Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 119 Shocked Beyond Words Part 7

After the Brancil Family's turn had ended, the Chasaer, Qaer, and Urek Family Noble Clan went for their turn and the process had ended up smoothly with every each of the women recruited as Daniel disciples. 

Nevertheless, there was still one more family left before this grand event would end and it was without a doubt the Pilio Family. 

As the Patriarch, Clint, of the Pilio Family, stood up, he nervously swallowed his salivae before starting to have a speech. 

''Since We would be the last one, I would like to take this chance to apologize deeply to the Great Master for whatever grudges you may have towards us, and I sincerely am sorry that if we have offended you'' 

He was sweating profusely as he remembered that Daniel had once caused their whole family to be oblietrated and he won't ever forget the powers that he possesses where he could lift the whole compoud of his clan at ease. 

With such strength, Clint didn't want to incur his wrath or be in his bad side and surely he wouldn't repeat the same mistake. 

Still, for the Great Master to 'visit' them on that day had only sparked a curiosity and it didn't take a long time before he discovered why he was acting that way and it was all because of Fresia, the Ex-Matriarch of the Romenia Family. 

Recalling it back, the reason why Romenia fell apart was because of his daughter, Delilah, and now, he wasn't sure whether or not should he be mad since it was because of his order that Delilah had met Fresia's Ex-husband. 

Clint wishes to remove whatever bad image Daniel had on it and surprisingly, the answer offered to himself was none other than his daughter who wishes to offer herself to Daniel. 

He didn't question much or did he wonder why Delilah would offer herself up to Daniel and if she was even having a relationship with Fresia's ex-husband. 

Well, in the end, Clint didn't care and there were more benefits for him than Delilah's current partner. 

''It's fine Patriarch Clint. What was in the past let it be a past. Let's all focus on the future now'' 

Daniel exclaimed and he wasn't affected by what happened on that day. Moreover, the moment he turned his head to face Delilah, he then remembered why her face was so familiar. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'So that was you...' 

It all happened 9 years ago and he needed some time to recall and he couldn't help but break a smile. 

Thinking it back, Delilah was perhaps the only person of the opposite gender that he had met and it was because of his master who was strict with him, and perhaps at some point, he had forgotten about her. 

But now, he will fulfill his promise with her and this would be something Fresia wants. After all, it was she who told him to cuck him. 

Seeing her smile, Daniel returned a smile. 

Upon hearing his words, the Patrairch felt reassured and he smiled widely as though his worries were all gone. 

''I thanked the Great Master for his mercy and without further ado, let's begin with the event'' 

He excitedly carried on with the event and seconds later, women belonging to the clan had appeared before them and as the Patriarch introduced each of their backgrounds and the roles that they played, the audience and Daniel nodded their heads in pleased. 

After hearing each of their stories, Daniel then conversed with them and once he had gotten to know a bit of their self he directly recruited them as his disciples, and he granted his blessings to them. 

The moment he granted the powers of the cards, all of them had the same reactions. They were beyond words and were redeemed to a state where they couldn't believe it wasn't a dream. 

Still, their reactions were quite adorable to look at and maybe this is one of the hobbies that Daniel has. It was satisfying to him every time his disciples received the blessing since their lives had changed by thousands or even millions times better and no one could tell where their limits were. 

''Thank you, Master! T-This is truly incredible!'' One of the women bowed her head vigorously and there was happiness all over her face after she showed her happiness, all of the women behind them began expressing their happiness.

Not only had their lives changed, but their impression of Daniel had entirely converted into something different. Something harmless to him yet a danger to everyone. 

The changes that occurred to their body affected not only their appearances and limits but also their emotions. This might not be a danger, but it does hold a threat. 

The kind of threat that's willing to destroy anything as long someone dares to harm their master. 

Their desires towards him had been magnified by who knows how many times. And even though they had or were in a relationship, they realized that their master was unlike they had ever seen before. 

Nevertheless, after the 19 of them were recruited into Daniel's harem and disciples, Clint went forward and began talking. 

''Now, before we end this, there's one more person that the Great Master would be pleased to have. So without further ado, let the person show herself'' 

Clint grinned and he believed that this would please him greatly. 

His words aroused curiosity over all of the audience as they wondered who the person that he was talking about and even Daniel was slightly curious about the person. 

As they waited patiently, one person in the audience stood up and she began walking. 

''Delilah...What are you doing...?'' 

Without a doubt, the person who was walking was Delilah herself and her partner was in deep shock. His voice was trembling and he didn't want to believe this. 

He even grasped her hand and his expression was full of pain. 

''Let go...Tom'' 

Delilah said and for some reason, her voice didn't contain any warmth. Instead, she sounded ruthless and cold, and her eyes that were gazing at him were filled with scum. 


Tom felt betrayed and he didn't want to believe that the woman he fell in love with was betraying him for the man. 

''You're not the person that I've been waiting for" 

She explained briefly before she pushed his hand and she walked away from him as though the memories they made didn't mean a single thing. 


Tom could only watch the person he was in love with leaving him and he couldn't imagine how hurtful this way and it was kind of hypocrite where he had done the same thing. 

What made it even more painful was that there was nothing that he could ever do. Even if he wanted to clash with Daniel, he knew it would be impossible and he didn't even dare to confront Daniel. 

All he could do was just watch. 

But what's surprising for this situation is that not only Delilah was leaving him, but even her daughters were walking away from their boyfriends and they followed their mother's footsteps while saying 'Sorry' without any emotions to it. 

Meanwhile, the audience was watching with an interested gaze. They were watching a drama happening in front of them and they pitied Tom. But what could they do? They could only watch and they didn't dare to intervene. 

Finally, as Delilah and her daughters, Evillia and Melidah stopped beneath Daniel, they were astonished as Daniel spoke first. 

''It's been a long time Delilah'' 

His words almost caused the whole audience to be in chaos as they never expected Daniel to have some sort of relationship with Delilah and even Clint was astounded by it. 

Delilah who thought that Daniel had forgotten couldn't help but send the sweetest smile she ever had. 

''Indeed it has been Daniel...and I miss you a lot'' 

Her voice contains the yearnings and longing she had for him but her words cause the audience to be perplexed. 

They wouldn't be so daring enough to refer the great master by his name and yet she was doing so without him being offended. 

Moreover, the audience was baffled by her claims which seem they both have a relationship in the past. 

''I do miss you a lot and I'm sorry that you had to wait for me for 9 years'' 

Daniel knew that he needed to apologise to her as she was someone whom he made a promise with. Although his position shouldn't allow him to apologize, Delilah was interested in him even before he had the system. 

In other words, she was the woman that was truest to him and although the amount of time they spent was short, it was testimony of her love for him and he felt regretful for not responding to it. 

Hence, this time, he would fulfill his past mistake. 

"Which is why, this time, let me fulfill my promise to you"

Daniel left his seat and walked toward Delilah who was nervous and as he walked nearer and nearer, the audience became even more reactive.

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