Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 157 Makina and Marin Part 1

Chapter 157  Makina and Marin Part 1

Makina, burdened by the knowledge of her sister Marin's hunger, was acutely aware of the insufficiency of the rations provided by the armies of the city's noble families.

Despite her own dire circumstances, her focus remained steadfast on her sister's well-being.

 With a heart full of love and determination, she addressed her sister's hunger in the only way she could.

"Marin," she said, her voice a soft murmur that carried the weight of their shared struggle, "I know you're hungry, but please hold on. I promise you that we'll have plenty of good food to eat later, okay?"

 Despite her own suffering, Makina's words were imbued with a sense of hope, a promise of better times that she desperately wished to fulfil for her sister.

With an incredible display of resilience, Makina used her remaining limbs to crawl towards her sister's side.

She manoeuvred with determination and purpose, driven by her fierce love for Marin.

 As she reached her sister's side, she extended a comforting touch, using whatever means she had to convey her affection and reassure her.

Marin, weakened by her hunger and the ravages of the plague, could only respond with a whisper of agreement.


 Her voice was a fragile echo, a testament to her trust in her sister's words and the bond they shared.

 Despite her own discomfort, she found solace in Makina's presence, finding the strength to trust her elder sister's assurance.

As the hunger-induced exhaustion overcame Marin, she drifted into a restless slumber.

Watching her sister sleep, Makina clenched her teeth in frustration and determination.

 Her thoughts were resolute even in the face of despair. "I don't care about my own life," she reflected, "but I can't let my sister die. I won't let that happen."

However, as Makina looked at Marin's sleeping form, a new challenge presented itself, the scarcity of food.

Panic clenched at her heart as she considered their dire situation.

 With the already limited rations running out, the future seemed bleak and uncertain.

She wracked her brain, searching for a solution to the problem that plagued her thoughts.

The city's environment, ravaged by the plague, offered little in terms of sustenance.

The scarcity of resources posed a daunting challenge for Makina, who was determined to keep her promise to her sister.

With limited options, she knew that finding enough food to satisfy their hunger was a near-impossible task.

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Yet, even in the face of this seemingly insurmountable challenge, Makina's resolve remained unshaken.

Her love for her sister was a driving force that propelled her forward, giving her the strength to fight against the odds.

She was determined to find a way to secure nourishment for Marin, even if it meant venturing into the unknown and facing unimaginable difficulties.

And so, with a fierce determination burning in her eyes, Makina began to contemplate the lengths she would go to ensure her sister's survival and fulfil the promise of a better future.

Despite the bleakness of their situation, a sudden turn of events brought a glimmer of hope to Makina and Marin's lives.

Food rations, provided by the army of the noble families, were delivered to their tent.

The soldier who delivered the food, seemingly immune to the effects of the plague, called out in a rough tone, "Oi brats, food is here."

Makina's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and excitement at the unexpected arrival of nourishment.

The simple prospect of having something to eat for herself and, more importantly, for her hungry little sister, Marin, was a ray of light in their otherwise gloomy existence.

Gathering her strength, Makina immediately began to crawl towards the entrance of the tent, eager to retrieve the much-needed sustenance.

However, as she moved, a sudden pang of pain shot through her head, causing her to emit a low groan.

 It turned out that the soldier, who wore black robe clothes, had 'carelessly' thrown the plate of food onto Makina's head.

His demeanour suggested an air of superiority and a twisted sense of amusement in his actions.

Despite the discomfort and the humiliation, Makina's focus remained steadfast on the food that lay scattered on the ground.

With an unwavering determination, she painstakingly used her mouth to gather the food and place it back onto the plate.

This wasn't the first time she had endured such treatment from the soldier.

Each instance was a reminder of the vast divide between those who could cultivate and those who couldn't.

Fearful that speaking out would result in further deprivation, Makina swallowed her grievances and continued to endure the soldier's callous behaviour.

Finally, as the plate was reassembled, Makina's eyes fell upon the meagre portion of food before her.

Her heart clenched with a mixture of disappointment and concern, for the amount of food on the plate was far from sufficient to satiate both her and Marin's hunger.

 Her voice trembled as she voiced her distress, "T-This isn't enough for me and my sister."

The soldier's response was marked by an irritated scoff.

 "Tsk. Just be grateful that you even have food, you brats," he retorted callously.

His disdain for their plight was evident as he further degraded the food by spitting on it, adding a new layer of disgust to the already pitiful meal.

 Makina's anxiety and frustration deepened as he pulled her hair and shouted, "And don't you ever complain again!"

navigate the harsh reality of their circumstances once again.

His complaint about dealing with people like them underscored the With a dismissive snort, the soldier turned away, leaving Makina to navigate the harsh reality of their circumstances once again.

His complaint about dealing with people like them underscored the vast divide between the privileged cultivators and the powerless, plague-ridden inhabitants of the city.

Despite the mistreatment, Makina's spirit remained unbroken.

 Gritting her teeth and steeling herself against the unfairness of their situation, she focused on what truly mattered: her sister's well-being.

Using her mouth with deft precision, she began to carefully divide the meagre offering into parts that could be eaten and those that were unfit for consumption.

The loaves of bread, though meagre, held the promise of nourishment.

Knowing that every morsel was essential for Marin's survival, Makina made a silent resolve to ensure her sister's hunger was sated.

With a mixture of determination and love guiding her actions, she consumed the inedible parts herself, reserving the edible portions for Marin.

As she stared at the remaining food, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility, Makina's thoughts turned to the uncertain future that lay ahead and the lengths she was willing to go to protect her sister from the harsh realities of their world.

Makina's heart swelled with both determination and tenderness as she crawled towards her sleeping sister, Marin. Gently, she woke her sister from her slumber, whispering, "Marin, food is here."

Marin's eyes fluttered open, and a glimmer of excitement danced within them.

 Hunger had become an all-too-familiar sensation for the young girl, and the prospect of food was a rare and welcome occurrence.

However, as Marin's gaze fell upon the plate that held their sustenance, a flicker of disappointment crossed her features.

 "B-Bread again...?" she voiced her question, her tone laced with a hint of resignation.

Marin's sentiment echoed Makina's own thoughts, for both of them had grown tired of the repetitive and insufficient rations they received.

Makina's heart ached at her sister's reaction, but she was quick to offer a simple explanation that wouldn't burden Marin with the harsh reality.

"Because there are a lot of people who need to be fed," she replied with a gentle smile, her voice carrying a touch of reassurance.

Marin nodded her understanding, her young mind accepting the explanation without further inquiry.

As Marin reached for the bread with her mouth, Makina's gaze remained fixed on her sister.

 The simple act of eating was a reminder of the harshness of their circumstances, a world where even the most basic necessities were scarce.

Makina's lips curved into a bittersweet smile as she watched Marin take each bite, her innocence contrasting starkly with the harshness of their reality.

"But aren't you going to eat?"

Marin's innocent question pulled Makina's attention back to the present moment.

Her sister's concern for her well-being tugged at Makina's heartstrings, a testament to the deep bond they shared.

Makina hesitated for a moment, her mind grappling with the internal conflict of putting

Marin's worry to rest while not burdening her with the truth.

With a gentle smile that masked the turmoil within her, Makina replied, "Don't worry, I've eaten my portion."

 She offered the reassurance without hesitation, masking her own hunger and sacrifice to ensure that Marin felt safe and cared for.

Marin's trusting nod was both heartwarming and heartbreaking, a poignant reminder of the lengths to which Makina was willing to go for her sister's sake.

In that quiet moment, as they shared the meagre meal in the dimly lit tent, their bond as sisters only grew stronger.

Makina's resolve to protect and care for Marin burned brighter than ever, and she knew that as long as she had her sister by her side, she would continue to endure and fight against the harsh reality they faced.

As Marin's delicate form succumbed to the pull of sleep once again, Makina's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and anguish.

Relief that her sister had at least a brief respite from the suffering, and anguish at the thought of how long this cycle of hunger and weakness would continue.

The helplessness she felt was like a weight pressing down on her chest, threatening to suffocate her spirit.

In the stillness of the tent, Makina's thoughts churned with a mixture of desperation and determination.

The fate that had befallen them was cruel and unforgiving, and yet, there was a fierce fire within her that refused to be extinguished.

 The life she once knew, the dreams she once had, all seemed like distant memories now. Her reality was defined by the plague that had stripped her of her limbs, her parents, and her aspirations.

A single question gnawed at her, taunting her as she stared at her sleeping sister. "I don't mind dying...but I can't let my sister die," she whispered to herself, her voice a mere murmur in the dimly lit tent.

 The weight of responsibility and love bore down on her, anchoring her to this world even as it seemed to crumble around her.

Makina's gaze remained fixed on Marin's peaceful form, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and desperation.

She couldn't fathom leaving her sister alone in this world, vulnerable and defenceless.

The world beyond their tent was harsh and unforgiving, and Makina knew that Marin's survival hinged on her own sacrifices.

"If I die...who's going to take care of her...?"

 Makina's voice was filled with anguish, her heart torn between her own longing for release from this suffering and her unyielding devotion to her sister.

Her fingers instinctively reached out, as if she could physically touch the weight of her worries.

The question that haunted her thoughts was how to secure a future for Marin, a life that was free from the clutches of this wretched plague and the despair that came with it.

 Makina's mind raced with the possibilities, yet every avenue seemed blocked by the cruel realities of their world.

 Who would be willing to care for a young girl who had lost her limbs, in a city overrun by plague and despair?

The odds were stacked against them, and Makina's shoulders slumped under the weight of her uncertainty.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she considered the bleakness of their situation.

The love she felt for Marin was a fierce, unbreakable bond, and she would do anything to protect her sister from further suffering.

If there was a way to exchange her own life for a better one for Marin, Makina would grasp it without a second thought.

She would face any challenge, overcome any obstacle, and make any sacrifice necessary to ensure that her sister could experience a life free from pain and

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