Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 129: The Weak Exploiting the Weak

Chapter 129: The Weak Exploiting the Weak

This morning, Lu Chen set out with Ah Tu. As usual, because the Liuxiang Garden prohibited any birds or beasts from entering to ensure the safety of the precious spiritual herbs, Ah Tu had never accompanied Lu Chen there and would typically part ways with him right at the entrance.

Lu Chen would go about his work in the garden, while Ah Tu would spend the day roaming freely, finding its own food and water, and return only when it got dark.

This free-range approach was convenient for Lu Chen, but Yi Xin often nagged him, worried that Ah Tu might encounter some mishap while wandering alone. However, Lu Chen paid no attention to her concerns and ignored them, while Ah Tu seemed to enjoy its days of free play, having a great time. Eventually, Yi Xin had to accept the situation, only occasionally bringing extra meat bones for Ah Tu when she visited.

At the door of his house, Ah Tu turned back to bark at Lu Chen as if to say goodbye, then disappeared in a flash, heading off to its daily adventure. Recently, Ah Tu had developed a particular fondness for roaming around, though no one knew where it went. Lu Chen didn’t bother with it and headed towards Liuxiang Garden.

Entering the garden and arriving at the spiritual fields, Lu Chen began his work amidst the fragrant breeze.

However, this day didn’t feel lonely. After only a short while of work, Yi Xin appeared by his spiritual field with a smile, waving and calling out, “Good morning, Lu Ge!”

Lu Chen dusted off his hands and sat by the field’s edge, smiling at Yi Xin. “I see you’re quite leisurely these days, always wandering around.”

Yi Xin shot him a playful glare. “Not at all!”

Lu Chen replied, “I remember you’re stationed at Shipan Mountain, but lately, I keep seeing you around Liuxiang Garden. Aren’t you slacking off?”

Yi Xin chuckled with a hint of pride. “You don’t understand. Elder Sister Yan Luo was recently assigned to manage Liuxiang Garden and brought me along.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” Lu Chen nodded, smiling. “It seems Elder Sister Yan really likes you.”

“Of course! Who wouldn’t like me…” Yi Xin stuck out her tongue playfully, but suddenly her expression froze. The joke she was about to make caught in her throat as her eyes widened in shock at something behind Lu Chen. Her gaze was fixed in surprise, unable to continue speaking.

Lu Chen, somewhat puzzled, turned around and his brows furrowed slightly. He saw He Changsheng walking a few paces away, his steps slow but his eyes glaring with intense hostility towards Lu Chen.

Perhaps he hadn’t slept well last night, He Changsheng’s eyes were bloodshot, filled with hatred as if he saw an enemy from whom he had suffered a grave injury. His expression was one of bitter resentment, almost as if he was seeing an archenemy. Yi Xin couldn’t help but feel a chill from the look He Changsheng gave Lu Chen.

Lu Chen expressionlessly stood up, stepping in front of Yi Xin to shield her from He Changsheng’s gaze. He stared coldly at He Changsheng, showing no sign of retreat.

He Changsheng’s anger seemed to intensify under Lu Chen’s unwavering gaze. His chest heaved rapidly, his face contorted with indescribable rage, as though he couldn’t believe Lu Chen dared to meet his eyes without any sign of guilt or shame.

Yet Lu Chen remained calm and steady, his silence carrying a hint of coldness.

After a while, He Changsheng turned and strode away.

“Lu Ge, why is this person like this?” Yi Xin asked, peeking from behind Lu Chen and looking shaken by He Changsheng’s departure.

Lu Chen shook his head. “He probably hates me.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yi Xin was taken aback. “Is it because of the incident with the stone garlic that day?”


“But it’s not your fault!” Yi Xin exclaimed, her face paling with anger. “The stone garlic belonged to Su Mo, and it was Su’s people who humiliated him. He chose to confront them himself. Even if you consider Lin Kuangyi’s pressure, Su Qingjun only asked for proof, which he couldn’t provide! Why does he blame you alone?”

“Yes, why does he hate me so much?” Lu Chen mused aloud. After a moment, he looked at Yi Xin, who was visibly agitated, and felt a pang of warmth in his heart.

“Alright, calm down,” Lu Chen said with a smile, gently pulling her arm. “I’m not even this worked up. Why are you so angry?”

“It’s just, it doesn’t make sense. I feel unfairly treated on your behalf,” Yi Xin complained, pouting.

Lu Chen looked up at the sky, where a few white clouds drifted lazily across the blue expanse. After a moment, he said to Yi Xin, “Actually, I’ve told you the reason before.”

“What is it?” Yi Xin asked, puzzled.

“Because I’m weak,” Lu Chen said quietly.

**Chapter 129: The Weak Exploiting the Weak**

In the morning, Lu Chen set out with Ah Tu as usual. Since Liuxiang Garden had a strict policy against allowing any animals inside to protect the precious spiritual herbs, Ah Tu had never accompanied Lu Chen there and would usually part ways with him at the entrance.

Lu Chen would work in the garden, while Ah Tu would spend the day wandering freely, finding its own food and water, and return only when it was dark.

This free-range approach was convenient for Lu Chen, but Yi Xin frequently nagged him, worried about potential dangers Ah Tu might face alone. However, Lu Chen ignored her concerns, and Ah Tu seemed to enjoy its free time immensely. Eventually, Yi Xin had to accept this reality, occasionally bringing extra meat bones for Ah Tu when she visited.

At the house entrance, Ah Tu turned back to bark at Lu Chen as if to say goodbye, then dashed off, disappearing into the distance for its daily adventure. Recently, Ah Tu had developed a particular fondness for roaming around, but no one knew where it went. Lu Chen didn’t bother with it and walked towards Liuxiang Garden.

Entering the garden and arriving at the spiritual fields, Lu Chen began his work amidst the fragrant breeze.

However, the day didn’t feel lonely. After a short while of work, Yi Xin appeared by his spiritual field with a smile, waving and calling out, “Good morning, Lu Ge!”

Lu Chen dusted off his hands and sat by the field’s edge, smiling at Yi Xin. “I see you’re quite leisurely these days, always wandering around.”

Yi Xin shot him a playful glare. “Not at all!”

Lu Chen replied, “I remember you’re stationed at Shipan Mountain, but lately, I keep seeing you around Liuxiang Garden. Aren’t you slacking off?”

Yi Xin chuckled with a hint of pride. “You don’t understand. Elder Sister Yan Luo was recently assigned to manage Liuxiang Garden and brought me along.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” Lu Chen nodded, smiling. “It seems Elder Sister Yan really likes you.”

“Of course! Who wouldn’t like me…” Yi Xin stuck out her tongue playfully, but suddenly her expression froze. The joke she was about to make caught in her throat as her eyes widened in shock at something behind Lu Chen. Her gaze was fixed in surprise, unable to continue speaking.

Lu Chen, somewhat puzzled, turned around and his brows furrowed slightly. He saw He Changsheng walking a few paces away, his steps slow but his eyes glaring with intense hostility towards Lu Chen.

Perhaps he hadn’t slept well last night, He Changsheng’s eyes were bloodshot, filled with hatred as if he saw an enemy from whom he had suffered a grave injury. His expression was one of bitter resentment, almost as if he was seeing an archenemy. Yi Xin couldn’t help but feel a chill from the look He Changsheng gave Lu Chen.

Lu Chen expressionlessly stood up, stepping in front of Yi Xin to shield her from He Changsheng’s gaze. He stared coldly at He Changsheng, showing no sign of retreat.

He Changsheng’s anger seemed to intensify under Lu Chen’s unwavering gaze. His chest heaved rapidly, his face contorted with indescribable rage, as though he couldn’t believe Lu Chen dared to meet his eyes without any sign of guilt or shame.

Yet Lu Chen remained calm and steady, his silence carrying a hint of coldness.

After a while, He Changsheng turned and strode away.

“Lu Ge, why is this person like this?” Yi Xin asked, peeking from behind Lu Chen and looking shaken by He Changsheng’s departure.

Lu Chen shook his head. “He probably hates me.”

Yi Xin was taken aback. “Is it because of the incident with the stone garlic that day?”


“But it’s not your fault!” Yi Xin exclaimed, her face paling with anger. “The stone garlic belonged to Su Mo, and it was Su’s people who humiliated him. He chose to confront them himself. Even if you consider Lin Kuangyi’s pressure, Su Qingjun only asked for proof, which he couldn’t provide! Why does he blame you alone?”

“Yes, why does he hate me so much?” Lu Chen mused aloud. After a moment, he looked at Yi Xin, who was visibly agitated, and felt a pang of warmth in his heart.

“Alright, calm down,” Lu Chen said with a smile, gently pulling her arm. “I’m not even this worked up. Why are you so angry?”

“It’s just, it doesn’t make sense. I feel unfairly treated on your behalf,” Yi Xin complained, pouting.

Lu Chen looked up at the sky, where a few white clouds drifted lazily across the blue expanse. After a moment, he said to Yi Xin, “Actually, I’ve told you the reason before.”

“What is it?” Yi Xin asked, puzzled.

“Because I’m weak,” Lu Chen said quietly.

“Su Qingjun is a rare talent, far beyond ordinary people, something he could never hope to compare with. Su Mo, Su Qian, and Su Wen, the three brothers, come from the powerful Su family, and with Su Qingjun recently advancing to the Golden Core stage, their influence is unmatched. For He Changsheng to provoke them is like seeking death. Similarly, the people from Lin Kuangyi’s side, though not as formidable as the Su family, could easily crush someone like him, a mere servant disciple.”

Lu Chen looked at Yi Xin calmly and said, “He Changsheng’s ancestors were also from a prominent family in Kunwu City, so he should be familiar with these matters. Even if he hates them, he wouldn’t dare provoke them.”

Yi Xin bit her lip and looked at Lu Chen, “So, so he…”

“So, looking around, it’s clear that I’m the weakest. We’re all servant disciples, and I have no family background. Venting his anger on me is the safest and cheapest option for him,” Lu Chen said with a smile. “Everyone sees him acting so crazily now, but he actually knows full well in his heart.”

“Shameless!” Yi Xin spat, her face flushed with anger. “If he had any guts, he should go after the real culprits. That day, I clearly saw that it was he who deliberately pulled you in to testify. When you told the truth and couldn’t help him, he held a grudge against you? If he truly dared to confront the Su family, I’d respect him more. What a coward!”

Lu Chen sat quietly for a moment before saying, “Actually, I didn’t expect him to be this kind of person. Nowadays, the weak are too timid to threaten the strong, so they only dare to pile their resentment onto other weak individuals, thinking this will relieve their frustration and make them seem stronger.”

“Isn’t it laughable?”

“Really disgusting,” Yi Xin frowned, showing her distaste. Then she sighed and said, “Lu Ge, ever since I met you, I keep hearing about these… unpleasant things from you. The more I hear, the more it feels like the world is so dark, with no light left.”

Lu Chen chuckled and couldn’t help but pat Yi Xin’s head, saying with a smile, “It’s just that you haven’t seen these things before. I’m just trying to broaden your horizons, but you seem unwilling.”

Yi Xin covered her forehead and gave Lu Chen’s arm a playful slap, complaining, “Stop patting my head. It’s going to get silly. Well… it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that hearing it makes me uncomfortable.”

Lu Chen looked at her deeply, making Yi Xin feel a bit uneasy. “Lu Ge, why are you looking at me like that?”

Lu Chen pondered for a moment and said, “Actually, even though there are many bad things in this world, I used to think the world was entirely… the way you describe as ‘dark.’ But after all these years, I don’t think it’s like that anymore. There are still some very good things in the world.”

Yi Xin’s eyes brightened. “Like what?”

Lu Chen looked at her and smiled. “For example, you. When you smile, you’re very beautiful, like the sun shining on you.”

Yi Xin was momentarily stunned. After a moment, her cheeks flushed red, and she jumped up, stammering, “W-what are you saying…”

Lu Chen laughed, “Is it wrong to say you’re beautiful?”

“Ah… oh!” Yi Xin mumbled something incoherent, stamped her foot, and shot Lu Chen a look of mixed joy and annoyance before turning and running away.


Lu Chen shook his head with a smile and returned to his spiritual field, preparing to continue working. Just as he was about to bend down, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps. Looking up, he saw Yi Xin running back, her face red.

Lu Chen laughed, “What’s the matter? Even if you’re happy to hear it, I won’t repeat those words.”

“Go away, go away!” Yi Xin’s face turned even redder as she scolded. “Who wants to hear it again? I forgot to tell you something.”

Lu Chen smiled. “What’s up? Tell me.”

Yi Xin seemed a bit shy, avoiding Lu Chen’s gaze and glancing sideways. “I went back to Kunwu City yesterday and brought some nice tea leaves. Do you want some?”

“Yes,” Lu Chen replied straightforwardly.

“Okay,” Yi Xin said, appearing a bit pleased and chuckling. Then she seemed to remember something. “Oh, and there’s another thing. Just before I was about to leave the city yesterday, a fat man suddenly stopped me and asked me to tell you that the ‘Blue Butterfly Dew’ you ordered has arrived, and you should go down the mountain to collect it when you have time.”

Lu Chen’s expression suddenly turned cold.

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