Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 - Emerald Green Light

"I don't have any killing skills!" The little girl categorically denied, and sneered, "You go out and ask around, but I grew up in the Bai family in Kunwu City, clean and honest roots, dignified and quiet people, and its strange if someone believes your words.

Lu Chen was silent for a moment and said, "You are more powerful than I thought." After a pause, he said, "The Bai family?"

"Bai Lian." The young girl gave him a look and asked rhetorically, "And you?"

"Lu Chen."

Bai Lian, who at a young age had a face of great beauty, looked at Lu Chen with a pair of bright eyes, and then looked around the room and said, "You are still a miscellaneous disciple?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I'm not talented enough to make you laugh."

"Humph!" Bai Lian seems to be a little younger after all, hearing this compliment there is a smug look on her face, but soon her face suddenly sunk, she spat, and said: "Bah! Your poor talent can still catch me, this is a roundabout way to scold me!"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, and did not say anything.

Bai Lian rolled her eyes, and suddenly looked at him with great interest, and said: "Then again, a miscellaneous disciple, and how can you have these messy skills, what is your origin?"

Lu Chen said, "I used to be a pig butcher, saw blood, fought, and then felt that butchering pigs was meaningless, so I wanted to become an immortal and attain Taoism, so I came to the Kunlun School after a lot of trouble."

"Pig butcher..." The smile on Bai Lian's face froze for a moment.

While Lu Chen was talking, although he looked relaxed on the surface, his thoughts kept turning sharply. Right now, this young girl Bai Lian is obviously a big trouble. A little careless handling may bring endless troubles.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thinking of the entanglement, even the usually calm one couldn't help complaining a few words in his heart, thinking that these days, even ten-year-old girls are so scary, what will happen when they grow up!

At that moment, suddenly the two people in the house at the same time heard a rustling sound from the door side of the room. Bai Lian's eyes lit up, but Lu Chen had a calm face when he stood up, and then walked to the door and opened the door.

A black shadow scurried in with a whoosh, it was the black dog Ah Tu.

As soon as he came in, he rubbed himself next to Lu Chen very affectionately, wagging his tail desperately, with a flattering look.

Lu Chen closed the door, smiled and scolded, said: "Do not pretend to be stupid, just now you left me to run away alone, I still remember it."

Ah Tu suddenly let out a low whimpering sound, looked a little sad, but at this time, suddenly from the end of the bed came a cold laugh, and it was Bai Lian who lay there and sneered: "Who is pretending, I clearly remember that just now you first told the black dog to run away, but now blame the dog? Can you speak with a little conscience, Uncle!"

"Uncle..." Lu Chen's face darkened for a moment, but before he could refute, Ah Tu turned his head and was a little surprised to see the girl lying on the bed, and suddenly let out a roar, the hair on his neck stood stood up, bared his teeth, and with sharp fangs, he barked viciously at Bai Lian, as if he was about to rush up and bite her twice if she disagreed.

Ah Tu's dog eye glared, and sure enough, he saw Bai Lian lying on the bed with her hands and feet tied up, he immediately became energetic, and rushed over to Bai Lian like a wolf, opening his mouth wide giggling and biting in mid-air, intimidating like a demonstration to her.

Bai Lian's face was white with anger, and she blocked a few times with her hands, then said angrily: "Stupid dog, you're really as heartless as your master, have you forgotten that I gave you your favorite thing?"

Ah Tu whimpered twice, the fierce state remains. It seems that he suddenly could not understand human language, but when he bared his teeth, the dog sneaked a glance at Lu Chen from the corner of his eye.

Lu Chen walked over, frowning slightly, and said: "By the way, this is also a thing I want to ask you, How do you know something like 'blood food'?"

Bai Lian's face changed abruptly, but then hummed, but turned her head away, a "I don't understand what you are saying, and I am too lazy to say more" look.

Lu Chen's face darkened, and he said lightly: "Blood food is a secret method passed down from generation to generation among the southern barbarians. Only major shamans and priests in the past could practice this method. It has never been handed down here in Middle-earth. You know, Once I report this matter, let alone becoming a disciple of the True Monarch, you might be burned to death as a monster right in front of Kunlun Mountain."

Bai Lian's face changed several times in a row, she turned her head to look at Lu Chen, her gaze also turned cold, and she said, "You are a pig butcher, you know so much? You don't need me to tell you how many secrets you have secretly, right? A miscellaneous slave disciple is ruthless, powerful, and knows so many secrets, if you ask me, you might still be a spy of the Three Realms Devil Sect. If you really want to tear your skin apart, do you believe that you will survive?"

Lu Chen slightly bowed his head, and after a moment, shook his head and slowly said, "I am not a spy of the Demon Sect."

"Who will believe it?"

Bai Lian sneered, staring at Lu Chen with eyes as cold as a snake.

There was a brief silence in the room, no one spoke again for a while. Only the eyes of both sides were still staring at each other with dead eyes, and no one was willing to back off slightly.

The atmosphere got a little tense.

Ah Tu was still baring his teeth ferociously at the side, but when the fangs were exposed for a long time and almost drooled on the bed, Ah Tu suddenly found that the other two people didn't intend to look at it... The two people stared at each other with fiercest eyes threatening each other, it seemed to Ah Tu that the two humans seemed to be angrily staring at whose eyes were bigger and not blinking for a longer time.

Ah Tu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It closed its mouth in embarrassment, swallowed, and then looked at the two people who were staring at each other, and decided to help its master.

"Wow, woof, woof!"

The black dog, Ah Tu, suddenly growled, then leapt up and opened his mouth wide and bit down on Bai Lian's face.

Lu Chen and Bai Lian, who were confronting each other and trying to overwhelm each other, were startled at the same time. Bai Lian screamed and subconsciously tilted to the side, but Ah Tu was so close to her, there was no way she could avoid it in such a hurry. In desperation, Bai Lian's face suddenly darkened, and her bound wrists suddenly leaned against her chest, as if to grasp something.

At the side, Lu Chen's heart moved, and quickly shouted: "Ah Tu, do not do anything!"

A proud girl like Bai Lian, no matter how she is in private, but on the surface she is the daughter of a wealthy family in Kunwu City, and she is destined to become the disciple of Zhenjun Baichen. There is no life-saving means to press the bottom of the box, that is the strange thing.

It's just that Ah Tu's body paused for a moment amidst the lightning and flint, and suddenly he saw an emerald green light, which suddenly radiated from Bai Lian's chest and fell on Ah Tu which was rushing towards him.

Ah Tu's body suddenly froze in mid-air, he couldn't get up or down, and just stopped in the air a few feet above the ground.

The inexplicable black dog was a little puzzled and a little scared. He lost his fierce look, looked around, and then barked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's face changed when the green light shot out, but then he felt that the power in it was not violent, and there was no killing intent, so his expression relaxed a little. Shaking his head at this moment, he didn't care about Ah Tu, but turned to Bai Lian and said, "I don't care what you think, anyway, I didn't take the initiative to trouble you from the beginning. Since everyone has some dark secrets, I think we should just shake hands and make peace, what do you think?"

Bai Lian's bright eyes stared at Lu Chen, seemingly wanting to see through the heart of the man in front of her. After a moment, she suddenly sneered and said, "Don't just talk nice, let go of me first."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "This is natural, but with your life-preserving tactics, this rope should not be able to trap you."

Bai Lian smiled, and said, "You uncle, you can't tell, you're almost mature." As she spoke, a green light flashed in front of her, and Ah Tu was thrown out, and fell on the ground with a puff. On the ground beside the bed, the green light sank slightly and flashed over her hands and feet, and the ropes snapped.

Bai Lian rubbed her wrists and sat up, then looked at Lu Chen with a half-smile, and said, "Then let's have a good chat now?"

Lu Chen glanced at the green light that was still flickering in front of her chest and nodded, saying, "Yes, but you can put this away first."

Bai Lian snorted and said, "If I put it away, who knows if you will suddenly see the money and come back to harm me."

Lu Chen said, "If I wanted to harm you, I would've already done so countless times when you were not awake just now."

Bai Lian's cheeks were slightly red, she gave him a look, and said: "You're too old to fight with a little girl like me and use dirty tricks to plot against people, how shameless you are!"

Lu Chen closed his eyes, shook his head as if he had not heard her words, sighed and said, "Quickly put it away."

Bai Lian took a deep breath, pulled her wrist back, the green light flashed and slowly converged back to her palm.

Lu Chen looked at the green light with some curiosity and said, "I've never heard of such a treasure before, it seems to be full of wood spirit energy, but what kind of natural treasure is the wood type?"

Bai Lian did not pay attention to him, probably did not want to reveal the secret, only to see the green light in her hand stammering uncertainty, this and that, wavering constantly.

Lu Chen waited for a while, but saw that the green light didn't seem to be put away too much, and couldn't help but said: "Hey, do you still want to talk about it? Why is this taking too long to take this thing away..."

Before the words fell, he only heard Bai Lian's cry of alarm, her face turned pale instantly, and she lost her voice: "No, I, why can't I control it..."

Lu Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his head suddenly, only to see that green light suddenly exploded in Bai Lian's palm, the light was so bright that he could even faintly hear a terrifying whistling sound, like a gust of wind passing by, whining, and a moment later, The green light rushed up suddenly, piercing Lu Chen's heart like a sharp sword.

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