Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 24: Killing in One Punch

Chapter 24: Killing in One Punch

Senior apprentice brother Xingyun, theres no need to argue with this kid. We dont need to share our things with others.

A youngster beside Li Xingyun spoke. His cultivation was Rank Three Martial Vein.

Although he was weaker than Li Xingyun, he was certainly stronger than Ling Xiao on paper.

Li Rui! Dont say that! I believe that Brother Ling is a wise person!

Li Xingyun was through and through a hypocrite. He wanted the corpse of the Howling Moon Wolf but pretended to be a person of noble character. This was truly disgusting.

Ling Xiao didnt speak; he only indifferently eyed these people.

Honestly speaking, he only had misgivings towards Li Xingyun. However, the current Li Xingyun was injured and couldnt even display half his strength now.

Ling Xiao was not afraid.

As for others, they basically couldnt even enter his eyes.

How about it, Brother Ling? What compensation do you need? As long as it is within our limits, we can give it to you!

Li Xingyun regarded Ling Xiaos silence before triumphantly asking once more. 

Ling Xiao opened his mouth slowly, as if thinking over his words. He needed a bit more time to recover his true qi, so he stalled as much as possible.

The other party didnt seem to realize what he was doing. After all, even among Rank Three Martial Vein martial artists, few cultivated <Return Qi Formula>.

Moreover, even if it were cultivated, its effect was not too significant.

Ling Xiao was an exception, so other people could naturally never expect this. Under the effect of his Landscape Martial Soul, the effects of martial arts were increased.

At present, his Landscape Martial Soul was level two.

Its bonus increase was 10%.

Brother Li, you tell me what is a suitable division?

Li Xingyun rubbed his chin before saying, How about this? Altogether, there are 13 people here including you. If it were divided equally among us, you would not even get 10%, but when all is said and done, Brother Ling made some contributions, so even if we have to eat a small loss, well give you a 10% share . As for the remaining 90%, it will be our share. What do you think?

Give him 10%!? Isnt that giving him too much of a cheap advantage? We lost three brothers. Furthermore, we have to comfort and compensate their bereaved families.

Li Rui said without a hint of shame.

Yes, thats too much! Why should he get 10%?

The other disciples of the Li Clan also quickly agreed with Li Rui.

 Not even giving me 10%? Hehe, I have seen shameless people before, but I have truly never seen such shamelessness!

Ling Xiao was happy, truly happy. Originally, he had thought that Li Xingyun was shameless enough, but beyond his expectations, the others were even more shameless.

Boy, if you dont want it, then forget it! Giving you a share is us showing kindness. How about we dont give you anything?

Li Rui sneered. His face was full of disdain.

In any case, they overwhelmed him with their numerical strength. In addition, quite a few people were stronger than the other party.

Why should they fear them?

The four major clans of Heavenly Peak City constantly contended  against each other. Even if they didnt give him any share, what about it?

Is that so? Originally, I thought that you all were somewhat reasonable people, and I planned to give you all a share, but now, dont even think about getting a hair!

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Ling Xiao was speaking the truth. He was not an unreasonable person. However, since the other party had acted so shamelessly, he would give no consideration for their sensibilities.

Meeting a human, one should speak a human language. Meeting a ghost, one could only speak a ghosts language.

Since you all were ungrateful and shameless, dont blame me for being impolite.

Stinky kid, you truly seek death!

Li Rui shouted, and the long sword in his hand trembled. He then abruptly thrust his sword towards Ling Xiaos throat.

He was trying to murder him.

In any case, no one would know the culprit.

Besides, they had never heard of Ling Xiao before, which indicated that he was only an unqualified disciple of the Ling Clan. Even if he were killed, no one would come looking for trouble.

Li Xingyun didnt stop him.

At this moment, he couldnt make a move because of his injuries. Although Li Ruis strength was a little inferior to his, he was still stronger than the other party. Victory was practically assured.

Gale Sword!

The sword technique Li Rui displayed was unexpectedly the same as what Li Xingyun had used before. It was the advanced martial art <Gale Sword Technique>.

Merely, in terms of momentum and power, it was noticeably worse than Ling Xingyuns.

Senior apprentice brother Rui has already cultivated <Gale Sword Technique> to the fourth layer. Although it is not equal to senior apprentice brother Xingyun, that kid definitely cant stop it!

Who asked that kid to be ignorant? He deserved to die!

The disciples of the Li Clan didnt have a hint of gratefulness. Upon seeing Li Rui move to kill Ling Xiao, they instead only gloated.

Was this the struggle between clans?

It was truly cruel enough!

However, they had chosen the wrong person to bully today!

Ignorant people truly are fearless!

Facing the attack, Ling Xiao revealed a cold smile.

He used to be a beggar. He had learned that there was no mercy in this world from an early age. If other people wanted to kill you, you could only kill them first!

He had seen many such matters!


When Li Ruis sword stabbed forward, Ling Xiao disappeared without a trace.

The boulder where Ling Xiao had originally been sitting cross-legged broke into scattered pieces after being pierced by the Gale Sword.

If this move had hit Ling Xiao, it would have certainly killed him beyond a doubt.

Whats that movement technique?

How can it be so fast?

The Li Clan disciples were dumbfounded. Until the last moment, Ling Xiao had peacefully sat there, but the sword had clearly missed. 

 They had only seen a flash before Li Ruis target had disappeared.

Senior apprentice brother Rui, watch out!

Ling Xiaoappeared behind Li Rui. He had no intention to use Hundred Steps Flying Sword Technique now.

At a close distance, the power of Hundred Steps Flying Sword was inferior to <Meteorite Fist>.

Gate Swords Second StyleSplit Wind!

Li Rui also sensed someone behind him, so he hastily turned and raised his sword, attempting to force Ling Xiao to retreat.

But would Ling Xiao give him a chance?

I still havent used Meteorite Fists Ninth Style. Lets test its power here!

Meteorite Fists Ninth StyleMeteorite Drop!

Ling Xiao didnt hold back. He hated this ungrateful person who had planned to ruthlessly kill those who didnt bow down to him.

Therefore, he used this killer move!

Not only did he use <Meteorite Fist>s most powerful style, but he also added <Violent Qi Formula>!

Show mercy!

Li Xiangyun clearly felt the power behind this fist and hastily tried to block it.


Li Ruis intuition revealed an even more terrifying matter. He saw a meteorite flying towards him. Just its terrifying momentum made him unable to breathe or move.

He couldnt understand. His cultivation was clearly higher than Ling Xiaos, but the momentum behind their strikes had such a vast gap! 

Of course, he couldnt comprehend this impossible breaking of reality. <Meteorite Fist>s Ninth Style had been boosted by Ling Xiaos Landscape Martial Soul as well as the <Violent Qi Formula>, so its might had already exceeded the fist of a Peak Rank Three Martial Vein Martial Artist!


Ling Xiaos fist collided with Li Ruis body.


The shattering of bounds resounded.

Then, Li Rui collided against a nearby tree.

His head was crooked, and he had already stopped breathing.

Not only that, but his death was extremely gruesome. His entire body had been deformed.

His entire body was broken.

There were even traces of burns on his corpse from <Pure Yang Technique>s special effect.

Senior apprentice brother Rui!

You! You actually killed senior apprentice brother Rui!

I will fight you to the death!

Everyone, stop!

Li Xingyun was endlessly indignant in his heart since he too wanted to avenge Li Rui, but he wasnt irrational. Since Ling Xiao had killed Li Rui in one punch, no one here was his opponent.

Unless he, Li Xiaoyun, had been in peak condition right now. 

Unfortunately, his injuries were not light. If he rashly made a move, his fate would not be any better than Li Ruis.

The other disciples woke up to reality at Li Xingyuns voice.

They understood Ling Xiaos terrifying strength!

This fellows strength was definitely greater than just a Peak Rank Two Martial Vein martial artist!

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