Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 149 Curing The Plague Part 1

For the next few days, the city's unrest was met with an unyielding calmness by Daniel, Cecilia, and Mecil.

Their rumours of them had spread far and wide. 

The suspects in the death of Lord Harrington could only lead up to the group of people who had last visited Daniel, and based on the guards who guided them, he revealed that it was Daniel's group who last visited. 

Hence, the debates and speculations were getting more intended as the suspect towards Daniel increased and even the Nobles in the city had no choice but to move. 

As the sun rose over the city, casting an ethereal glow across the landscape, Daniel stood on the rooftop of Mecil's house.

His gaze swept over the cityscape, his thoughts focused on the task at hand, gathering more women in the city as he solved the plague that threatened their lives. 

It wasn't a difficult task for him to recruit more disciples. All he needs is to find any woman with difficulties or a sob story, and giving their desires, they would surely follow him. 

Once they have tasted the golden fruit of opportunity, there's no turning back for them. 

Descending from the rooftop, Daniel joined Cecilia and Mecil in the living room.

The air was charged with an air of love and unity, a shared understanding that their bonds were not to be underestimated.

"It's time for me to start our plan" Daniel's voice resonated with unwavering resolve. "The city's plague is getting worse and it's about time for me to gather more disciples"

Cecilia's eyes glinted with a mix of determination and anticipation. "The plague is just another obstacle for us to overcome."

Mecil's lips curved into a confident smile. "I'll follow you, Daniel."

Over the days, Mecil gets to know more about Daniel and she was astonished by the number of disciples and harem he has. 

Despite knowing that, Mecil didn't feel any sort of jealousy. She ultimately supports Daniel and will do whatever he wants to. 

"So master, how do we start in curing the plague?"

Cecilia asked curiously, her eyes fixed on Daniel.

The three of them had gathered in a chamber within Mecil's house, their focus squarely on the task at hand.

As the city's unrest continued to escalate, Daniel, Cecilia, and Mecil found themselves facing a unique opportunity amidst the chaos.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While their reputation as killers had grown, Daniel saw a chance to fulfil his own objectives within the city's turmoil.

With the city consumed by speculation about their involvement in Lord Harrington's death, Daniel had his own plan in motion.

He knew that the plague, despite its devastating effects, could also be utilized to achieve his goal of recruiting more women into his sect.

It was a ruthless strategy, but one that aligned with his ambitions.

As soon as Cecilia questioned, Daniel shared his intentions with Mecil.

They gathered in a secluded chamber within Mecil's house, their voices hushed as they discussed their next steps.

Mecil's brow furrowed in contemplation. "So, you're saying we'll use the chaos caused by the plague to attract women who might be seeking a way out?"

Daniel nodded, his expression determined.

"Yes. The city's unrest has created a sense of desperation among its inhabitants. Many might be willing to turn to us for help and protection."

Mecil leaned forward, her eyes focused on Daniel.

"But how do we approach this?''

Daniel's lips curved into a thoughtful smile.

"Exactly. We'll present ourselves as a group dedicated to aiding the city during this crisis. We'll go into the most affected area of the city, a deserted region where the plague's effects have worsened."

Cecilia's eyes widened in realization. "And there, we'll offer our assistance, gather a following, and ultimately, recruit those who are willing."

Mecil's expression mirrored understanding. "We'll show them that our power can provide protection and a way out of their suffering."

Daniel nodded approvingly. "Precisely''

Their plan set, the trio prepared to venture into the heart of the plague-ridden area.

Their objective was clear, to use the chaos caused by the plague as a means to recruit more women into Daniel's sect.

The deserted region awaited them, a place where desperation and uncertainty would become their greatest allies.

As they ventured deeper into the deserted region of the city, the true extent of the plague's devastation became painfully evident.

The air was heavy with a mixture of despair and desperation, and the once vibrant streets were now filled with people who were nearing the end of their lives.

Marie's heart sank as she took in the scene before her.

The buildings, once bustling with life, now stood as empty shells, a haunting reminder of the plague's toll.

The sick and afflicted huddled together, their weakened forms a stark contrast to the vitality that had once defined the city.

Marie couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy as she stared at the people who had been abandoned by the city's elite.

Her eyes moved from one face to another, each one reflecting pain and suffering. As her gaze settled on a group of children who were too weak to play, her voice escaped in a whisper, "How cruel..."

Daniel, Cecilia, and Mecil shared a sombre glance, although they felt pity, it wouldn't affect them that much.

If Cecilia and Mecil were to be kind, they would limit themselves from doing too much. After all, it wasn't their main duty nor did it describes who they are. 

Their plan to recruit women into the sect had brought them to this forsaken place, where the plague's grip was the strongest.

Cecilia placed a hand on Marie's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze.

"It's true, Marie. The world can be cruel, and we make a difference. We have the power to bring hope to these people."

Mecil's voice held a gentle resolve. "And that's exactly what we intend to do. By showing them our strength and compassion, we can offer them a way to escape this suffering."

Marie nodded, her gaze still fixed on the scene before her.

"I know... It's just hard to witness."

Daniel's voice carried a note of determination.

"This is why we're here, Marie. To show them that there's a path beyond this suffering. A path that leads to strength, unity, and a chance for a better life."

As they walked through the streets, the trio's presence began to draw the attention of the afflicted individuals.

Weak smiles and grateful glances were exchanged, and the spark of hope reignited in their eyes.

As they continued to walk through the streets, Marie couldn't help but think about the journey ahead.

The challenges were immense, but the trio's determination to bring change to this abandoned land was resolute.

As Daniel, Cecilia, Mecil, and Marie continued to navigate the plague-stricken landscape, their presence began to draw the attention of the afflicted individuals.

Among the desperate faces, a small figure emerged, a 6-year-old girl, her frail form barely holding itself together.

The plague's grip was evident, with discoloured patches marring her skin, and her voice was weak and tremulous as she approached Daniel.

"D-Do you have any food...?"

Her words were almost a whisper, her voice struggling to break through the effects of the plague that had ravaged her body.

Daniel's heart tightened at the sight of the young girl's suffering.

He knelt down in front of her, his expression a mixture of compassion and pity.

"I do. But first, let us help you." His voice held a gentle reassurance, offering her a glimmer of hope in the midst of her agony.

Cecilia and Mecil exchanged worried glances, their empathy for the child's plight evident in their eyes.

Mecil stepped forward, her healing abilities already in motion.

"We'll ease your pain," she said softly, her hands emanating warm, healing energy.

Mecil's voice was gentle as she added, "We'll do our best to make you feel better."

As her healing energy enveloped the young girl, a sense of relief washed over her.

The pain seemed to lessen, and a faint smile tugged at her lips.

Meanwhile, Daniel reached into his belongings and produced a small piece of bread and some fruits.

"Here," he said softly, offering the food to the girl. "Eat slowly, and know that you're not alone in this."

The child's small hands trembled as she took the food, her gratitude evident in her eyes.

She began to nibble on the bread, her movements slow and deliberate.

As she ate, her strength seemed to return, if only momentarily.

Marie watched the scene unfold with a mixture of emotions.

Her heart ached for the child, but she also felt a sense of admiration for Daniel and his companions.

They were truly making a difference in the lives of these afflicted individuals, even if it was in small ways.

As the child finished eating, she looked up at Daniel with eyes that held a mixture of curiosity and gratitude.

"Thank you..." Her voice was still weak, but it carried a weight of appreciation that words couldn't fully express.

Daniel offered her a warm smile, his gaze filled with kindness. "You're welcome. Remember, we're here to help."

The young girl nodded, her eyes lingering on the trio before she slowly walked away, her steps slightly steadier than before.

Marie watched, her eyes misty as she watched the child disappear into the distance.

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