Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 135 Massacre

The tension in the air was palpable as the standoff continued.

Boston's furious gaze locked onto Daniel, his anger a seething fire that burned with intensity.

His voice trembled with a mixture of hatred and resentment as he finally spoke, his words dripping with venom.

"It's all because of you!"

The accusatory words cut through the charged atmosphere, each syllable heavy with the weight of Boston's rage.

His eyes bore into Daniel, a tumultuous storm of emotions swirling within them.

Daniel met Boston's gaze with a cold stare, his own demeanour calm yet he was ready to massacre this group of people who disturbed his peace with Marie.

Boston's lips curled into a bitter sneer, his fists clenched at his sides.

The memories of their previous encounter, where Daniel's overwhelming presence had left him trembling in fear, surged back to the surface.

"You humiliated me," Boston's voice quivered with a mix of humiliation and resentment. "I will have my revenge!''

A tense silence hung in the air, the unspoken tension between the two men nearly suffocating.

Boston's chest heaved with anger, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Daniel.

"You stole my wife," Boston's voice crackled with bitterness. "You turned her against me."

Mecil's gaze remained steadfast, her voice carrying a cold determination.

"Boston, I chose this path because you were not the man that I wanted." Mecil declared. 

Daniel's eyes flickered with a hint of frustration as he looked at Mecil.

He could sense the complexity of the situation, the years of suffering she had endured at Boston's hands.

"You were absent when you should have been present," Mecil's voice held a mixture of sorrow and anger.

"You pushed us away with your actions."

Boston's fists trembled with barely contained fury.

He had lost control over the situation, and his grip on Mecil had slipped through his fingers.

"You think you can just waltz in and take everything from me?" Boston's voice grew louder, his words echoing with a desperate rage.

"I won't let you have them."

Boston's anger had consumed him, his vision clouded by a relentless desire for retribution.

The tense confrontation was suddenly pierced by a new presence, a voice that cut through the charged atmosphere like a blade.

"Well, well, well. I love watching this drama here, but isn't it time for us to settle this?"

The words were laced with mocking amusement, and all eyes turned to the source of the voice.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The boss of the Sinister Gang had arrived, his presence exuding a sinister aura that seemed to envelop the area.

His smirk was a chilling display of confidence, his gaze fixated on Daniel with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

The tension in the air seemed to thicken as his words hung between them, the unspoken challenge palpable.

Daniel's gaze remained locked on the boss.

The interruption hadn't deterred him; if anything, it had only solidified his determination to massacre all of them. 

"You must be the leader of this sorry bunch," Daniel's voice was cool and composed, his tone laced with a hint of mockery.

The boss's smirk widened a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Aren't you the observant one? But I suppose that's to be expected from someone who's been poking his nose where it doesn't belong."

Mecil's gaze shifted between the two men, her expression a mixture of sternness and anticipation.

She wanted to see the action of his lover and how powerful he was. 

Daniel's stance remained steady, his gaze unyielding. "I have no interest in your group's affairs. My concern lies in your relationship with that man''

The boss's laughter was a cold, calculated sound. "Boston?"

''He's our friend, and as a friend, shouldn't I help him?'' 

A ripple of tension swept through the area, the confrontation escalating to a new level as the boss's words hung in the air.

The Sinister Gang members watched with a mix of anticipation and unease, their loyalty to their leader evident.

Daniel's jaw tightened slightly, his patience wearing thin. "I suggest you cut to the chase. What do you want?"

The boss's smirk transformed into a predatory grin, his eyes glinting with a dangerous gleam.

"A simple proposition, really. Leave this place, forget about Mecil and her daughter, and I'll ensure your safety. Cross me, and, well, let's just say you won't live to regret it."

Mecil's grip on her emotions tightened, her gaze shifting between Daniel and the boss.

"Oh? Do you think I will obey according to your words?'' He smiled and mocked. 

The boss's grin widened, his amusement taking on a more sinister edge. "Very well, then. Let's see how far your determination takes you."

Unbeknownst to the boss, Daniel's calm façade concealed a depth of power that the gang leader couldn't fathom.

As the boss's words hung in the air, Daniel's eyes glinted with inner knowledge.

He understood the game that was being played, and he was more than willing to bide his time, allowing the boss to believe he held the upper hand.

Inwardly, Daniel knew that with a mere gesture, he could make the entire gang disappear. But he chose to play their game, to allow them to believe they had a chance.

His power was unparalleled, his position as a sect leader granting him a level of authority that surpassed their comprehension.

The tension in the air was electric, a palpable anticipation as the boss of the Sinister Gang took a decisive step forward.

His confidence radiated like a dark aura, and his voice cut through the charged atmosphere with a chilling declaration.

"This is for the ones who think they can mess with me!"

The boss's words were a venomous hiss, his proclamation laced with arrogance.

His palm crackled with gathering spiritual energy, a malevolent power that seemed to distort the air itself.

With a swift motion, he launched his attack, a surge of energy hurtling toward Daniel with deadly intent.

The air vibrated with the force of his strike, the impact of his power resonating like a shockwave.

But Daniel remained unflinching, his posture unwavering as he withstood the assault.

The spiritual energy crackled and surged around him, forming a protective barrier that absorbed the boss's attack effortlessly.

A cold smile played at the corner of Daniel's lips, his gaze fixed on the boss with a chilling intensity.

Undeterred, the boss launched a series of relentless attacks, each one more powerful than the last.

He summoned torrents of energy, unleashing them with a furious determination. But to his growing horror, every strike was met with the same impenetrable resistance.

Sweat beaded on the boss's forehead, his confidence crumbling with each failed attempt.

His attacks were met with an unyielding force, a barrier of power that defied his every effort.

Panic flickered in his eyes, his desperation evident as his once arrogant demeanour gave way to stark terror.

"No... this can't be!" he muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

With a final surge of desperation, the boss unleashed a devastating blast of energy, pouring every ounce of his remaining strength into the attack.

The air crackled with the intensity of his power, the ground trembling beneath the force of the assault.

But as the dust settled and the smoke cleared, the scene that met his eyes shattered his resolve completely.

Daniel stood unscathed, his aura radiating with an indomitable power. The boss's attack had been rendered utterly ineffective, his efforts in vain.

The boss's attack had been met with a chilling indifference from Daniel, a realization that struck him like a bolt of lightning.

His confidence shattered, and fear crawled its way into his heart, gnawing at his very core.

"W-Who are you?" The boss stammered, his voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and dread.

Daniel's response was cold and unwavering, his tone laced with an air of mystery. "Who am I? You have no right to know."

The boss's fear deepened, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he gazed upon the enigmatic figure before him.

Whatever power Daniel possessed was far beyond anything he had ever encountered.

He was a cultivator that belonged to the Origin Realm, a minority group of cultivators that couldn't be found anywhere.

And seeing that none of his attacks was working towards him, it could only mean one thing and that was his cultivation realm is higher than his. 

'Damn you boston! What kind of figure did you want me to offend!?' The realization was too late for him. 

Before the boss could react, Daniel's retaliation was swift and merciless.

A surge of energy surged from Daniel's outstretched hand, a forceful strike that shattered both of the boss's arms.

Agonizing pain twisted the boss's features, and a guttural scream tore from his throat.

The sight was horrifying, a grotesque display of power that left the boss writhing in unimaginable torment.

The excruciating pain consumed him, his body contorted in ways that defied the limits of human endurance.

His gang members, who had once looked to him as an invincible leader, watched in terror as their boss suffered a fate worse than death.

Panic spread among them like wildfire, their confidence shattered by the gruesome spectacle before them.

With a voice laced with desperation, the boss managed to muster enough strength to issue a command to his remaining gang members.

"Attack him! All of you, attack now!"

Fear and survival instincts propelled the gang members into action.

They unleashed a barrage of attacks, their combined energy surging toward Daniel in a chaotic frenzy.

But Daniel's response was swift and calculated.

With a simple gesture, Daniel created a barrier of energy that deflected their attacks effortlessly.

The air crackled with the collision of power, the gang's assault proving to be futile against Daniel's overwhelming strength.

As the gang members realized the hopelessness of their situation, panic gave way to a desperate resolve.

They unleashed everything they had, their attacks intensifying in a last-ditch effort to overcome Daniel's defences.

But Daniel remained steadfast, his posture unyielding as he stood amidst the onslaught.

His eyes gleamed with a mixture of disdain and amusement, his expression a testament to his unshakable power.

The attacks continued, each one more frenzied than the last.

Yet, no matter how hard they tried, the gang members were unable to breach Daniel's defences.

Their efforts were met with a wall of power that rendered their assault meaningless.

In a final act of desperation, the boss attempted to crawl toward a fallen weapon, his broken body wracked with pain. But before he could reach it, Daniel's voice cut through the chaos like a blade.

"It's over."

''N-No! D-Don't kill me! If you kill me the rest won't let you rest in peace!'' The boss tried find a way out of this end, however, it was useless. 

''Then let them come''

With words, Daniel unleashed a surge of energy that enveloped the boss and his gang members.

The force of the attack was overwhelming, a torrent of power that swept through the area with devastating force.

The gang members screamed in agony as the energy consumed them, their forms disintegrating into nothingness.

The boss's wretched cries echoed in the air, his body crumbling under the weight of Daniel's wrath.

And then, in an instant, silence descended upon the scene. The once formidable Sinister Gang had been reduced to nothing more than fading echoes, their existence erased by the godly power that Daniel wielded.

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