess the threat."

As Lord Cedric spoke, the nobles couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

They had grown complacent in their dominance, relying on their wealth and influence to maintain their status.

The emergence of a powerful sect that threatened their control was a challenge they hadn't anticipated, especially the land that had killed their men.

Meanwhile, in the city square, I stood alongside Jestina and the growing number of disciples.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The sense of unity and hope among us was palpable, but it couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was brewing on the horizon.

It didn't take long for the first signs of the nobles' response to become evident.

A group of cultivators, wearing the insignias of various noble families, arrived in the city square.

Their powerful auras and imposing presence made it clear that they were not to be trifled with.

The future disciples and Makina exchanged worried glances, knowing that this confrontation was inevitable.

As the noble cultivators approached, their leader, a formidable man with a haughty demeanour, stepped forward.

"Are you Makina, the one who dares to challenge the authority of the noble families?"

He demanded, his voice dripping with arrogance.

I met his gaze with no fear.

"I am Makina, disciple of the Heavenly Harem Sect. We seek only to offer hope and salvation to those in need. We do not challenge anyone's authority."

This wasn't words of kindness, but rather, a kind of warning to them.

The noble cultivator scoffed.

"Save your words, woman. We have been tasked with putting an end to your sect's activities. Surrender peacefully, and we may show mercy."

Jestina stood by her side and she declared loudly "We will not surrender, for our master has granted us purpose and power. We will protect those who have found hope with us."

[: Makina's POV :]

The tension in the city square reached a breaking point as the noble cultivators confronted us, disciples of the Heavenly Harem Sect.

Their disdain for our sect was evident in their sneers and condescending remarks.

The leader of the noble cultivators, a man named Lord Renard, couldn't resist the opportunity to provoke us further.

"You claim to serve a master, Makina, but what kind of master would lead you to challenge the authority of the noble families? Your so-called Heavenly Harem Sect is nothing but a joke!"

His words were like a spark igniting a powder keg.

My patience, already worn thin by the noble families' interference, snapped.

A wild fury coursed through me, and I felt an overwhelming surge of power from the depths of my being.

At that moment, I lost control, my mind consumed by an uncontrollable rage.

My eyes blazed with a mixture of golden and white light as my aura expanded, shattering the ground beneath me.

My once serene and gentle appearance now radiated an aura of undeniable power.

Jestina and the disciples watched in astonishment as I unleashed my wrath upon the noble cultivators.

His arrogance vanished as he realized the gravity of the situation.

I roared with an otherworldly fury, my voice echoing through the square.

"You dare insult my master, the one who has given us hope and salvation? You dare belittle the Heavenly Harem Sect?"

Without warning, I launched myself at Lord Renard, my movements too swift for him to react.

In a blur of motion, I delivered a powerful blow that sent him hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby building with bone-shattering force.

The other noble cultivators stood frozen, their arrogance replaced by fear.

They had witnessed the transformation of Makina, the disciple of the Heavenly Harem Sect, into a force to be reckoned with.

The surge of rage coursed through my veins, fueled by an overwhelming desire to kill the man who had dared to insult and dishonour my master.

In an instant, I materialized before him, my eyes burning with an intensity that matched the inferno of my fury.

Without a second thought, I lunged forward, my hand enveloping his unsuspecting head like a vice grip.

With a primal scream, I forcefully slammed his skull against the unforgiving ground, the impact reverberating through the very core of the earth.

A sickening crunch resonated in the air, accompanied by the gruesome splatter of blood and flesh.

Time seemed to stand still as a macabre tableau unfolded before us.

The remnants of his shattered skull mingled with the earth like a grotesque painting.

The once audacious offender now lay broken and lifeless, unable to spit another venomous insult.

A chilling silence settled upon the witnessing cultivators, their previous arrogance and smugness stripped away by the raw display of wrath before them.

The scent of fear now permeated the air, their mouths agape and eyes wide with terror, as they gazed upon the aftermath of my unbridled rage.

While my actions may have been brutal, they spoke volumes of the loyalty and dedication I held for my master.

A proof that no insult would go unanswered, no humiliation would go unavenged.

As my rage continued, a chilling darkness consumed my heart.

In this moment, I tapped into a forbidden realm of power, delving into the depths of mind manipulation.

With an unsettling focus, I directed my mental prowess towards the remaining noble cultivators, intertwining my will with their thoughts.

Like puppets on invisible strings, they began to succumb to a force beyond their understanding, their minds twisting and contorting to my whims.

One by one, they succumbed to the haunting whispers of malevolence that danced within their minds.

Gripped by a growing sense of despair, their willpower eroded like sand slipping through their fingertips until they were nothing more than vessels for my manipulation.

Their eyes glazed over with a vacant emptiness as they acted upon my every command.

Every movement of theirs was mechanical and devoid of purpose.

Without hesitation, they turned their weapons upon themselves, a macabre dance of self-inflicted demise.

In the dying moments of their existence, a chilling phrase escaped their lips, carried by the hollow wind:

"For the sake of the Heavenly Harem Sect."

This haunting declaration echoed through the area, a devotion they held for our cause.

One by one, they plunged their blades into their throats, crimson rivers cascading from the wounds as life rapidly slipped away.

They fell helplessly to the ground, their lifeless bodies littering the battlefield like discarded marionettes.

As the last echo of their final sacrifice faded into the abyss, I stood amidst the aftermath, and a wide smile was plastered on my expression.

Jestina's voice laced with concern reached my ears, breaking through the veil of my rage.

"Are you alright Makina?"

In response to her question, I replied, "Yes. Every action of mine is a good cause for the Heavenly Harem Sect."

The words left my lips devoid of hesitation, reaffirming my unwavering allegiance to my master and our sacred purpose.

Jestina, visibly affected by my words, seemed to assimilate the weight of my commitment.

Perhaps the preachings and guidance I had imparted to my future fellow sisters had proven to be impactful.

A subtle understanding passed between us, a recognition of the sacrifices we willingly made in the pursuit of our master's vision.

Since the Noble Families began to make their move, then it was time to remove the pests.

Only then can I truly fulfil my master's mission.

Their power and influence would not deter me from my purpose.

Hmpf! Dare to insult my master? Let's see what I would do to the rest of you.

"Jestina, this won't be long but help me manage our sisters here"

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