Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 137 Marie's New Father

Before Daniel had massacred the group, Marie had been anxious all the time. 

Cecilia, who had been a source of comfort and reassurance, noticed the mix of emotions playing across Marie's features.

With a gentle touch, she reached out and squeezed Marie's hand, offering a warm smile that was meant to soothe the girl's worries.

"Marie, my dear, there's no need to be anxious," Cecilia whispered, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of the chaos.

"Your father, Daniel, he's powerful beyond measure. He'll keep us safe."

Marie's gaze briefly shifted to Cecilia, finding a small measure of solace in her words.

But despite the reassurance, a knot of unease still lingered within her.

Her mother, Mecil, stood amidst the aftermath, her presence an enigmatic mixture of strength and intensity.

Mecil's eyes met Marie's for a brief moment, a silent exchange passing between them.

It was a look filled with reassurance. 

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Marie's heart began to steady.

She took a deep breath, willing herself to find courage in the face of uncertainty. Her eyes returned to Daniel, who now stood with an air of calm confidence, his gaze meeting hers.

The bond between them felt stronger than ever, a connection that transcended the chaos around them.

Marie couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort from that gaze.

With a newfound resolve, Marie whispered to herself, "Everything will be alright. I trust him."

The words were a quiet affirmation, a declaration of faith in the power and strength that Daniel possessed.

As she continued to watch her new father, a sense of hope bloomed within her, casting aside the shadows of worry that had once clouded her heart.

The aftermath of the fierce battle left Marie in a state of awe and wonder.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Her wide eyes remained fixed on the scene before her, a mixture of amazement and trepidation washing over her.

The display of power from her new father, Daniel, had been nothing short of astonishing.

Her heart raced as she watched the spectacle unfold, her mind struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the forces at play.

Each movement, each gesture seemed to carry an otherworldly grace and strength that resonated deep within her.

Marie was captivated by the cool and composed demeanour that Daniel exuded, even in the midst of the group.

His aura radiated a sense of authority and control that held her spellbound.

As she continued to observe him, a sense of safety and reassurance enveloped her.

The fears and anxieties that had plagued her earlier seemed to melt away in the presence of this powerful figure.

Cecilia's comforting presence beside her added to the air of reverence that surrounded Daniel. Marie felt a newfound admiration for her mother, who had found a partner in someone so remarkable and formidable.

Marie's curiosity burned within her, the question lingering on her lips as she finally turned to Cecilia.

"Who is he, really?" she asked, her voice tinged with both awe and bewilderment.

Cecilia's gaze softened as she regarded Marie, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"He is someone who had changed woman's liven, Marie," she began, her tone carrying a hint of reverence. "He is a sect leader, a figure of great power and influence."

Marie's eyes widened at the revelation, her mind racing to process the significance of those words.

A sect leader? The title held a weight that she had never truly comprehended before.

"A sect leader?" Marie echoed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But... why? Why is he here with us?"

Marie knew one or 2 things about cultivation and she knew that being a sect leader would mean he possesses a powerful cultivation realm, something that she wants to have as well. 

At the same time, it made her excited knowing her new father was a powerful cultivator. 

Cecilia's gaze remained steady, her words laced with a mixture of fondness and respect.

"He chose to be here, Marie. He saw something in your mother and as well as you Marie his new daughter, something worth protecting and nurturing."

Marie's confusion deepened, her brow furrowing. "But... you're here too. Are you... his partner?"

Cecilia's smile grew, a warmth in her eyes that mirrored the affection she held for the man in question.

"Yes, Marie. I am his woman," she admitted with a sense of pride. "But I am also his disciple."

Marie's eyes widened even further, her mind struggling to wrap around the concept.

"His disciple? How... how does that work?"

Cecilia's explanation was patient and gentle, her words painting a picture of a world where strength and power were the ultimate currency.

She spoke of a reality where partnerships and relationships were forged based on mutual respect and the recognition of one another's worth.

"In this world, Marie, strength is highly valued," Cecilia explained.

"When you possess power and skill beyond measure, the boundaries that define traditional relationships start to blur. People like us, people with extraordinary abilities, can choose partners and companions based on a different set of principles."

Marie's confusion slowly transformed into a mix of fascination and contemplation.

"So... you can have more than one partner?"

Cecilia nodded, her expression serene. "Yes, Marie. If you have the strength and the will, you can have anything you desire. It is a world where the rules are different, where the bonds between individuals are formed through shared goals and a deep understanding of one another."

Marie's gaze wandered back to Daniel, her mind grappling with the complex web of emotions and ideas that had been woven before her.

Yet for some reason when thinking about having more than 1 partner, she was gazing at Daniel. 

She watched as he stood with an air of quiet confidence, his presence a testament to the extraordinary power he possessed.

Cecilia's voice brought her back to the present, her words gentle yet firm.

"Marie, the world we are a part of may be different from what you knew. But remember, strength and love can take many forms. As long as there is respect, trust, and a shared purpose, the bonds that form are unbreakable."

Marie's gaze returned to Cecilia, her heart stirred by the wisdom and clarity in her words.

A newfound understanding blossomed within her, a realization that the world was vast and full of possibilities, far beyond the confines of her previous beliefs.

"Thank you, Cecilia," Marie whispered her voice a mixture of gratitude and wonder. "I think I'm starting to understand."

Cecilia's smile was radiant, her eyes filled with maternal affection.

"You're welcome, Marie. And remember, no matter the circumstances, the strength to choose your own path resides within you."

As the scene continued to unfold, Marie's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

The gruesome act of Mecil decapitating Boston sent a shiver down her spine.

The sight was both horrifying and surreal, a stark reminder of the darkness that had once loomed over their lives.

However, amidst the shock, Marie found herself emotionless towards it. 

There was no surge of pity or sorrow for the man who had once been her blood-related father.

Boston's actions had scarred her deeply, and his neglect and cruelty had left wounds that ran far too deep to be ignored.

As his life was extinguished before her eyes, Marie felt a strange sense of happiness rather than grief.

Cecilia noticed Marie's distant expression and concern flashed in her eyes. "Marie, are you alright?" she asked gently, her voice tinged with worry.

Marie nodded slowly, her eyes still fixed on the scene unfolding before her.

"I'm fine," she replied, her tone steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her.

"I... I don't feel anything for him. After everything he did... I can't."

Cecilia's lips pressed together, understanding the complex emotions that Marie was grappling with.

She had witnessed the pain that Boston had inflicted upon her, and she knew that Marie's lack of empathy was a natural response to the trauma she had endured


Still, as someone who cared deeply for Marie's well-being, Cecilia couldn't help but worry.

She placed a comforting hand on Marie's shoulder, offering silent support.

"It's okay, Marie. Your feelings are valid. Just remember, we're here for you."

Marie offered a faint smile, appreciating Cecilia's reassurance.

Her attention was momentarily drawn away from the gruesome scene as she saw Mecil embracing Daniel.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she watched the two figures in a tight embrace, a sense of warmth and longing welling up within her.

At that moment, Marie's eyes glistened with strange light.

She couldn't help but wish that she was in that position, someone and a man who could do the same possibilities as her new father and perhaps, she had subconsciously regarded Daniel as her new candidate for a lover. 

It was a longing for the kind of love and protection that had been absent from her life for so long.

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