Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 177 30 Days

[: Makina's POV :]

Time seemed to blur and blend as days turned into mere seconds.

The city had transformed rapidly, like a living entity undergoing a miraculous rebirth.

What had once started as a small gathering of women had swelled into an assembly of thousands, representing all ages and backgrounds.

The power of Master Daniel's presence had become an undeniable force in our lives.

With the Lords now true devotees to Master Daniel, their influence was felt by every corner of the city.

Their words, once laced with arrogance, had been replaced with fervent sermons extolling the greatness of our divine Master.

It was no longer the same city plagued by corruption and disease; it was a city that had found its salvation.

The plague, which had once ravaged our bodies, was now but a distant memory.

As living proof of Master Daniel's benevolence, their bodies had healed, their vitality restored.

It was a testament to the miraculous power that resided within me from the gifts of our beloved Master.

Of course, some initially harboured doubts.

But it's fine since these women had yet to realize the greatness of master.

I showed them the healed, the transformed, and the enlightened.

Doubts melted away like morning mist before the sun, replaced by a fervent and unwavering belief in our Master.

The people of the city had become true devotees, their hearts filled with reverence and gratitude.

They flocked to the city square, where I stood, to listen to my words, to hear of Master Daniel's teachings.

Their faces radiated with a newfound belief, and they spread the word of our Master with unwavering dedication.

Every day, I witnessed more women joining our ranks, eager to embrace the enlightenment that Master Daniel offered.

The city was no longer a place of despair and suffering; it had become a sanctuary of faith and devotion.

Our devotion to Master Daniel was unbreakable.

The rising tide of devotion could not be stopped, for it was a force born of unwavering faith and boundless love for our Master.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the depths of the night, I stood atop a grand balcony, overlooking the sprawling city that had once been a place of place.

The city I had grown up in, the same city that had witnessed countless injustices, was now undergoing a profound transformation.

It was all thanks to Master Daniel's divine presence.

With the Lords under my control and my newfound abilities, I had set my sights on a grand mission.

To conquer the entire city and make every female within its borders a devoted follower of Master Daniel.

I had already begun the process of forming cults in his name, but my vision went even further.

The night breeze carried a sense of anticipation as I prepared to address the masses that had gathered.

Their faces illuminated by the moons, looked up at me with a mix of curiosity and awe.

"Dear sisters," I began, my voice echoing through the square.

"We stand here tonight, on the precipice of a new era"

"An era where we have found salvation, guidance, and purpose in the divine presence of Master Daniel."

The crowd listened intently, hanging on to my every word.

I continued my words carrying the weight of absolute conviction.

"Master Daniel has shown us the path to enlightenment, to a life of boundless potential"

He is our guiding light and our reasons to live."

As I spoke, I could feel the city's females becoming more enamoured by Master Daniel's greatness.

Their eyes shone with an obsessing devotion, and their hearts swelled with a sense of purpose they had never known before.

I raised my hand, and the Lords who stood beside me, now my puppets, joined in unison.

"With the Lords by our side, we shall conquer all obstacles"

"Together, we will create a city where every woman is a beacon of devotion to Master Daniel"

"We shall be the embodiment of his divine will."

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their faith unwavering.

It was a moment of triumph, a testament to the power of faith and devotion.

As I gazed out at the sea of faces, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and satisfaction.

Every step I took, every word I spoke, was for the glory of Master Daniel.

And I knew that with each passing day, our devotion would only grow stronger.

A few weeks later, the city had transformed.

It blossomed into a utopia of devotion and happiness.

It was as if a dark cloud had been lifted, and the people now basked in the radiant light of faith and purpose.

Gone were the days of crime and injustice.

Instead, the city thrived with a newfound sense of unity and compassion.

People helped one another, and the concept of inequality had become a distant memory.

Food and resources were plentiful, and no one went hungry.

The people's hearts were filled with joy, and laughter echoed through the streets.

It was proof of the power of faith and the belief in Master Daniel's divine guidance.

The statues I even had erected in honour of Master Daniel were now revered by all.

They served as a constant reminder of his benevolence and the path of devotion that had led the city to this newfound glory.

As I walked through the city streets, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of people going about their daily lives.

The suffering that I and my sister had endured in the past was now a thing of the past.

And I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love to Master Daniel for changing our lives and the lives of so many others.

As the days passed and the end of the month drew near, my excitement and anticipation grew with each passing moment.

The mission Master Daniel had entrusted to me was coming to a close, and I couldn't wait to show him the results of my efforts.

I just hope that Master Daniel would be pleased with what I had accomplished in his name.

With a heart full of pride and gratitude, I prepared to return to the palace where Master Daniel resided.

Once I had arrived, the guards at the palace gates recognized me instantly and allowed me to pass without question.

We are sisters of the same disciples, hence, naturally, they knew that my return could only mean one thing. 

Finally, I arrived at the doors to Master Daniel's chamber.

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and pushed the doors open.

Inside, the room was bathed in a soft, ethereal light, and there he was, sitting on a majestic throne-like chair.

"Master," I said softly, bowing deeply as a sign of respect and gratitude.

"I have returned, and I bring news of the success of the mission you entrusted to me."

Master turned his gaze towards me, his eyes filled with a warmth that made my heart swell with pride.

"Makina, my devoted disciple," he said, his voice carrying a sense of approval.

"I have been eagerly awaiting your return. Tell me of your accomplishments."

Without wasting any more time, I began to recount the story of how I had transformed the city, how I had turned the Lords into true devotees, and how I had made every woman within its borders a follower of him.

I spoke of the miracles and the happiness that now filled the city, all thanks to his divine influence.

As I spoke, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction.

My devotion to Master Daniel has driven me to achieve the impossible, and I hope that that I have made him proud.

When I finished my report, Master Daniel nodded, his smile growing even more radiant.

"You have done exceptionally well, Makina," he said.

"Your unwavering faith and dedication have brought about a transformation that I could not have accomplished alone"

"You are a true disciple, and I am grateful for your service."

Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I heard his words of praise.

My heart swelled with love and devotion for Master Daniel, and I knew that I would follow him to the ends of the earth.

"Thank you, Master," I said, my voice filled with emotion.

With trembling hands, I reached out and kissed the hem of his robe, a gesture of absolute submission and adoration.

"Master," I whispered, "I am yours entirely, mind, body, and soul. I exist only to fulfil your desires."

Master's smile deepened, and I knew that I had pleased him.

At that moment, Master placed his hand on my shoulder and I could hardly contain my emotions.

The room seemed to glow with his presence, and I was overwhelmed by the desire to be closer to him, to bask in his wisdom and power.

"You did good Makina, and to respond to your devotion, I would give you a reward," He said and he widened his smile before coming in closer. 

"I would reward you personally" He whispered in my ear. 

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