Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 111 A Promise With A Milf Part 2

Right after he declared his name, with a flick of his wrist, Daniel expertly wielded his sword, displaying a level of skill that surprised the three robbers.

"What the!"

One of the robbers exclaimed in surprise as he blocked Daniel's attack in surprised and if he was late even a second, his right hand would have been gone. 

His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized how close he had come to losing his hand. 

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he took a step back, a newfound fear of the young swordsman evident in his expression

"What are you all doing!? Attack him!" 

He cried for help as he never thought that trying to get away from the boy was hard. 

The moment he shouted, Daniel stood before the woman and her children with his eyes focused and unwavering.

He didn't show a hint of fear or doubt, only a calm and resolute determination to protect them.

The other 2 robbers dashed towards Daniel's left and right side, and just seconds before they could injure him, Daniel swiftly rotated his body and parried both of their attacks at the same time. 

The moment he parried their attacks, the atmosphere crackled with tension as he followed up with another attack, and with deadly precision, their knives flew across the air. 

His movements were swift and graceful, a testament to his years of training under Master Roshi despite being unable to cultivate. 

The robbers, who had initially underestimated him, now understood the gravity of their mistake.


The 3 robbers exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to proceed.

They had expected an easy target in the lone woman and her children, but now they faced an opponent who was far more skilled than they had anticipated.

"You've got guts, kid," one of the robbers sneered, trying to mask his unease. "But you're outnumbered. You won't be able to take all of us on."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The robber attempted to put on a tough act, hoping that his words would cause a slight nervousness in Daniel. 

But it was futile. 

Daniel didn't reply. Instead, he kept his focus on the robbers, his senses heightened, and his body ready to react to any sudden movement.

The robber, still reeling from his narrow escape, decided to make another attempt.

With a roar, he charged at Daniel with all his might, swinging his knife wildly.

Daniel calmly sidestepped the attack, allowing the robber's momentum to carry him past.

With monster-like precision, Daniel struck the back of the man's knee, causing him to collapse to the ground in pain.

The other two robbers hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Their initial confidence had wavered in the face of Daniel's skill, and they were beginning to question their decision to confront him.

Fear crept into the robbers' eyes as they realized they might have bitten off more than they could chew.

However, they couldn't back down now; their pride and desperation for money pushed them to confront Daniel.

For sure they could sense that Daniel wasn't a cultivator and though they weren't a decent cultivator, it wouldn't be possible for someone lower than the Mortal Realm to stand against them. 

Nevertheless, they could think all they want, but even with all of that, the answers won't cone. 

With their dilemma and desperation pushing them forward, they lunged at Daniel with renewed determination.

Their attacks were more coordinated this time, trying to overwhelm him with their numbers.

However, Daniel remained unfazed. He parried their strikes with precision, deflecting their weapons with calculated movements.

He seemed to anticipate their every move, as though he could read their minds.

It was unthinkable that despite not being a cultivator, Daniel possessed a technique and skill that could overwhelm these 3 weak cultivators at ease. 

Was it perhaps truly due to his techniques or was it that these 3 robbers were just that weak?

With each clash of metal against metal, Daniel gained the upper hand. His swordplay was a mesmerizing dance of skill and finesse, and the robbers found themselves struggling to keep up.

The atmosphere grew tense as the three robbers lunged at Daniel with their weapons.

Despite their crude attacks, Daniel moved gracefully, dodging their strikes with ease. His movements were fluid, a dance of precision and agility that left the robbers baffled and frustrated.

Amid the intense battle, Delilah and her daughters watched in awe and terror.

They had never seen anyone fight with such mastery, and they were filled with both admiration for Daniel's bravery and fear for their safety.

Delilah wasn't sure when it happened, but her eyes were focusing solely on Daniel. 

She felt like she was the main character in those fairy tale stories that she reads where a damsel in distress was rescued by a shining white knight prince. 

It was unlike she had ever seen or experienced and even though she was scared for her and her daughter's lives, she wasn't worried that much now that he had appeared. 

The moment she thought her life was about to end, he saved her at the crucial point and gazing at his small yet dependent back, she felt protected and safe. 

And from there, a bud of seed began blooming inside her heart and for the first time in her life, Delilah's heart pumped with love. 

While the sounds of metal clashing were reverbing, the area around them seemed to hold their breath, the only sounds were the heavy panting of the combatants.

Time seemed to slow as the fight continued, each moment stretching into eternity.

Daniel's resolve never wavered. He fought not just for himself but for the innocent lives he had come to protect.

His determination and skill were awe-inspiring, and it was clear that he wouldn't back down till he had saved them.

"Give it up," Daniel said calmly, his sword poised and ready. "You don't stand a chance against me."

However, the remaining two robbers were too stubborn to admit defeat. They continued their futile attempts to overpower Daniel, hoping to regain control of the situation.

Delilah watched in awe as Daniel effortlessly handled the robbers. His skill and confidence filled her with newfound hope. But she also felt a sense of guilt for endangering him by screaming for help.

As the confrontation continued, the sound of clashing metal and heavy breathing filled the air.

The robbers grew increasingly desperate, knowing that their chance of escaping this situation was slim.

With a final flourish, Daniel disarmed one of the robbers, sending his weapon flying into the undergrowth. The robber stumbled backwards, wide-eyed and disoriented.

Seeing their comrade defeated, the remaining two robbers exchanged fearful glances. The thrill of the heist had faded, replaced by a desperate desire to escape with their lives intact.

Without a word, they turned and fled into their path, disappearing as their silhouettes got smaller.

Daniel watched them go, his breaths heavy with exertion. He had won the battle, but the cost had taken a toll on his body. He turned to Delilah and her daughters, a reassuring smile on his face.

With the threat gone, Daniel lowered his sword and turned to Delilah and her daughters. "Are you all right?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes.

Delilah nodded, her voice trembling with relief and nervousness. "Thank you... Thank you for saving us."

Now that she had a close look at him, Delilah thought that he was quite attractive and her heart pumped faster. 

"You're safe now," he said softly. "They won't bother you again."

Delilah could hardly find the words to express her gratitude. She and her daughters were alive thanks to this brave young man who had stepped in to save them.

"Thank you," she managed to whisper, her voice trembling with 'intense' emotion.

Daniel smiled warmly, sheathing his sword. "It was the right thing to do. No one should have to endure such treatment. I'm just glad I could help."

Delilah thanked Daniel once more, tears of gratitude in her eyes. "I don't know how to repay you for what you've done," she said.

"You don't need to," Daniel replied gently. "Helping someone in need is its reward. Just promise me that you'll be more careful in the future."

Delilah nodded earnestly, feeling a newfound sense of protection and warmth. "I will," she vowed. 

Moments ago, Daniel was with his master and being drawn by Delilah's scream, he went off on his and now, he was relieved to see that the danger had passed.

Delilah couldn't help but marvel at the incredible turn of events.

What had started as a terrifying ordeal had ended with a newfound sense of love and gratitude.

For Daniel, it was just another chapter in his journey as he continued to chase the pursuit of Dao while learning from his master and facing new challenges.

But he knew that the memory of this day would stay with him, a reminder of the impact one person's actions could have on the lives of others.

And so, Delilah and her daughters found solace in the kindness of strangers and in the knowledge that there were still good people in the world willing to stand up for those in need.

As for the robbers, their encounter with Daniel left a lasting impression.

They would think twice before crossing paths with such a formidable opponent again, their egos bruised and their confidence shattered.

As the world witnessed the events that had unfolded beneath its sky, the 2 suns set, casting golden rays upon them as though whispering and creating a warm reminder that it was getting late. 

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