Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 152 Reactions Part 2

As days turned into weeks within the temporary facility Daniel had constructed with his powers, a palpable energy of admiration and fascination permeated the air.

The women who had joined the sect found themselves not only empowered by newfound strength but also captivated by their master, Daniel.

Their stories of healing and transformation were intertwined with their growing infatuation, and their daughters were no exception.

In the heart of the facility grounds, a group of disciples gathered, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they discussed their progress.

Among them was Silvia, a woman in her thirties, who couldn't help but direct her gaze toward Daniel whenever he was nearby.

She laughed with her fellow disciples, sharing her experiences while her fellow sister, Emily, stood nearby, her cheeks flushed with a mix of admiration and shyness.

"I can't believe what've become since joining," Silvia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

"And the way Master guides us, it's like he understands us emotionally."

A chorus of agreement met her words, and Emily's eyes remained fixed on Daniel, a soft smile gracing her lips.

"Isn't he just incredible?" Emily whispered to Sylvia, her voice filled with awe.

Silvia chuckled softly, her gaze never leaving Daniel's figure. "Yes, he is. We're fortunate to have him as our Master"

Not far away, a trio of women practised their techniques under the watchful eye of their Senior Disciple, Cecilia.

Among them was Mia, a woman who had endured years of physical discomfort before joining the sect.

Beside her was her daughter, Lia, a teenager who had grown enamoured by the aura of strength that was given by Daniel.

"Mia, you're really getting the hang of that move," Cecilia praised.

Mia smiled, wiping sweat from her brow. "It's all thanks to Senior's instruction''. 

All of a sudden, Lia's eyes sparkled as she watched Daniel approach, his presence commanding the attention of everyone around him.

"Mom, I hope one day he would turn his eyes on me" Lia whispered to Mia, her voice filled with a mix of determination and teenage infatuation.

"I'm sure you will be, sweetheart," Mia replied with a fond smile, her heart swelling with a mother's love.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signalling the end of another day's training, the disciples gathered in groups once more, sharing stories and laughter.

Conversations often revolved around Daniel and the impact he had on their lives.

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Mell, seated with a group of women, couldn't help but express her feelings.

"It's not just his strength," Mell mused, her eyes distant. "It's the way he had transformed us. He's like an Immortal, a god."

Her companions nodded in agreement, their own eyes filled with a mix of admiration and longing.

In another corner, Hara exchanged a knowing smile with her friend Ely as they watched Daniel engage in conversation with a group of disciples.

Hara's heart raced as she caught his gaze, her affection for him deepening with each passing day.

Ely leaned in, her voice low. "You seem to have taken a liking to Daniel, haven't you?"

Hara blushed, her gaze dropping to the ground. "It's hard not to."

Ely chuckled softly. "You're not alone, my friend."

Amid the exchanges of admiration and affection, the daughters were not immune to their own emotions.

Daughters who were in their teens giggled and exchanged glances whenever Daniel was nearby, their hearts aflutter with youthful crushes.

Among them, Alexia, a teenager of 15, watched Daniel with wide eyes as he demonstrated a technique.

She turned to her friend Fely, who was equally captivated.

"Can you believe how amazing he is?" Alexia whispered, her cheeks flushed.

Fely nodded, her voice barely audible. "I know, right? And he's so kind too."

For the younger daughters, like 12-year-old Mira, Daniel represented something different – a figure of care and protection.

"Elisa, do you think I can do this move?" Mira's asked her Elder sister as they practised together.

Mia smiled, patting Lily's head. "Of course, you can, Lily. Just remember what Master had shown us."

As the days went by, the facility became a tapestry of admiration and affection, a place where the women and their daughters found themselves captivated by their master who had brought about a transformative change in their lives.

And as their feelings deepened, a sense of unity and sisterly bond prevailed among them, forging bonds that were as powerful as the newfound strength they had gained.

In a shaded corner of the facility grounds, a group of women practised their forms.

Among them was Tiana, a woman in her forties who had experienced a remarkable change in her body since joining the sect.

As sweat glistened on her brow, her eyes followed Daniel's every move.

"Tiana, your strikes are getting even better," her companion praised.

Tiana smiled, her gaze distant.

"Thank you. It's just... being around Daniel makes me feel nervous...like I'm a maiden in love." She blushed. 

Nearby, her daughter Sophie twirled a staff with newfound confidence.

She watched her mother with a knowing grin, realizing the source of her mother's transformation.

"You've got that look again, Mom," Sophie teased, nudging Rebecca playfully.

Tiana blushed, laughing softly. "Can you blame me? He's truly a man."

Further, across the grounds, a group of younger disciples sat together during a break.

Their conversation buzzed with excitement, centring on Daniel's most recent demonstration.

"He's like a living legend," Jane, a teenager of 17, exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

Her friend Fely nodded fervently. "I've never met anyone as incredible as him."

At the mention of Daniel, the younger daughters' ears perked up.

Emma, a girl of 14, leaned in to join the conversation.

"Did you see how handsome he is? I can't take my eyes off him?" Emma gushed, her cheeks flushed.

Jane grinned, casting a playful glance at the younger girls. "You've got a crush on him, don't you, Emma?"

Emma's face turned crimson, but her eyes sparkled. "Yeah...and maybe might be little too much"

Not far away, a trio of mothers and daughters engaged in a lively discussion.

Among them was Michelle, a woman in her late twenties, who had always been sceptical of the sect's claims.

Yet, her transformation had erased her doubts, and her admiration for Daniel had only grown.

"He's more than just our Master. He's like a guiding light," Michelle mused, her voice full of wonder.

Her daughter Olivia nodded, her gaze locked onto Daniel as he conversed with other disciples. "I wish I could be as strong as him someday."

"Olivia, don't forget that you're strong in your own way," Michelle reassured, a fond smile tugging at her lips.

"I can't believe how much I've changed since joining," one woman exclaimed, her tone tinged with gratitude.

Her daughter nodded in agreement. "And it's all thanks to Daniel."

Meanwhile, amidst the whispers of admiration and affectionate glances, Daniel's companions observed the dynamics at play.


"It's quite the effect he has on them," Hara remarked, her voice tinged with amusement.

Ely chuckled. "Indeed. But it's not just infatuation – it's also a deep sense of respect and gratitude."

As the women and their daughters continued to immerse themselves in the world of the sect, their feelings for Daniel evolved beyond mere infatuation.

Their devotion was rooted in the transformation he had facilitated, the empowerment they had gained, and the hope he had ignited.

In a serene corner of the training grounds, Margaret, a woman in her early thirties, practised her stances with focused determination.

Her movements were fluid and precise, a testament to the powers she had received since joining the sect.

As she glanced toward Daniel, a soft smile graced her lips.

"He's amazing, isn't he?" a fellow disciple remarked, watching Daniel as he offered guidance to another group.

Margaret's smile grew wider, her eyes twinkling. "Absolutely. His presence alone is enough to inspire us all."

Beside her, her daughter Grace, a teenager of 15, nodded in agreement.

She had witnessed her mother's transformation firsthand and understood the depth of her admiration.

"He's amazing...'' Grace mused, her gaze fixed on Daniel's figure.

Margaret chuckled, ruffling her daughter's hair affectionately. "You're right, sweetheart. He's given us a chance at a better life."

As the sun began to set, Margaret and Grace sat on a bench, catching their breath after a rigorous training session.

Their conversation naturally turned toward Daniel, a topic that had become a recurring theme in their interactions.

"You know, Mom, I used to dream of being a cultivator like the ones in stories," Grace admitted, her voice filled with earnestness.

Margaret smiled, placing an arm around her daughter's shoulders. "And now you have the opportunity to become your own kind of hero."

Grace sighed dreamily. "Yeah, but it doesn't hurt that he's also really handsome."

Margaret chuckled, amused by her daughter's candidness. "I suppose it's hard not to notice."

Grace's cheeks turned pink, but she grinned mischievously. "You can't blame me, Mom. He's like the embodiment of everything we're striving for."

As mother and daughter shared a lighthearted moment, their bond was strengthened by their shared experiences and aspirations, and they felt a sense of unity with the other women and daughters in the sect.

Their admiration for Daniel had become more than just a passing crush, it was a driving force that motivated their pursuit of strength and purpose within this land. 

Meanwhile, among Daniel's harem, Cecila observed the interactions with a knowing smile. She leaned over to Mecil and whispered, "It's quite a spectacle, isn't it?"

Mecil chuckled softly. "Indeed. Daniel's presence has a profound effect on them, just like how it did on me'' 

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